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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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1 Psyche
2 Statik
3 Ernährung
4 Gifte
5 Zahnherde
6 Störfelder
7 Parasiten 8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur |
"Telefonieren mit dem Handy kann Augentumore erzeugen.. Universität
"Recherche russischer Studienergebnisse 1960-1996 durch Prof.
EMF als stiller Distressor.. Wirkung nach Jahren sichtbar.. Ähnlichkeiten
mit dem chron.
Müdigkeitssyndrom CFS.. Grenzwerte in der früheren Sowjetunion
bei 0.004W/qm.."
"Wer heilt, hat recht"
Literatur, Patente | |
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Goldsmith: "Epidemiological evidence of radiofrequency radiation (microwave) effects on health in military, broadcasting, and occupational studies" Int J Occupational and Environmental Health 1 47-57 1995 | |
Lai, Singh: "Acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells" Bioelectromagnetics 16,3 207-210 1995 | |
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Fesenko, Geletyuk, Kazachenko, Chemeris: "Preliminary microwave irradiation of water solutions changes their channel modifying activity" FEBS Letters 366 49-52 1995 | |
Frei, Ryan, Berger, Jauchem: "Sustained 35-GHz radiofrequency irradiation induces circulatory failure" Shock 4 289-293 1995 | |
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Schmutz, Siegenthaler, Staeger, Tarjan, Bucher: "Long-term exposure of young spruce and beech trees to 2450-MHz microwave radiation" Sci Total Environ 180 43-48 1996 | |
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Rodemann, Löschinger, Dittmann, Thumm, Hämmerle: "Zell- und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur Wirkungsweise niederfrequenter athermischer elektromagnetischer Felder" Kleinheubacher Berichte 39 645-652 1996 | |
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Cleary, Cao, Liu: "Effects of isothermal 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on the mammalian cell cycle: comparison with effects of isothermal 27 MHz radiofrequency radiation exposure" Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 39,2 167-173 1996 | |
Lai, Singh: "Single- and double-strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells after acute exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation" Int J Radiation Biology 69,4 513-521 1996 | |
Lai, Singh: "Reply to Comment on 'Acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells' " Bioelectromagnetics 17 166 1996 | |
Szmigielski: "Cancer morbidity in subjects occupationally exposed to high frequency (radiofrequency and microwave) electromagnetic radiation" Science of the Total Environment 180,1 9-17 2.2.1996 | |
Maes, Collier, Slaets, Verschaeve: "954 MHz Microwaves enhance the mutagenic properties of Mitomycin C" Environmental Molecular Mutagenesis 28 26-30 1996 | |
Goldsmith: "Epidemiological studies of radio-frequency radiation: current status and areas of concern" Science of the Total Environment 180 3-8 1996 | |
Elekes, Thuroczy, Szabo: "Effect on the immune system of mice exposed chronically to 50 Hz amplitude-modulated 2.45 GHz microwaves" Bioelectromagnetics 17,3 246-248 1996 | |
Ryan, Frei, Berger, Jauchem: "Does nitric oxide mediate circulatory failure induced by 35-GHz microwave heating?" Shock 6 71-76 1996 | |
Violanti, Marshall: "Cellular phones and traffic accidents: an epidemiological approach" Accid Anal Prev 28,2 265-270 3.1996 5.6x so hohes Unfallrisiko bei >50min/Monat Mobilfunknutzung im Auto.. | |
Redelmeier, Tibshirani: "Association between cellular-telephone calls and motor vehicle collisions" N Engl J Med 336,7 453-458 13.2.1997 4.3x so hohes Unfallrisiko im Auto bei Mobiltelefonnutzung.. ähnlich Volltrunkenheit.. | |
