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 Matthias Weisser Logo Matthias Weisser's
alternative Medizin
Hilfe 1 Psyche 2 Statik 3 Ernährung 4 Gifte 5 Zahnherde 6 Störfelder 7 Parasiten
8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur

Dr. Rath - Nährstoffmangel beheben - Literatur
Teil 1: Zusammenhänge
•  Symptome
•  Zusammenhänge, Diagnose
•  Therapieansätze
•  Erfolgsberichte bei Symptomen A-Z
Teil 2: Medien-Desinformation statt Information
•  Video Das Chemie-Pharma-Öl-Kartell und die Polit-Helfer
•  Medien-Lügen
•  Gesundheit als Menschenrecht
•  Vortrag Dr. Rath Augsburg-Gersthofen 1999
•  Vortrag Dr. Rath: Befreiung zur Gesundheit 1999
Teil 3: Buchzitate
•  Zitate aus Rath: Der Beweis. Erfolge mit Zell-Vitalstoffen
•  Zitate aus Rath: Warum kennen Tiere keinen Herzinfarkt..
•  Zitate aus Rath: Gesundheit ist machbar!
Teil 4: Literaturhinweise zum Anklicken
Teil 5: Literaturhinweise Wissenschaft
siehe auch: Ernährung Fahl Stockwell Wallach Schindele Leisen Homöopathie Unterdrückung

"Vitamine zerstört durch Agrargifte, Lagerung, Kochen, Mikrowelle, Medikamente.."

"die Tatsache, daß 80% an Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen und Krebs sterben, nimmst Du als gegeben hin..
daß diese Krankheiten die Folge von Vitaminmangel sind, hat Dir niemand vermittelt.." Rath

"die Produktion des Stresshormons Adrenalin verbraucht Vitamin C..
körperlicher/seelischer Stress erschöpft die Vitamin C-Reserven.." Rath: 'Warum..' S.23

"Vitamin C verlängert das Leben.. Chancen bei guter Gesundheit zu
bleiben umso höher, je mehr Vitamin C im Blut.. Universität Cambridge.." Lancet 357 657-663 3.3.2001

"unter dem Einfluß der Sonnenstrahlen bilden sich in der Haut Vitamine.." Schatalova S.189

"Wer heilt, hat recht"

Literatur, Patente
  Pfleger, Scholl: "Diabetes und Vitamin C" Wiener Archiv Innere Medizin 31 219-230 1937 Diabetes durch Virus? Vitamin C-Mangel bei Infektionskrankheiten, Krebs.. C-Hypovitaminose durch Vitamin C beeinflusst.. 300mg Vitamin C i.V. senkt Blutzucker.. gleichzeitige Injektion Insulin und Vitamin C verstärkt Insulinwirkung.. Ascorbinsäure verbessert Insulinwirkung -> weniger Insulin nötig.. geringerer Blutzuckeranstieg durch Vitamin C..
  Altschul, Hoffer, Stephen: "Influence of nicotinic acid on serum cholesterol in man" Arch Biochem Biophys 54,2 558-559 2.1955 Niacin senkt Cholesterin bis 22%..
  Minkh: "The effect of ionized air on work capacity and vitamin metabolism" J Acad Med Sci USSR, translated by US Dept. of Commerce Washington 1961
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  Sokoloff, Hori, Saelhof, McConnell, Imai: "Effect of ascorbic on certain blood fat metabolism factors in animals and man" J Nutr 91 107-118 1967 viel weniger Cholesterin und Triglyceride durch 150mg/kg Vitamin C..
  Sokoloff, Hori, Saelhof, McConnell, Imai: "Effect of ascorbic acid on certain blood fat metabolism factors in animals and man" J Nutr 91,1 107-118 1.1.1967
  Ginter, Babala, Cerven: "The effect of chronic hypovitaminosis C on the metabolism of cholesterol and atherogenisis in guinea pigs" J Atheroscler Res 10,3 341-352 1969 Cholesterin..
  Ginter, Ondreicka, Bobek, Simko: "The influence of chronic vitamin C deficiency on fatty acid composition of blood serum, liver triglycerides and cholesterol esters in guinea pigs" J Nutr 99,3 261-266 1.11.1969
  Ginter, Kajaba, Nizner: "The effect of ascorbic acid on cholesterolemia in healthy subjects with seasonal deficit of vitamin C" Nutr Metab 12,2 76-86 1970 Cholesterin..
