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Infopage | Medizin | Reisen

 Matthias Weisser Logo Matthias Weisser's
alternative Medizin
Hilfe 1 Psyche 2 Statik 3 Ernährung 4 Gifte 5 Zahnherde 6 Störfelder 7 Parasiten
8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur

Urin - Wasser des Lebens, Urintherapie gg. Krebs etc. - Literatur
Teil 1: Zusammenhänge
•  Symptome
•  Zusammenhänge, Diagnose
•  Therapieansätze
•  Erfolgsberichte bei Symptomen A-Z
Teil 2: Buchzitate
•  Zitate aus John W. Armstrong: The Water of Life
•  Zitate aus Martha M. Christy: Selbstheilung mit Urin
Teil 3: Literaturhinweise zum Anklicken
Teil 4: Literaturhinweise Wissenschaft
siehe auch: Salze Kolloide/Kristalle Antineoplastone Nerven/Regeneration Fasten

"Harnstoff ist eine natürliche Substanz in Urin.. geruchlose und farblose Kristalle..
1941 Antikrebs-Aktivität von J. Thompson festgestellt..
Ergebnisse in Studie von E. Lowe bestätigt.. Bericht 1944 in Medical World.." Willner

"Dr. Forbes-Ross vermutete daß krebsartiges Wachstum mit einem Mangel an Salzen
in der Ernährung
zusammenhängt - insbesondere Pottasche.. heilte viele Patienten durch
eine ausgewogenere Ernährung und die Verabreichung von Pottaschen-Salzen in absorbierbarer
Form.. schrieb 1912 das Buch 'Cancer - Its Genesis and Treatment'.." Armstrong S.37

"Urin reinigt, löst Blockaden, baut lebenswichtige Organe wie
Lungen, Bauchspeicheldrüse, Leber, Gehirn, Herz.. wieder auf.." Armstrong S.26

"Wer heilt, hat recht"

Literatur, Patente
  Rees: "On the analysis of the blood and urine, in health and disease; and on the treatment of urinary diseases" Philadelphia 1848
  Marwick: "A guide to the examination of the urine in health and disease" Philadelphia 1848
  Eric Powell: "Healing by Auto-Induction" Homöopath nutzte Eemans Biocircuits in seiner Privatpraxis zu Entspannung und Medikamentengabe.. vermarktet als Autonormalizer.. Eigenurinbehandlung..
  Johnson, Zilva: "The urinary excretion of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acids in man" Biochem J 28,4 1393-1408 1934
  Bumbalo: "Urinary output of vitamin C of normal and of sick children. With a laboratory test for its estimation" Am J Dis Children 55 1212-1220 1938 Urin..
  Bumbalo, Jetter: "Vitamin C in tuberculosis. The effect of supplementary synthetic vitamin C on the urinary output of this vitamin by tuberculous children" J Pediatr 13,3 334-340 9.1938 Tuberkulose..
  Birkhaug: "The role of vitamin C in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis in the guinea-pig. I. Daily excretion of vitamin C in urine of L-ascorbic acid treated and control tuberculous animals. II. Vitamin C content of suprarenals of L-ascorbic acid treated and control tuberculous animals" Acta Tuberculosea Scand 12 89-104 1938 Tuberkulose..
  Chang, Lan: "Vitamin C in tuberculosis. Ascorbic acid content of blood and urine of tuberculosis patients" Am Rev Tuberculosis 41 494-506 1940 Tuberkulose..
  Shulte, Thompson: "The importance of identifying urea-splitting bacteria" J Urology 45 733 1941
  Roe, Kuether: "The determination of ascorbic acid in whole blood and urine through the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine derivative of dehydroascorbic acid" J Biol Chem 147 399-407 1943 Diagnose..
  Dunn: "A study of vitamin C deficiency in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis" Ulster Med J 14,1 17-33 5.1945 weniger Vitamin C im Urin bei schwerer akuter Lungentuberkulose.. Vitamin C-Mangel reduziert Überleben..
  Forssman, Frykholm: "Benzene poisoning II. Examination of workers exposed to benzene with reference to the presence of estersulfate, muconic acid, urochrome A and polyphenols in the urine together with vitamin C deficiency. Prophylactic measures" Acta Medica Scand 128,3 256-280 1.1947 Vergiftung..
  Krasno, Cilley, Boutwell, Ivy, Farmer: "Effect of repeated exposure of human subjects to 18,000 feet without supplemental oxygen, to hyperventilation, and to 35,000 feet with 100 percent oxygen for one hour, on ascorbic acid excretion and plasma level and on urine pH" J Aviat Med 21,4 283-292 8.1950 große Höhe verbraucht mehr Vitamin C..
  Dillard: "The trypsin inhibitor of the urine in health and disease" J Lab Clin Med 36,2 266-271 8.1950
  Tamm, Horsfall: "A mucoprotein derived from human urine which reacts with influenza, mumps, and Newcastle disease viruses" J Exp Med 95,1 71-97 1.1952 antigene Flüssigkeit aus Urin.. Bild UV-Absorption.. fadenähnliche Moleküle..
  Gnarpe, Michaelsson, Dreborg: "The in vitro effect of ascorbic acid on the bacterial growth in urine" Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand 74,1 41-50 1968 Vitamin C und Bakterien in Urin..
  Pelletier: "Smoking and vitamin C levels in humans" Am J Clin Nutr 21,11 1259-1267 11.1968 Vitamin C-Ausscheidung im Urin bei 2g/Tag Vitamin C für Raucher und Nichtraucher.. Sättigungseffekte..
  Burzynski: "Investigations on amino acids and peptides in blood serum of healthy people and patients with chronic renal insufficiency" Dissertation Lublin, Polen 1968
  Baker, Hammer, March, Tolbert, Canham: "Ascorbate sulfate: a urinary metabolite of ascorbic acid in man" Science 173,3999 826-827 27.8.1971
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  US-Patent 4470970: Isolation und Krebsbehandlung mit Antineoplastonen. Burzynski 15.12.1981
  US-Patent 4444890: Krebsdiagnose, Therapiekontrolle. Burzynski 5.2.1982
  Ashraf, Burzynski: "Comparative study of antineoplaston A10 levels in plasma of healthy people and cancer patients" Adv Exp Clin Chemother 2 19-28 1988
  Patten: "Biocircuits: New technologies in wholistic health" J Borderlands Research 12-14 Mai-Aug 1990 über Eeman screens zur Selbstheilung..
  Burzynski, Kubove, Burzynski: "Treatment of hormonally refractory cancer of the prostate with antineoplaston AS2-1" Drugs Exp Clin Res 16,7 361-369 1990
  Kurbacher, Wagner, Kolster, Andreotti, Krebs, Bruckner: "Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improves the antineoplastic activity doxorubicin, cisplatin and paclitaxel in human breast carcinoma cells in vitro" Cancer Lett 103,2 183-189 1996
  Burzynski: "The present state of antineoplaston research" Integr Cancer Ther 3,1 47-58 3.2004
  Burzynski, Ilkowska-Musial, Klimczak, Musial: "Antineoplastons in dairy products" J Appl Nutr 54,1 2-9 2004

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