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 Matthias Weisser Logo Matthias Weisser's
alternative Medizin
Hilfe 1 Psyche 2 Statik 3 Ernährung 4 Gifte 5 Zahnherde 6 Störfelder 7 Parasiten
8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur

Heilungsansätze bei Krebs - Ruby's Lymphom
Zusammenhänge bei Krebs
Prof. Pappas Krebstheorie
spezifisches Krebsprogramm
Fred's Prostatakrebs-Geschichte
Irwin's Prostata Krebsheilung
Jack's Prostata Krebsheilung
Jimmy's Leukämie-Heilung
Ruby's Lymphom-Heilung
Tom's Prostata- und Knochenkrebsheilung
siehe auch: Homöopathie Parasiten Immunsystem Stress Energie Gerson Hoxsey Caisse Hanf
Wasser,Salz,Sauer-/Wasser-/Stickstoff Licht Frequenzen Elektromedizin ElektroCancerTherapie

Ruby's Story

Ruby (her real name) was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma several years ago. There were obvious tumors in the lymph nodes. She had known a Seattle nutritionist (we will call him Dr. A. C. Volt) for many years, and in April of 1993 she phoned to tell him about her cancer. The tumors were slow growing, and the expected time of her death was 4-5 years in the future. Dr. Volt told her about some treatments that others had used with success. She did not start any treatment or go to see Dr. Volt at that time.

By May of 1996, the tumors had grown to the point that Ruby's physician insisted that treatment should be started immediately. She did not like the idea of being mutilated, poisoned or nuked, so at last she went to see Dr. Volt. He arranged for her to send a saliva sample to an N.D. in Idaho for radionics testing using an "Abrams machine."

The test results came back in early June. Lymphoma virus, herpes virus, shingles, parasites, and low parathyroid function were detected.

Suggested treatment consisted of a grape plant tincture (for lymphoma virus) at 15 drops 4 times a day, alfalfa capsules with a 20580 radionics charge (for lymphoma) at 3 capsules 3 times a day, the Nature's Sunshine VS-C formula with a 15520 radionics charge (for herpes and shingles) at 3 capsules 3 times a day, a lilac plant tincture (for herpes, shingles, and any other viruses) at 15 drops 4 times a day, a wormwood-black walnut- cloves tincture (for parasites) at 10 drops 4 times a day, and a parathyroid supplement at 2 capsules twice a day, along with a multi-vitamin-mineral and digestive enzymes. She was also to avoid the various toxins that Dr. Hulda Clark writes about.

Within a couple months, there was obvious improvement in all areas. At this writing, Ruby reports that she is free of tumors. This has been confirmed by her MD. She continues to take the grape plant tincture and the alfalfa with 20580 activation. I have personally known Ruby, Dr. Volt, and the Idaho N.D. for years and can attest to the accuracy of the above.

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