  Briggs, Briggs: "Vitamin C requirements and oral contraceptives" Nature 238,5362 277 4.8.1972 Pille verbraucht Vitamin C..
  Dice, Daniel: "The hypoglycemic effect of ascorbic acid in a juvenile-onset diabetic" IRCS Internat Res Commun System 1 41 3.1973 Diabetes..
  Cameron, Pauling: "The orthomolecular treatment of cancer. I. The role of ascorbic acid in host resistance" Chem Biol Interact 9,4 273-283 10.1974
  Cameron, Campbell: "The orthomolecular treatment of cancer. II. Clinical trial of high-dose ascorbic acid supplements in advanced human cancer" Chem BioI Interact 9,4 285-315 10.1974
  Rivers: "Oral contraceptives and ascorbic acid" Am J Clin Nutr 28,5 550-554 5.1975 Pille verbraucht Vitamin C..
  Mann, Newton: "The membrane transport of ascorbic acid" Ann NY Acad Sci 258 243-252 30.9.1975
  Cameron, Pauling: "Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: Prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 73,10 3685-3689 10.1976 berühmtes paper Lebensverlängerung bei Krebs.. siehe auch 1978.. 10g 10 Tage parenteral, dann bis zum Lebensende peroral.. Folgestudien nutzten nur oral..
  Cheraskin, Ringsdorf, Medford: "The 'ideal' daily lysine intake" J Int Res Communications (IRCS) J Med Sci 5 390 1977 je mehr Lysin umso gesünder..
  McNair, Christiansen, Madsbad, Lauritzen, Faber, Binder, Transbøl: "Hypomagnesemia, a risk factor in diabetic retinopathy" Diabetes 27,11 1075-1077 11.1978 weniger Magnesium bei Diabetes.. Grafik..
  Cameron, Pauling: "Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: Reevaluation of prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 75,9 4538-4542 9.1978 mit Vitamin C 300 Tage mehr Überlebenszeit.. beeindruckende Grafiken..
  Cameron, Pauling, Leibovitz: "Ascorbic acid and cancer: a review" Cancer Res 39,3 663-681 3.1979 weniger Vitamin C im Blut.. Morishige/Murata: erfolgreiche Vermeidung und Behandlung von Masern, Mumps, virale Hodenentzündung, viraler Lungenentzündung, Herpes zoster, virale Hirnhautentzündung.. viele Literaturhinweise..
  Mather, Nisbet, Burton, Poston, Bland, Bailey, Pilkington: "Hypomagnesaemia in diabetes" Clin Chim Acta 95,2 235-242 16.7.1979 zu wenig Magnesium bei Diabetes..
  Hermann, Ward, Faucett: "The effect of tocopherol on high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. A clinical observation" Am J Clin Pathol 72,5 848-852 11.1979 Anheben HDL, Absenken VLDL, Triglyceride mit Vitamin E..
  Opie: "Role of carnitine in fatty acid metabolism of normal and ischemic myocardium" Am Heart J 97,3 375-388 3.1979
  Turlapaty, Altura: "Magnesium deficiency produces spasms of coronary arteries: relationship to etiology of sudden death ischemic heart disease" Science 208,4440 198-200 11.4.1980
  Som, Basu, Mukherjee, Deb, Choudhury, Mukherjee, Chatterjee, Chatterjee: "Ascorbic acid metabolism in diabetes mellitus" Metabolism 30,6 572-577 6.1981 Diabetes..
  Riales, Albrink: "Effect of chromium chloride supplementation on glucose tolerance and serum lipids including high-density lipoprotein of adult men" Am J Clin Nutr 34,12 2670-2678 12.1981 Chrom bei Diabetes..
  Liu, Abernathy: "Chromium and insulin in young subjects with normal glucose tolerance" Am J Clin Nutr 35,4 661-667 4.1982 Diabetes..
  Avogaro, Bon, Fusello: "Effect of pantethine on lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins in man" Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 33 488-493 1.1983
  Blumberg, Hanck, Sander: "Vitamin nutrition in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)" Clin Nephrol 20,5 244-250 11.1983 Verarmung an Vitaminen durch Dialyse..
