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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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"Cancer-Tutor: das Beck-Protokoll könnte die wirksamste
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Sie werden nach 5 Jahren immer noch leben.. Sie können es selbst machen
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"Wer heilt, hat recht"
Literatur, Patente | |
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Smith, O'Neill: "Electrosleep in the management of alcoholism" Biol Psychiatry 10,6 675-680 12.1975 | |
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Moore, Mellor, Standage, Strong: "A double blind study of electrosleep for anxiety and insomnia" Biol Psychiatry 10,1 59-63 2.1975 | |
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Cartwright, Weiss: "The effects of electrosleep on insomnia revisited" J Nerv Ment Dis 161,2 134-137 8.1975 24 Behandlungen scheinen Schlaflosigkeit zu bessern.. | |
Levitt, James, Flavell: "A clinical trial of electrosleep therapy with a psychiatric inpatient sample" Aust N Z J Psychiatry 9,4 287-290 12.1975 | |
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Patterson: "Effects of neuro-electric therapy (N.E.T.) in drug addiction: interim report" Bull Narc 28,4 55-62 1976 | |
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Berger, Spadaro, Chapin, Becker: "Electrically generated silver ions: quantitative effects on bacterial and mammalian cells" Antimicrob Agents Chemother 9,2 357-358 2.1976 | |
Berger, Spadaro, Bierman, Chapin, Becker: "Antifungal properties of electrically generated metallic ions" Antimicrob Agents Chemother 10,5 856-860 11.1976 | |
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Schauble, Habal, Gullick: "Inhibition of experimental tumor growth in hamsters by small direct currents" Arch Pathol Lab Med 101,6 294-297 6.1977 Tests bei A-Mel-4 Tumoren bei Hamstern mit 3 Gleichströmen 3mA, 500uA, 0.96uA.. 1h/Tag.. Tumorwachstum unterdrückt, Metastasen reduziert.. bester Effekt an positiver Elektrode.. | |
Becker, Spadaro: "Treatment of orthopaedic infections with electrically generated silver ions. A preliminary report" J Bone Joint Surg Am 60,7 871-881 10.1978 | |
Patterson: "The significance of current frequency in neuro electric therapy (NET) for drug and alcohol addictions" in Wageneder: "Electrotherapeutic Sleep and Electroanesthesia" 5 5. Int Symposium in Graz, Austria 1978 | |
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Beck: "ELF waves and EEG entrainment a psychotronic warfare possibility" Unted States Psychotronic Association Conference Atlanta, GA 1978 Wirkung von ELF-Wellen.. | |
Gomez, Mikhail: "Treatment of methadone withdrawal with cerebral electrotherapy (electrosleep)" Br J Psychiatry 134 111-113 1.1979 | |
Von Richthofen, Mellor: "Cerebral electrotherapy: methodological problems in assessing its therapeutic effectiveness" Psychol Bull 86,6 1264-1271 11.1979 | |
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Coursey, Frankel, Gaarder, Mott: "A comparison of relaxation techniques with electrosleep therapy for chronic, sleep-onset insomnia a sleep-EEG study" Biofeedback Self Regul 5,1 57-73 3.1980 EEG-Biofeedback/autogenes Training war bei Schlaflosigkeit wirksam, Elektroschlaf nicht.. | |
Webster, Spadaro, Becker, Kramer: "Silver anode treatment of chronic osteomyelitis" Clin Orthop 161 105-114 1981 bei 64% von 25 therapieresistenten Patienten mit täglich elektrisch aktivierten Silberauflagen Wunden verschlossen, schmerzfrei.. | |
Smith: "Confirming evidence of an effective treatment for brain dysfunction in alcoholic patients" J Nerv Ment Dis 170,5 275-278 5.1982 | |
Capel, Pinnock, Withey, Williams, Patterson: "The effect of electrostimulation on barbiturate-induced sleeping times in rats" Drug Dev Res 2 73-79 1982 | |
Capel, Pinnock, Patterson: "The influence of electrostimulation on hexobarbital induced loss of righting reflex in rats" Acupunct Electrother Res 7,1 17-26 1982 Verkürzung der medikamentenbedingten Schlafzeit durch Frequenzen 10 bzw. 500Hz.. | |