Ivaschuk, Jones, Ishida-Jones, Haggren, Adey, Phillips: "Exposure of nerve growth factor-treated PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells to a modulated radiofrequency field at 836,55 MHz: effects on c-jun and c-fos expression" Bioelectromagnetics 18,3 223-229 1997 | |
Ryan, Frei, Jauchem: "Circulatory failure induced by 35 GHz microwave heating: effects of chronic nitric oxide synthesis inhibition" Shock 7 70-76 1997 | |
Goldsmith: "TV broadcast towers and cancer: the end of innocence for radiofrequency exposures" Am J Ind Med 32,6 689-692 12.1997 | |
Goldsmith: "Epidemiologic evidence relevant to radar (microwave) effects" Environmental Health Perspectives 105 Suppl 6 1579-1587 1997 | |
Lai, Singh: "Melatonin and Spin-Trap compound Block Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation-induced DNA Strands Breaks in Rat Brain Cells" Bioelectromagnetics 18 446-454 1997 | |
Magras, Xenos: "RF radiation-induced changes in the prenatal development of mice" Bioelectromagnetics 18,6 455-461 1997 | |
Nakamura, Seto, Nagase, Yoshida, Dan, Ogina: "Effects of exposure to microwaves on cellular immunity and placental steroids in pregnant rats" Occup Environ Med 54,9 676-680 1997 | |
Fritze, Sommer, Schmitz, Mies, Hossmann, Kiessling, Wiessner: "Effect of global system for mobile communication (GSM) microwave exposure on blood-brain barrier permeability in rat" Acta Neuropathol 94,5 465-470 1997 | |
Fritze, Wiessner, Kuster, Sommer, Gass, Hermann, Kiessling, Hossmann: "Effect of global system for mobile communication microwave exposure on the genomic response of the rat brain" Neurosci 81,3 627-639 1997 | |
Linde, Mild: "Measurement of low frequency magnetic fields from digital cellular telephones" Bioelectromagnetics 18,2 184-186 1997 | |
Vijayalaxmi, Frei, Dusch, Guel, Meltz, Jauchem: "Frequency of micronuclei in the peripheral blood and bone marrow of cancer-prone mice chronically exposed to 2450 MHz radiofrequency radiation" Radiation Res 147 495-500 1997 | |
Violanti: "Cellular phones and fatal traffic collisions" Accid Anal Prev 30,4 519-524 7.1998 9x so hohes tödliches Unfallrisiko bei Mobilfunknutzung im Auto.. 2x so hohes Unfallrisiko, wenn Handy an Bord.. | |
Frey: "Headaches from cellular telephones: are real and what are the implications?" Environ Health Perspect 106,3 101-103 3.1998 | |
Pavel, Ungureanu, Bara, Gassner, Creanga: "Cytogenetic changes induced by low-intensity microwaves in the species Triticum aestivum" Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi 102 89-92 1998 | |
Szmigielski, Bortkiewicz, Gadzicka, Zmyslony, Kubacki: "Alteration of diurnal rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate to workers exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields" Blood Press Monit 3,6 323-330 1998 | |
Phillips, Ivaschuk, Ishida-Jones, Jones, Campbell-Beachler, Haggnen: "DNA damage in molt-4 T-lymphoblastoid cells exposed to cellular telephone radiofrequency fields in vitro" Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 45 103-110 1998 | |
ICNIRP: "Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)" Health Phys 74,4 494-522 4.1998 Mikrowellenhören.. | |
Johnson-Liakouris: "Radiofrequency (RF) sickness in the Lilienfeld Study: an effect of modulated microwaves" Arch Environ Heath 53,3 236-238 1998 | |
Freude, Ullsperger, Eggert, Ruppe: "Effects of microwaves emitted by cellular phones on human slow brain potentials" Bioelectromagnetics 19,6 384-387 1998 | |
Mild, Oftedal, Sandstrom, Wilen, Tynes, Haugsdal, Hauger: "Comparison of symptoms by users of analogue and digital mobile phones - A Swedish-Norwegian epidemiological study" National Institute for working life. Umea, Schweden 23 84 1998 | |
Michelozzi, Ancona, Fusco, Forastiere, Perucci: "Risk of leukemia and residence near a radio transmitter in Italy" Epidemiology 9 Suppl 354p 1998 | |