  Gaddi, Descovich, Noseda, Fragiacomo, Colombo, Craveri, Montanari, Sirtori: "Controlled evaluation of pantethine, a natural hypolipidemic compound, in patients with different forms of hyperlipoproteinemia" Atherosclerosis 50,1 73-83 1.1984
  Stankova, Riddle, Larned, Burry, Menashe, Hart, Bigley: "Plasma ascorbate concentrations and blood cell dehydroascorbate transport in patients with diabetes mellitus" Metabolism 33,4 347-353 4.1984 weniger Vitamin C bei Diabetes..
  Iseri, French: "Magnesium: nature's physiologic calcium blocker" Am Heart J 108,1 188-193 7.1984
  Ferrari, Cucchini, Visioli: "The metabolical effects of L-carnitine in angina pectoris" Int J Cardiol 5,2 213-216 2.1984
  Mortensen, Vadhanavikit, Folkers: "Deficiency of coenzyme Q10 in myocardial failure" Drugs Exptl Clin Res X,7 497-502 1984
  Langsjoen, Vadhanavikit, Folkers: "Effective treatment with coenzyme Q10 of patients with chronic myocardial disease" Drugs Exp Clin Res 11,8 577-579 1985
  Folkers, Vadhanavikit, Mortensen: "Biochemical rationale and myocardial tissue data on the effective therapy of cardiomyopathy with coenzyme Q10" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 82,3 901-904 2.1985 bei Herzproblemen weniger Q10 im Herz..
  Langsjoen, Vadhanavikit, Folkers: "Response of patients in classes III and IV of cardiomyopathy to therapy in a blind and crossover trial with coenzyme Q10" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 82,12 4240-4244 6.1985
  Mortensen, Vadhanavikit, Baandrup, Folkers: "Long-term coenzyme Q10 therapy: a major advance in the management of resistant myocardial failure" Drugs Exp Clin Res 11,8 581-593 1985
  Kamikawa, Kobayashi, Yamashita, Hayashi, Yamazaki: "Effects of coenzyme Q10 on exercise tolerance in chronic stable angina pectoris" Am J Cardiol 56,4 247-251 1.8.1985
  Cherchi, Lai, Angelino, Trucco, Caponetto, Mereto, Rosolen, Manzoli et al: "Effects of L-carnitine on exercise tolerance in chronic stable angina: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled crossover study" Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 23,10 569-572 10.1985
  Gurakar, Hoeg, Kostner, Papadopoulos, Brewer: "Levels of lipoprotein Lp(a) decline with neomycin and niacin treatment" Atherosclerosis 57,2-3 293-301 11.1985 mit Neomycin -24% Lp(a) vs. Neomycin/Vitamin B3 -45%..
  Harwood, Greene, Stacpoole: "Inhibition of human leukocyte 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity by ascorbic acid. An effect mediated by the free radical monodehydroascorbate" J Biol Chem 261,16 7127-7135 5.6.1986 Vitamin C..
  Chow, Thacker, Changchit, Bridges, Rehm, Humble, Turbek: "Lower levels of vitamin C and carotenes in plasma of cigarette smokers" J Am Coll Nutr 5,3 305-312 1986 Rauchen..
  Iseri: "Magnesium and cardiac arrhythmias" Magnesium 5,3-4 111-126 1986 Herzarrhythmie..
  Langsjoen, Folkers, Lyson, Muratsu, Lyson, Langsjoen: "Effective and safe therapy with coenzyme Q10 for cardiomyopathy" Klin Wochenschr 66,13 583-590 1.7.1988
  US-Patent 4885167: Wiederherstellung Herzfunktion durch Q10-Therapie. Folkers, Wolaniuk 16.2.1988 -> 5.12.1989
  Ghidini, Azzurro, Vita, Sartori: "Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of L-carnitine in congestive heart failure" Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol 26,4 217-220 4.1988
  Rizzon, Biasco, Di Biase, Boscia, Rizzo, Minafra, Bortone, Siliprandi, Procopio, Bagiella et al: "High doses of L-carnitine in acute myocardial infarction: metabolic and antiarrhythmic effects" Eur Heart J 10,6 502-508 6.1989
  Carlson, Hamsten, Asplund: "Pronounced lowering of serum levels of lipoprotein Lp(a) in hyperlipidaemic subjects treated with nicotinic acid" J Intern Med 226,4 271-276 10.1989 Vitamin B3..
