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 Matthias Weisser Logo Matthias Weisser's
alternative Medizin
Hilfe 1 Psyche 2 Statik 3 Ernährung 4 Gifte 5 Zahnherde 6 Störfelder 7 Parasiten
8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur

Heilungsansätze bei Krebs - Fred's Prostatakrebs
Zusammenhänge bei Krebs
Prof. Pappas Krebstheorie
spezifisches Krebsprogramm
Fred's Prostatakrebs-Geschichte
Irwin's Prostata Krebsheilung
Jack's Prostata Krebsheilung
Jimmy's Leukämie-Heilung
Ruby's Lymphom-Heilung
Tom's Prostata- und Knochenkrebsheilung
Krebs: Zahnherde Parasiten Entgiftung Darm Blockaden Energie Immunsystem Körperflüssigkeiten Regeneration
Gerson Budwig Issels Fryda Moerman Breuss Hoxsey Caisse W.F.Koch Kelley Wigmore Burzynski Abrams Rife Clark Beck Fresenius
Keller Elektromedizin ECT Radionik Blitze Licht Hyperthermie Homöopathie Pflanzen Unterdrückung

Fred's Story

Fred (his real name) was diagnosed with prostate cancer in late 1996. There was also a spot on his liver the size of "two peanuts". The PSA was very high. He was put on the hormone inhibitor flutamide, but no other treatment was offered. The situation was much too far advanced. Surgery, he was told, would be a waste of Fred's money and the doctor's time. In three months he would be dead.

Fred and his wife live in New Brunswick. The two of them made a trip to Seattle to visit his sister. While there, they heard about my friend, a nutritionist we will call "Ann". Might as well go visit Ann. There was very little to lose at this point, although neither Fred nor his wife had any real interest or confidence in non-toxic therapies.

As they sat in Ann's rather small spare bedroom that serves as her office, Fred's wife felt that they were wasting their time: "We know he is going to die." Ann convinced them to try.

The treatment involved three electronic devices. The first was a PFG-100 Rife-Crane paddle type machine. He used 666, 690, 727, 2000, 2008, 2100, 2120, 2127, and 2130 Hz every second day for 3 minutes each. One paddle was applied to each side of his body at the waist line. On the outside of the left paddle was placed the negative face of a large flat magnet. On the right paddle, the positive side of a similar magnet. For parasites, a few treatments with 20, 60, 81, 120, 125, 440, and 800 Hz were used.

A Beck blood cleaner was used on wrist pulse points one hour each day. Fred chose to discontinue the flutamide due to the possibility of a toxic reaction. (The blood cleaner can cause cells to take in much larger amounts of substances from the blood than normal.) After each such treatment, he used a Beck magnetic pulse generator on each lymph node.

Fred also sat on the negative face of one the magnets for at least twenty minutes twice each day. It was felt that this afforded the nearest point to the prostate.

Nutritional support consisted of just two items: Liquid minerals and liquid shark cartilage.

Five weeks later, Fred was back in New Brunswick. He went back to his oncologist for the appropriate tests and scans. All were normal and he was pronounced free of cancer. The doctor said that in several thousand cases, he had not seen any cases of cancer just go away like that. Fred discontinued his treatments.

Fred never resumed his self treatment. He had quit too soon, and eventually the PSA began to rise again. The MD told Fred that the remission had just been a temporary fluke. Now he was well enough for "real treatment". A radioactive implant was suggested and in late 1997 Fred, alas, agreed.

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