Capel, Goode, Patterson: "Tryptophan, serotonin and hydroxyindole acetic acid levels in rat brain following slow or fast frequency electrostimulation" IRCS Med Sci 10 427-428 1982 | |
Deitch, Marino, Gillespie, Albright: "Silver nylon: a new antimicrobial agent" Antimicrob Agents Chemother 23 356-359 1983 | |
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Bauer: "Neuroelectric medicine" J Bioelectricity 2,2-3 159-180 1983 | |
McAuliffe: "The Black Box: Secret Drug Treatment of Rock Superstars" OMNI Magazine 5,4 1.1983 Margaret Patterson nutzt Brain Tuner Box zur Heilung der Heroinsucht von Pete Townsend von 'The Who'.. | |
Patterson: "Getting Off the Hook: Addictions Can Be Cured by Net (Neuroelectric Therapy)" 1983.. elektrische Therapie gegen Sucht und Drogen.. | |
McAuliffe: "Brain Tuner" OMNI 1 44-48,115-120 1.1983 The Black Box: Secret drug treatment of Rock Superstars.. | |
Video Beck: 'Der Braintuner' 1983 englischer Text | |
Beck: "The Brain Tuner" 1984 | |
Patterson, Firth, Gardiner: "Treatment of drug, alcohol and nicotine addiction by NeuroElectric Therapy: analysis of results over 7 years" J Bioelectricity 3,1-2 193-221 1984 | |
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US-Patent 4616640: elektrische Geburtskontrolle. Kaali, Schwolski, Porter 14.11.1983 -> 14.10.1986 | |
Schmitt, Capo, Frazier, Boren: "Cranial electrotherapy stimulation treatment of cognitive brain dysfunction in chemical dependence" J Clin Psychiatry 45,2 60-63 2.1984 | |
Smith: "Cranial electrotherapy stimulation" in MykIebust: "Neural Stimulation" Il chap 8 129-150 CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl 1985 | |
Jarzembski: "Electrical stimulation and substance abuse treatment" Neurobehav Toxicol Teratol 7,2 119-123 1985 | |
Patterson: "Electrostimulation and opiate withdrawal" Br J Psychiatry 146 213 2.1985 | |
David, Absolom, Smith, Gams, Herbert: "Effect of low level direct current on in vivo tumor growth in hamsters" Cancer Res 45,11 5625-5631 11.1985 | |
Nordenström: "Electrochemical treatment of cancer" Ann Radiol 28 128-129 1985 | |
Jarzembski: "Electrical stimulation and substance abuse treatment" Neurobehav Toxicol Teratol 7,2 119-123 1985 CES gg. Drogen.. | |
Marino, Malakanok, Deitch, Albright, Specian: "Electrochemical properties of silver-nylon fabrics" J Electrochem Soc 132 68-72 1985 | |
Marino, Deitch, Albright: "Electric silver antisepsis" IEEE Trans Biomed Eng BME 32 336-337 1985 | |
Marino, Morris, Arnold: "Electrical treatment of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice" J Surg Res 41,2 198-201 1986 | |
Schmitt, Capo, Boyd: "Cranial electrotherapy stimulation as a treatment for anxiety in chemically dependent persons" Alcohol Clin Exp Res 10,2 158-160 1986 | |
Beck: "Mood modification with ELF magnetic fields: a preliminary exploration" Archaeus 4 47-53 1986 | |
Beck, Byrd: "Bibliography on the psychoactivity of electromagnetic fields" Archaeus 4 54-77 1986 große Literaturliste.. | |
Patterson: "Hooked? NET: The New Approach to Drug Cure" Faber & Faber 1986.. Elektromedizin gegen Sucht/Drogen.. sehr gute Kritik.. | |
Guderian, Mackenzie, Williams: "High voltage shock treatment for snake bite" Lancet 2,8500 229 26.7.1986 Hochspannungsbehandlung bei Schlangenbiss.. | |
Altman: "The Doctor's World; New Shock Therapy for Snakebites" New York Times 5.8.1986 Hochspannungsbehandlung bei Schlangenbiss.. 4-5 schmerzhafte Elektroschocks im Abstand 5-10s.. | |
Kroegel, Meyer zum Büschenfelde: "Biological basis for high-voltage-shock treatment for snakebite" Lancet 2,8519 1335 5.12.1986 Schlangenbisse.. | |
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US-Patent 4665898: bösartige Zellen selektiv deaktivieren mit magnetischen Impulsen 1-100T, 5-1000kHz. Costa/Hofmann 23.5.1984 -> 19.5.1987 Heilung von Krebs | |
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