  Langsjoen, Langsjoen, Folkers: "Long-term efficacy and safety of coenzyme Q10 therapy for idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy" Am J Cardiol 65,7 521-523 15.2.1990
  Langsjoen, Folkers, Lyson, Muratsu, Lyson, Langsjoen: "Pronounced increase of survival of patients with cardiomyopathy when treated with coenzyme Q10 and conventional therapy" Int J Tissue React 12,3 163-168 1990
  Mortensen, Vadhanavikit, Muratsu, Folkers: "Coenzyme Q10: clinical benefits with biochemical correlates suggesting a scientific breakthrough in the management of chronic heart failure" Int J Tissue React 12,3 155-162 1990
  Langsjoen, Langsjoen, Folkers: "A six-year clinical study of therapy of cardiomyopathy with coenzyme Q10" Int J Tissue React 12,3 169-171 1.1.1990
  Zilliken: "Eine klinische Doppelblind-Studie mit CoEnzym Q10 und Vitamin E bei herzkranken Patienten" De Orthomoleculaire Koerier 5,24 4-11 1990
  Folkers, Langsjoen, Willis, Richardson, Xia,Ye, Tamagawa: "Lovastatin decreases coenzyme Q levels in humans" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87,22 8931-8934 11.1990 Cholesterinsenker reduziert Q10..
  Rath, Pauling: "Hypothesis: lipoprotein(a) is a surrogate for ascorbate" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87,16 6204-6207 8.1990 Ablagerungen bei Vitamin C-Mangel..
  Rath, Pauling: "Immunological evidence for the accumulation of lipoprotein(a) in the atherosclerotic lesion of the hypoascorbemic guinea pig" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87,23 9388-9390 12.1990 Ablagerungen bei Vitamin C-Mangel..
  Rath, Pauling: "Solution of the puzzle of human cardiovascular disease: Its primary cause is ascorbate deficiency, leading to the deposition of lipoprotein(a) and fibrinogen / fibrin in the vascular wall" J Orthomol Med 6 125-134 1991 Herzerkrankung durch Lp(a) durch zu wenig Vitamin C.. chronischer Mangel führt zu Belägen an Lp(a) und Fibrinogen/Fibrin -> Arteriosklerose..
  Riemersma, Wood, Macintyre, Elton, Gey, Oliver: "Risk of angina pectoris and plasma concentrations of vitamins A, C and E and carotene" Lancet 337,8732 1-5 5.1.1991 Vitamin E besonders wichtig bei Angina pectoris.. OR=2.68.. Vitamin C verbraucht durch Rauchen..
  DeMaio, King, Lembo, Roubin, Hearn, Bhagavan, Sgoutas: "Vitamin E supplementation, plasma lipids and incidence of restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)" J Am Coll Nutr 11,1 68-73 2.1992 durch Vitamin E 35.5% Restenose vs. 47.5%..
  Rath, Pauling: "A unified theory of human cardiovascular disease leading the way to abolition of this disease as a cause for human mortality" J Orthomol Med 7,5-15 1992 Herz-Kreislaufkrankheiten CVD durch Vitamin C-Mangel..
  Rath: "Lipoprotein(a) reduction by ascorbate" J Orthomol Med 7 81-82 1992
  Rath: "Reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease with nutritional supplements" J Orthomol Med 7 153-162 1992
  2.7.1992: Rath, Pauling: Aufruf zur Ausmerzung der Herzkrankheit.. Pressekonferenz im Marc Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco..
  Hemilä: "Vitamin C and plasma cholesterol" Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 32,1 33-57 1992 Studienübersicht zu Cholesterin.. Grafik Abfall durch Vitamin C.. 279 Literaturstellen..
  Lavie, Mailander, Milani: "Marked benefit with sustained-release niacin therapy in patients with 'isolated' very low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and coronary artery disease" Am J Cardiol 69,12 1083-1085 15.4.1992 Vitamin B3..
  Digiesi, Cantini, Bisi, Guarino, Oradei, Littarru: "Mechanism of action of Coenzyme Q10 in essential hypertension" Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 51 668-672 1992 Blutdruck..
  England, Gordon, Salem, Chernow: "Magnesium administration and dysrhythmias after cardiac surgery. A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial" JAMA 268,17 2395-2402 4.11.1992
  Widman, Wester, Stegmayr, Wirell: "The dose-dependent reduction in blood pressure through administration of magnesium: A double-blind placebo controlled cross-over study" Am J Hypertens 6,1 41-45 1.1993 Blutdrucksenkung durch Mg 154/100 -> 146/92mm Hg..