Malyapa, Ahern, Bi, Straube, LaRegina, Pickard, Roti Roti: "DNA damage in rat brain cells after in vivo exposure to 2450 MHz electromagnetic radiation and various methods of euthanasia" Radiation Research 149,6 637-645 1998 | |
Preece, Iwi, Davies-Smith, Wesnes, Butler, Lim, Varey: "Effect of a 915-MHz simulated mobile phone signal on cognitive function in man" Int J Radiat Biol 75,4 447-456 4.1999 | |
Fesenko, Makar, Novoselova, Sadovnikov: "Microwaves and cellular immunity I. Effect of whole body microwave irradiation on tumor necrosis factor production in mouse cells" Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 49 29-35 1999 | |
Hardell, Nasman, Pahlson, Hallquist, Mild: "Use of cellular telephones and the risk for brain tumors: a case-control study" Int J Oncol 15 113-116 1999 | |
Adey, Byus, Cain et al: "Spontaneous and nitrosourea-induced primary tumors of the central nervous system in Fischer 344 rats chronically exposed to 836 MHz modulated microwaves" Radiat Res 152,3 293-302 9.1999 | |
Borbely, Huber, Graf, Fuchs, Gallmann, Achermann: "Pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic field affects human sleep and sleep electroencephalogram" Neurosci Letters 275,3 207-210 19.11.1999 EEG-Veränderung.. | |
Moszczynski, Lisiewicz, Dmoch, Zabinski, Bergier, Rucinska, Sasiadek: "The effect of various occupational exposures to microwave radiation on the concentrations of immunoglobulins and T lymphocyte subsets" Wiad Lek 52,1-2 30-34 1999 | |
Velizarov, Raskmark, Kwee: "The effects of radiofrequency fields on cell proliferation are non-thermal" Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 48,1 177-180 2.1999 | |
Akdag, Celik, Ketani, Nergiz, Deniz, Dasdag: "Effect of chronic low-intensity microwave radiation on sperm count, sperm morphology, and testicular and epididymal tissues of rats" Electro-Magnetobiol 18,2 133-145 1999 | |
Dasdag, Ketani, Akdag, Ersay, Sari, Demirtas, Celik: "Whole-body microwave exposure emitted by cellular phones and testicular function of rats" Urol Res 27,3 219-223 6.1999 histologische Veränderungen in Gruppe mit Sprechbereitschaft.. | |
Goswami, Albee, Parsian, Baty, Moros, Pickard, Roti, Hunt: "Proto-oncogene mRNA levels and activities of multiple transcription factors in C3H 10T 1/2 murine embryonic fibroblasts exposed to 835.62 and 847.74 MHz cellular telephone communication frequency radiation" Radiat Res 151,3 300-309 1999 | |
Youbicier-Simo, Bastide: "Pathological effects induced by embryonic and postnatal exposure to EMFs radiation by cellular mobile phones" Radiat Protect 1 218-223 1999 | |
De Seze, Ayoub, Peray et al: "Evaluation in humans of the effects of radiocellular telephones on the circadian patterns of melatonin secretion, a chronobiological rhythm marker" J Pineal Res 27 237-242 1999 | |
Kemerov, Marinkev, Getova: "Effects of low-intensity electromagnetic fields on behavioral activity of rats" Folia Med 41 75-80 1999 | |
Freude, Ullsperger, Eggert, Ruppe: "Microwaves emitted by cellular telephones affect human slow brain potentials" Eur J App Physiol 81 18-27 2000 | |
Krause, Sillanmäki, Koivisto, Häggqvist, Saarela, Revonsuo, Laine, Hämäläinen: "Effects of electromagnetic fields emitted by cellular phones on the electroencephalogram during a visual working memory task" Int J Radiat Biol 76,12 1659-1667 12.2000 EM-Felder beeinflussen 8Hz im EEG speziell während Denkprozessen.. | |
French, Penny, Laurence, McKenzie: "Mobile phones, heat shock proteins and cancer" Differentiation 67 93-97 2000 | |
Hardell, Näsman, Pahlson, Hallquist: "Case-control study on radiology work, medical X-ray investigations, and use of cellular telephones as risk factors" Medscape General Med 2,2 2000 | |
Dasdag, Akdag, Ayyildiz, Demirtas, Yayla, Sert: "Do cellular phones alter blood parameters and birth weight of rats?" Electro-Magnetobiol 19,1 107-113 2000 | |
Adey, Byus, Cain et al: "Spontaneous and nitrosourea-induced primary tumors of the central nervous system in Fischer 344 rats exposed to frequency-modulated microwave fields" Cancer Res 60,7 1857-1863 1.4.2000 FM-Signal 836.55MHz +/- 12.5kHz scheinbar ohne Effekt.. | |
Schirmacher, Winters, Fischer, Goeke, Galla, Kullnick, Ringelstein, Stögbauer: "Electromagnetic fields (1.8 GHz) increase the permeability to sucrose of the blood-brain barrier in vitro" Bioelectromagnetics 21,5 338-345 7.2000 signifikanter Effekt auf Blut-Hirnschranke.. | |
Krause, Sillanmäki, Koivisto, Häggqvist, Saarela, Revonsuo et al: "Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by Cellular Phones on the Electroencephalogram During a Visual Working Memory Task" Int J of Radiation Biology 76,12 1659-1667 12.2000 | |
Redelmeier, Tibshirani: "Car phones and car crashes: some popular misconceptions" CMAJ 164,11 1581-1582 29.5.2001 4x so viele Autounfälle bei Nutzung Mobiltelefone.. | |
Hardell, Mild, Pahlson, Hallquist: "Ionizing radiation, cellular telephones and the risk of brain tumors" Eur J Canc Prev 19 523-529 2001 | |
Sandström, Wilen, Oftedal, Mild: "Mobile phone use and subjective symptoms. Comparison of symptoms experienced by users of analogue and digital mobile phones" Occupational Medicine 51,1 25-35 2.2001 statistisch signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen Anrufen pro Tag und Wärme ums Ohr, Kopfschmerzen und Müdigkeit.. | |
Schoen: "Auswirkungen elektrostatischer Felder auf das Keimverhalten und die Ontogenie verschiedener Getreidearten" Diplomarbeit Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz 2001 in Bürgin: 'Der Urzeit-Code' S.196 | |
Burch, Reif, Noonan, Ichinose, Bachand, Koleber, Yost: "Melatonin metabolite excretion among cellular telephone users" Int J Radiat Biol 78,11 1029-1036 11.2002 | |
Hardell, Hallquist, Mild, Carlberg, Pahlson, Lilja: "Cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for brain tumors" Eur J Canc Prev 11,4 377-386 2002 | |
Beasond, Semm: "Responses of neurons to an amplitude modulated microwave stimulus" Neuroscience Letters 33 175-178 2002 | |
De Pomerai, Daniells, David: "Non-thermal heat-shock response to microwaves" Nature 405 417-418 2002 | |
Huber, Treyer, Borbely, Schuderer, Gottselig, Landolt, Werth, Berthold, Kuster, Buck, Achermann: "Electromagnetic fields, such as those form mobile phones, alter regional cerebral blood flow and sleep and waking EEG" J Sleep Res 11,4 289-295 12.2002 | |
Santini, Seigne, Bonhomme-Faivre, Bouffet, Defrasne, Sage: "Symptoms experienced by users of digital cellular phones: A study of a French enginieering school" Electromagn Biol Med 21,1 81-88 2002 mehr Unbehagen, Brennen im Gesicht, Prickeln/Wärme am Ohr, Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten, Schlafstörungen.. | |
Santini, Santini, Danze, Le Ruz, Seigne: "Symptoms experienced by people in vicinity of base station: I/ Incidences of distances and sex" Pathol Biol 50 369-373 2002 | |
Michelozzi, Capon, Kirchmayer, Forastiere, Biggeri, Barca, Perucci: "Adult and childhood leukemia near a high-power radio station in Rome, Italy" Am J Epidemiol 155,12 1096-1103 2002 | |
Hallberg, Johansson: "Melanoma incidence and frequency modulation (FM) broadcasting" Arch Environ Health 57,1 32-40 2002 | |
Santini, Santini, Danze, Le Ruz, Seigne: "Investigation on the health of people living near mobile telephone relay stations: I/Incidence according to distance and sex" Pathol Biol (Paris) 50,6 369-373 7.2002 engl. Übersetzung auch unter: "Study of the health of people living in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations: I. Influences of distance and sex" Symptome wie Müdigkeit, Irritierbarkeit, Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel, Appetitverlust, Schlafstörungen, Depression, Konzentrationsprobleme, Gedächtnisverlust, Hautprobleme, Sehstörungen, Hörstörungen, Herz-Kreislaufprobleme.. | |
Beason, Semm: "Responses of neurons to an amplitude modulated microwave stimulus" Neurosci Lett 333 175-178 2002 | |
Davoudi, Brössner, Kuber: "Der Einfluß elektromagnetischer Wellen auf die Spermienmotilität" J Urol Urogynäkol 9,3 18-22 2002 ein Bild dabei.. | |
Kuhn, Stever: "Einwirkungen hochfrequenter elektromagnetischer Felder auf Bienenvölker - Erste Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen" Deutsches Bienenjournal 10 151-154 2002 | |
Edelstyn, Oldershaw: "The acute effects of exposure to the electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones on human attention" Neuroreport 13,1 119-121 21.1.2002 | |
Huber, Treyer, Borbely, Schuderer, Gottselig, Landolt, Werth, Berthold, Kuster, Buck, Achermann: "Electromagnetic fields, such as those from mobile phones, alter regional cerebral blood flow and sleep and waking EEG" J Sleep Res 11,4 289-295 12.2002 gepulste Modulation verändert Schlaf-EEG und weckt.. | |
Auvinen, Hietanen, Luukonen, Koskela: "Brain tumors and salivary gland cancers among cellular telephone users" Epidemiol 13,3 356-359 2002 | |
US-Patent 6587729: Gerät zur akustischen Kommunikation durch Nutzung des RF-Höreffekts. O'Loughlin, Loree 24.4.2002 -> 1.7.2003 | |
Stever, Kuhn: "Elektromagnetische Exposition als Einflussfaktor für Lernprozesse - ein Entwicklungsmodell der Bildungsinformatik mit Bienen als Bioindikator" Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft 44,4 179-183 2003 | |
Marino, Nilsen, Frilot: "Nonlinear changes in brain electrical activity due to cell-phone radiation" Bioelectromagnetics 24 339-346 2003 | |
Elder, Chou: "Auditory responses to pulsed radiofrequency energy" Bioelectromagnetics Suppl 8 S162-S173 2003 | |
Smith: "On the need for new criteria of diagnosis of psychosis in the light of mind invasive technology" J Psycho-Social Studies 2,2 #3 2003 | |
McMurtrey: "Microwave bioeffect congruence with schizophrenia" 2003 | |
Santini, Santini, Le Ruz, Danze, Seigne: "Survey study of people living in the vicinity of cellular phone base stations" Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 22,1 41-49 1.2003 | |
Hossmann, Hermann: "Effects of electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones on the central nervous system" Bioelectromagnetics 24,1 49-62 2003 | |
Hardell, Mild, Carlberg: "Further aspects on cellular and cordless telephones and brain tumours" Int J Oncology 22,2 399-407 2.2003 deutlich erhöhtes Astrozytomrisiko auf der Kopfseite des Telefons.. Faktor 1.8.. | |
Wilen, Sandström, Mild: "Subjective symptoms among mobile phone users - a consequence of absorption of radiofrequency fields?" Bioelectromagnetics 24,3 152-159 4.2003 mehr Effekte >0.5W/kg und langen Anrufen.. | |
Salford, Brun, Eberhardt, Malmgren, Persson: "Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones" Environmental Health Perspectives 111,7 881-883 6.2003 hoch signifikante neuronale Schäden in Cortex, Hippocampus und Basalganglien von Rattenhirnen.. beeindruckende Bilder.. | |
Grigoriew: "Influence of the electromagnetic field of the mobile phones on chickens embryo, to the evaluation of the dangerousness after the criterion of this mortality" J Radiation Biology 5 541-544 2003 | |
Navarro, Segura, Portoles, Gomez-Perretta: "The microwave syndrome: a preliminary study in Spain" Electromagn Biol Med 22,2-3 161-169 2003 Mikrowellen-Syndrom.. | |
Adey: "Brain interactions with RF/microwave fields generated by mobile phones" International Encyclopedia of Neuroscience Smith&Adelman, Elsevier New York 2003 | |
Eger, