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alternative Medizin
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Elektromedizin - Zapper Violet Ray, Rife, Doug, EMEM, Clark..
Elektromedizin: welche Geräte gibt es. Welches System kann was?
•  Zapper
•  Zapper diverse: Violet-Ray, EMEM, Beck, F-Scan (englisch)
•  Clark-Zapper, EMEM, Rife-Bare, Beck, Doug, Katze mit Tumor (engl.)
•  Zapper Wade 2127, Rifes Entdeckung BX/Bestätigung Naessens (engl.)
•  Zapper 727 und 2128
•  Zapper III
•  Zapper Wayne, Diagnose
•  Zapper Doug
•  Zapper Weeks-Parker
•  Zapper EMEM2, EMEM3
•  Zapper Veja
•  Zapper Beck Zapper Beck1
•  Zapper CES Beck Brain Tuner
•  Zapper Clark
•  Zapper Emor
•  Pulser Beck
•  Pulser Superthumpy
•  Pulser Haining
•  meine Medizingeräte
Frequenzen finden
•  Frequenzen finden Doug
•  Frequenzen finden Michael Prescott
•  Frequenz-Liste CAFL 2007 englisch
•  Frequenz-Liste AFCAFL 2016 englisch
•  Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2016 englisch
•  Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2020 englisch
•  Frequenz-Liste ETDFL 2020 deutsch
•  Entgiftungssymptome bei Rife/Bare-Gerät
siehe auch: Elektromedizin

Zappers and other Gizmos 1-2002

This is an attempt to describe some of the bio-electronic equipment available and to suggest reasons why more than one type may be useful. These are not necessarily presented in order of invention. I have either built, used, owned, or taken apart nearly all of these devices.

The violet ray device. This is a small Tesla coil that feeds variously shaped plasma tubes. Good results have been reported. Currently some are building these with variable frequency capability. Construction details are at I have built one of these using the 555 circuit and transistor from an EMEM2.

The Rife beam-ray device. Rife fed various frequencies into the electrodes of gas filled glass phanotron tubes to form an ionized plasma. This was very effective against the carcinoma and sarcoma viruses and other pathogens. It also stimulated various tissues to repair themselves - dissolve cataracts, and so on. It is reported that he fed 500 watts of power into the tube, which was placed within a few inches of the person being treated. This was a bit more aggressive than the current practice of using a 100 or so watt unit several feet from the patient. Rife's frequencies ranged from 160,000 to 12,830,000 Hz and many of these were in the same range as those researched by Dr. Hulda Clark.

Contact Pad Devices. It is not certain who began using audio frequencies and applied them to the skin via contact electrodes. Such pad devices are often called Rife machines, but Rife-Crane or just Crane may be more accurate. A lot has been said about the effectiveness of such devices, much of it negative. On the other hand, I have seen these units destroy diseases like herpes quickly, and take care of mononucleosis in one treatment so that a very sick child was fine the next morning and ready for school. Many have reported "spontaneous remissions" of cancers. Not bad by any standard. I am sure that many more stories could be told. The BK-4011 or 4040 can easily be converted to a Crane type of device. Unfortunately some companies are advertising contact pad devices as "Original Rife Machines"

Dan's Enhancer. Wanting to observe auras, Dan (not the same Dan who built the first EMEM devices) took a 12000 volt neon sign transformer, two sheets of glass, one sheet of aluminum foil, a small sheet of copper, and a neon bulb and built the Enhancer. The unit was found to have biological effects by accident. Hundreds of these units have been built, and numerous "spontaneous remissions" of many conditions, including cancer, have been reported. Run times used by those who have recovered from cancer tend to be in the range of four hours per day. One theory is that the Enhancer puts out a huge variety of frequencies, and that the person using it is getting small doses of the ones that they need. It takes a long time so soak up enough of the desired frequencies. It is also said that the device increases the voltage across cell membranes, also very desirable. One advantage of this unit is that it may be effective against conditions where frequencies are not yet known. The Enhancer cost me about $200 to build, and the test run was a very interesting experience.

The "Doug" unit. "Doug" had heard that Rife had killed pathogens using various frequencies. So "Doug" fed frequencies into a small coil under his microscope stage and discovered Lyme disease frequencies. He then fed these into a 2000W audio amplifier, and ran the output of that into a large capacitor and coil combination. Using this setup, he cured himself. Several others used the device for successful breast cancer cures. They reported that they could feel something happening in the tumors at 2128Hz. Construction information is available at

The EMEM unit. As the 2000 watt amplifiers that "Doug" used are no longer built, Dan Tracy built a device using a smaller coil with a ferrite core and smaller amplifier. Results have been good. One Seattle researcher reports that breast cancers often feel hot when exposed to the device. Some tumors have disappeared in as little as two weeks.

The "Ray" device. The Crane type units generally have an output control that controls the output voltage, and thus the current. "Ray" developed a device that puts out 200 volts at constant current of about 1 milliamp. Low currents are used, so that there is less sensation than when other pad-type devices are used. A woman with breast cancer borrowed the unit and placed one electrode on each side of her affected breast. In only one week of treatments, the tumor shrunk to the point where the mastectomy was cancelled. This device was later successfully with a case of prostate cancer. One man who has used the Ray device reports 7 consecutive cancer recoveries and recoveries from everything else it has been used on except for a case of diabetes. The Ray device is solid state but there are plans for a vacuum tube version of this device at The vacuum tube version has also successfully been used for cancer.

The Beck zapper/plant stimulator/blood cleaner. At one point, Dr. Bob Beck (who invented the camera strobe) weighed 285 pounds, was confined to a wheelchair, had very high blood pressure, had very high blood sugar, and had lost most of his hair. He had previously written articles on Rife-Crane type equipment. In 1991 he heard about Dr. Stephen Kaali and others at Albert Einstein College and their announced and patented cure for AIDS. They had found that a mere 50-100uA of electricity at 60 Hz would rid the blood of AIDS. According to the patents, it will also rid the blood of any other pathogens present. Beck decided that it was not necessary to remove the blood from the body as per the patents. He would just apply 4 Hz (AC is used to prevent electrolysis) to a small electrode on each of two pulse points and clean the blood in the body. He chose the pulse points on the inside of the ankle just below and behind the ankle bone. (We currently use the radial and ulnar arteries on the same wrist.) To test for negative effects, he went around for four hours a day for a month with one electrode on each ankle. He also used his magnetic pulser (see below) on himself. After a month, he began to effortlessly lose weight. His blood pressure and blood sugar normalized. His hair grew back. When I visited with him in March of 1996, he weighed 180 pounds and was not using a wheelchair. This unit will clear up many (possibly all) infections in the blood, and no frequency needs to be known. I have seen hepatitis C clear up using this device a number of times.

The Beck magnetic pulse generator . The Beck blood cleaner only cleans what is in the blood that flows past the electrodes. It does not get at the lymph (which may have little or no circulation) or pathogens that may hang out there. So Beck put a 2.5mH coil in series with the flash tube of a camera flash. When the test button is pushed, a powerful magnetic pulse is produced. This produces a small current in any nearby tissue, dealing with pathogens resident there. It is not only a lymph cleanser; it does very well on localized infections such as sties or pockets beneath teeth. No frequency need be known. It also loosens up tight muscles so that chiropractic adjustments are much easier. The Vivitar 1900 flash has been used as the basis of thousands of these devices. The coils come from MCM Electronics. Another variety that I call the super thumpy, uses the same coil, and the small party strobe from Radio Shack. Construction notes are at And at are plans for a much more powerful version designed by Bob Haining. Haining's version uses even higher voltages than the super thumpy and construction should not be attempted by those not familiar with safety procedures. Sota makes a good version.

The Clark zapper. Dr. Hulda Clark used a frequency generator to deal with various pathogens. At one point, she asked her son Geoffrey to build her a small battery operated frequency generator. The device he built produced a pulsed DC - only the positive half of the full wave. Dr. Clark found that it would kill various pathogens even when it was not set to their frequency. Thus was born the "zapper". These small homemade units can destroy many different parasites, bacteria, and viruses using just the one frequency of 30,000-40,000 Hz at 3-5 volts. A real time-saver. Many of us have had good results with these units. The output wave does not remain square when the contacts are applied to the skin. Dr. Gary Gear was able to keep the wave square by reducing the output to under 2 volts.

The Super Zap. There have been three areas where the Clark zapper has been criticized. The first area has been the low output. The second has been the 30,000 Hz frequency. At that frequency, there is some skin effect, so that current tends to travel along the skin and around the outside of internal organs. Also, the zapper output is not a square wave when the unit is attached to the skin. The corners of the wave become very round. To deal with all of these issues, the Super Zap was developed. The output voltage has been increased and lower frequencies such as 727 Hz or 2128 Hz have been used. Other frequencies could be selected if some health problem (like Lyme disease) was the primary concern. A tantalum capacitor is used in parallel with the output resistor to keep the wave square. (Thanks to Dr. Bill Biagioli for this.) Pulse length has been increased to 75%. Like the Clark zapper, the Super Zap is most effective at its selected frequency, but it will also kill a very large variety of other pathogens at the same time. No frequencies need to be discovered to use it. At zapper727.htm are construction details for these zappers. Bruce Stenulson makes quality variable frequency zappers.

The Rife-Bare Device. This is a re-discovery, to a considerable degree, of Rife "beam ray" technology. It uses a frequency generator, CB radio, linear amplifier, antenna tuner, and plasma tube. It is the favorite treatment device of many. We greatly appreciate the fact that Dr. Bare has been willing to share his discoveries with the world. So much these days is "proprietary".

The Wade device. Gary Wade has experimented with applying audio frequencies to the body with a vibrating piezo-electric plate. Some good successes have been reported.

The BioTec 2000. This is a Rife/Bare type of device that uses a 86,000 Hz carrier and two small glass tubes that are held in the hands or are placed on the body. I am hearing good reports about these units.

The Photon Sound Beam appears to be somewhat similar to the BioTec 2000 except that it does not produce a full range of frequencies. The Photon Sound Beam promoters claim that these frequencies are not necessary. I do not have much experience with this one. One I tested only produced 727 Hz.

The EMEM2. Dan, who designed the original coil-type EMEM, tried feeding the output of an audio amplifier into an automotive ignition coil, through a spark plug, and then into one end of a plasma tube similar to those used in the Bare devices. The other end of the plasma tube is connected to a ground, and to a plate for contact with the feet. It is a contact device - the tube (or a small metal plate attached to it) must be touched for best results. Dan reports that it is more effective against Lyme and other conditions than was his EMEM coil device. In the latest version, a single transistor replaced the audio amplifier. There are reported cases of cancer recovery using this device. One Seattle researcher reports that the EMEM2 using plates for both feet is more effective for prostatitis than other devices including the EMEM3. Construction information is available at Bruce Stenulson produces a quality version of this device with some refinements such as variable output and adjustable spark gap or no gap as some prefer.

The EMEM3. This is similar to the EMEM2 but uses a high pressure helium phanotron tube. It is more convenient than the EMEM2 in that no contact is made with the device during use. The current version is called the EMEM3D and uses two ignition coils for added power. One Seattle man built a "quad" with four coils, and even an eight coil version. That is the most powerful radiant device that I have personally seen. Users of EMEM3 and EMEM3D have reported numerous spontaneous remissions of cancers. One patient with advanced prostate and bone cancer used an EMEM3 using only 727 Hz. After several months his doctor phoned me to say that the unit appeared to be doing some good. After a few more months (one year total) the doctor called to say that the patient is now cancer free. A radionics saliva test showed high levels of BX, however so the single frequency was not adequate for that. The EMEM3 also works well without the spark gap.

The Weeks Parker device. Dr. Rife reported the frequency of 11,780,000 Hz as the frequency that kills the carcinoma/BX virus. Weeks Parker developed an inexpensive 5-watt unit to produce that frequency. No audio is used. His device has been used to drive the linear amplifier on a Bare unit. One person with prostate cancer used this device and I was later able to have a radionics saliva test done. BX virus levels had dropped to zero. Construction information is at

I have also experimented with a B&K-4040 at 11,780,000Hz for BX and 11,430,000 for BY with good results. Treatment times have to be fairly long.

There is also a person using the Icom IC-718 ham radio transmitter on 11,430,000 and 11,780,000 with very good results. Run times have to be very short, on the order of 30 seconds due to die-off problems. Two antennas are used instead of a plasma tube. These frequencies can also easily be modulated with audio if desired. A plasma tube could be used if desired.

The Bioray. The Bioray (also called the BeamRay) is a computer that produces audio frequencies, an audio amplifier, and a plasma tube. There have been some good reports from users. One user reported that she liked hers almost as well as her EMEM3D, so it must be good!

The F-Scan. This is a major breakthrough. The F-Scan "pings" the body with frequencies from 1-2,999,999 Hz and detects resonances.

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