  Korbut, Bieron, Gryglewski: "Effect of L-arginine on plasminogen-activator inhibitor in hypertensive patients with hypercholesterolemia" N Engl J Med 328,4 287-288 28.1.1993 Blutdrucksenkung durch Arginin..
  Beamish: "Vitamin E - then and now" Can J Cardiol 9,1 29-31 1993
  Paolisso, D'Amore, Giugliano, Ceriello, Varricchio, D'Onofrio: "Pharmacologic doses of vitamin E improve insulin action in healthy subjects and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients" Am J Clin Nutr 57,5 650-656 5.1993 Vitamin E bei Diabetes..
  Teo, Yusuf: "Role of magnesium in reducing mortality in acute myocardial infarction. A review of the evidence" Drugs 46,3 347-359 9.1993 Herzinfarktsterblichkeit..
  US-Patent 5278189: Ascorbat etc. gg. Verschlusskrankheiten. Rath, Pauling. 24.7.1990 -> 11.1.1994
  US-Patent 5650418: Ascorbat, Nicotinsäure, Lysin gg. Verschlusskrankheiten. Rath, Pauling. 24.3.1994 -> 22.7.1997
  Digiesi, Cantini, Oradei, Bisi, Guarino, Brocchi, Bellandi, Mancini, Littarru: "Coenzyme Q10 in essential hypertension" Mol Aspects Med 15 Suppl s257-s263 1994 Blutdruck..
  Lehr, Frei, Arfors: "Vitamin C prevents cigarette smoke-induced leukocyte aggregation and adhesion to endothelium in vivo" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91,16 7688-7692 2.8.1994 Vitamin C verhindert Blut-Verklumpungen bei Rauchern.. gute Bilder..
  Nunes, Sgoutas, Redden, Sigman, Gravanis, King, Berk: "Combination of vitamins C and E alters the response to coronary balloon injury in the pig" Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 15,1 156-165 1.1995 Vitamin C und Vitamin E gg. Wiederverschluß Arterie..
  Shimon, Almog, Vered, Seligmann, Shefi, Peleg, Rosenthal, Motro, Halkin, Ezra: "Improved left ventricular function after thiamine supplementation in patients with congestive heart failure receiving long-term furosemide therapy" Am J Med 98,5 485-490 5.1995 Vitamin B1..
  Levine, Conry-Cantilena, Wang, Welch, Washko, Dhariwal, Park, Lazarev, Graumlich, King, Cantilena: "Vitamin C pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers: evidence for a recommended dietary allowance" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93,8 3704-3709 16.4.1996 Tests zum Vitamin C-Bedarf.. 7 Dosen von 30mg-2.5g.. Grafiken..
  Rath, Niedzwiecky: "Nutritional supplement program halts progression of early coronary atherosclerosis documented by ultrafast computed tomography" J Appl Nutr 48 68-78 1996 Nährstoffe gg. Arteriosklerose.. Vitamine, Aminosäuren, Mineralien, Spurenelemente für Prävention, Rückbildung Herzkreislauferkrankungen..
  Curhan, Willett, Rimm, Stampfer: "A prospective study of the intake of vitamin C and B6, and the risk of kidney stones in men" J Urol 155,6 1847-1851 6.1996 keine Nierensteine durch Vitamin C oder B6..
  Rath, Niedzwiecki: "Nutritional supplement program halts progression of early coronary atherosclerosis documented by ultrafast computed tomography" J Appl Nutr 48,3 68-78 1.1996 Vitamintherapie stoppt Koronarsklerose bereits im Frühstadium..
  1997: Rath: Chemnitzer Programm.. Forderung gesetzliches Verbot weltweites Betrugsgeschäft mit der Krankheit..
  Ivanov, Ivanova, Niedzwiecki: "Ascorbate affects proliferation of guinea-pig vascular smooth muscle cells by direct and extracellular matrix-mediated effects" J Mol Cell Cardiol 29,12 3293-3303 12.1997 weniger Zellwucherung durch Vitamin C..
  Lazarou, Pomeranz, Corey: "Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients: a metaanalysis of prospective studies" JAMA 279,15 1200-1205 15.4.1998 korrekt verschriebene Medikamente auf Platz 4 der Todesursachen.. 6.7% ernsthafte und 0.32% tödliche Medikamentennebenwirkung im Krankenhaus.. 1994 gab es 2.216 Mio ernsthafte und 106000 tödliche Medikamentennebenwirkung..
  Curhan, Willett, Speizer, Stampfer: "Intake of vitamins B6 and C and the risk of kidney stones in women" J Am Soc Nephrol 10,4 840-845 4.1999 keine Nierensteine durch Megadosen an Vitamin C.. viel B6 kann Nierensteine verhindern..
  Moore, O'Keeffe: "Drug-induced cognitive impairment in the elderly" Drugs Aging 15,1 15-28 7.1999 Wahrnehmungsstörungen durch Medikamente.. Veränderung der Gehirnchemie.. Delirium, Demenz, Alzheimer durch Medikamente, Antidepressiva, Polypharmazie..
  "Multimorbidität und Polypharmazie als Ursache von Verwirrtheitszuständen" Münchener Med Wochenschr 25.2.1999
  Füeßl, von Hayek: "Multimorbidität und Polypharmazie als Ursache von Verwirrtheitszuständen" Geriatriepraxis Schweiz 4 32-38 2000 Verwirrtheitszustände durch zu viele Medikamente..
  Netke, Ivanov , Roomi, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Inhibitory effects of ascorbic acid, proline and lysine supplementation on matrigel invasion by human breast cancer cells, MDA-MB231" Conference Proc 19th Annual Miami Breast Cancer Conference, Miami Beach, Florida 27.2.-3.3.2002
  Roomi, Bogale, Ivanov, Netke, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Metastatic and cytotoxic effects of ascorbigen and iso-ascorbigen in human cancer cell lines" J Am Coll Nutr 21 54 2002
  Rath: "Die Skorbut-Herzinfarkt-Verbindung: die Lösung des Rätsels der Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung" Vortrag Stanford-Universität 4.5.2002 S.285f Rath: 'Warum..'
  Netke, Roomi, Ivanov, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Eine spezifische Kombination aus Ascorbinsäure, Lysin, Prolin und Epigallocatechin-Gallat hemmt die Ausbreitung und die Invasion der extrazellulären Matrix verschiedener Krebszelllinien beim Menschen" Emerging Drugs II 37-50 2003 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs..
  Roomi, Ivanov, Netke, Rath, Niedzwiecki: "Inhibitory effect of a natural anti-cancer formula - a specific formulation of nutrients containing lysine, proline, ascorbic acid and epigallocatechin gallate on the matrix metalloproteinases activities and invasion of human fibrosarcoma HT-1080 cells" FASEB J 8452 2003 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs..
  Roomi, Ivanov, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "In vivo antitumor effect of ascorbic acid, lysine, proline and green tea extract on human prostate cancer PC-3 xenografts in nude mice: evaluation of tumor growth and immunohistochemistry" In Vivo 19 179-184 2005 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs..
  Roomi, Ivanov, Netke, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "In vivo and in vitro antitumor effect of ascorbic acid, lysine, proline and green tea extract on human melanoma cell line A2058" In Vivo 20 25-32 2006 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs.. gute Bilder..
  Steinman, Landefeld, Rosenthal, Berthenthal, Sen, Kaboli: "Polypharmacy and prescribing quality in older people" J Am Geriatr Soc 54,10 1516-1523 10.2006 im Alter um 74.6 Jahre ~8.1 Medikamente.. nur 13% der Patienten korrekt versorgt..
  Jariwalla, Roomi, Gangapurkar, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Suppression of influenza A virus nuclear antigen production and neuraminidase activity by a nutrient mixture containing ascorbic acid, green tea extract and amino acids" Biofactors 31,1 1-15 2007 Mixtur mit Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, grüner Tee-Extrakt, N-acetyl cystein NAC, Selen gg. Vogelgrippe..
  Deryabin, Lvov, Botikov, Ivanov, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Effects of a nutrient mixture on infectious properties of the highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza virus A/H5N1" Biofactors 33,2 85-97 2008 Mixtur mit Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, grüner Tee-Extrakt, N-acetyl cystein NAC, Selen gg. Vogelgrippe..
  Siegmund-Schultze: "Polypharmakotherapie im Alter: Weniger Medikamente sind oft mehr" Dtsch Ärztebl 109,9 A418-A420 2.3.2012 Polypharmazie = regelmäßige tägliche Einnahme ab 5 Medikamente.. Wirkung nicht vorhersehbar.. über 80 durchschnittlich 9.3 Tabletten.. Zahl der Arzneien pro Patient in 4 Jahren verdoppelt.. je älter die Patienten und je mehr Medikamente desto größer Risiko für stationäre Notfalleinweisungen.. Prävention vor zu viel Medikamenten..
  Cha, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Hypoascorbemia induces atherosclerosis and vascular deposition of lipoprotein(a) in transgenic mice" Am J Cardiovasc Dis 5,1 53-62 2015 Vitamin C..
  Wong, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Efficacy of nutritional treatment in patients with psoriasis: A case report" Exp Ther Med 10 1071-1073 2015 Psoriasis, Schuppenflechte..
  Goc, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "In vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity of phytochemicals and micronutrients against Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia garinii" J Appl Microbiol 119 1561-1572 2015 Borreliose..
  Cha, Roomi, Kalinovsky, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Lipoprotein(a) and vitamin C impair development of breast cancer tumors in Lp(a)+; Gulo-/- mice" Int J Oncol 7.2016 Brustkrebs..
  Roomi, Kalinovsky, Rath, Niedzwiecki: "A nutrient mixture modulates ovarian ES-2 cancer progression by inhibiting xenograft tumor growth and cellular MMP secretion, migration and invasion" Int J Clin Exp Med 9,2 814-822 2016 Ovarialkrebs..
  Roomi, Kalinovsky, Rath, Niedzwiecki: "A specific mixture of nutrients suppresses ovarian cancer A-2780 tumor incidence, growth, and metastasis to lungs" Nutrients 9 303 2017 Ovarialkrebs..
  Guida, Niedzwiecki: "Diabetes in children and the role of micronutrients" J Cellular Med Natural Health 2017 Anstieg Diabetes Finnland, Schweden, Colorado, Deutschland..
  Roomi, Bhanap, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Progress of tumor growth and metastasis after inoculation of B16FO melanoma cells in kidney of female nude mice is inhibited by a novel nutrient mixture" Integrative Cancer Therapies 18 1-8 2019 Melanom..
  Goc, Sumera, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "10-undecynoic acid is a new anti-adherent agent killing biofilm of oral Streptococcus spp." PLos ONE 14,4 e0214763 2019 Streptococcus..
  Goc, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Anti-borreliae efficacy of selected organic oils and fatty acids" BMC Complementary Alternative Med 19,40 2019 Borrelien..
  Shi, Niedzwiecki, Ivanov, Rath: "Cardiovascular effects of cyclical dietary vitamin C withdrawal in mice deficient in internal synthesis vitamin C and producing human lipoprotein (a): Gulo(-/-); Lp(a)+" Int J Cardiovasc Res 8,1 1.2019
  Ivanov, Ivanova, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Vitamin D enhances anticancer effects of EGCG and a specific micronutrient combination in breast cancer cells" J Cellular Med Natural Health 2019 Vitamin D und Nährstoffe bremsen Krebszellwachstum.. Grafiken..
  US-Patent 10568866 Nährstoffe für Immunsystem. Niedziecki, Rath, Goc, Sumera 5.10.2018 -> 25.2.2020 Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Komplex, Vitamin E, Aronia-Extrakt, Ingwerextrakt, Zink, Selen, Alpha-Liponsäure..
  Chang et al: "Polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate medications among hospitalized older adults with COVID-19 in Malaysian tertiary hospitals" J Pharm Policy Pract 16,1 2 12.1.2023 bei 32.7% der Patienten mind. 1 ungünstige Medikation.. zu oft Protonenpumpeninhibitoren.. Gefahr niedriger Blutdruck.. Krankenhaus wg. Medikamentenfehlern -> bei 50.6% Polypharmazie (> 5 Medikamente), bei Entlassung 62.5%.. ca. 5% Hyperpolypharmazie (>10 Medikamente) -> mehr Risiko für Schäden, mehr Krankenhaus, mehr Kosten..
  Sumera, Goc, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "L-lysine and vitamin C work better in synergy against Escherichia coli and Acinetobacter baumannii" J Cellular Med Natural Health 22.6.2023 Lysin+Vitamin C gg. E. coli, Acinetobacter..
  Goc, Sumera, Rath, Niedzwiecki: "Inhibitory effect of theaflavin-3,3-digallate can involve its binding to the 'stem' domain of alpha-hemolysin of Staphylococcus aureus" Eur J Microbiol Immunol 26.9.2023 Infektion durch Staphylococcus aureus.. alpha-Toxin.. Theaflavin gg. MRSA..

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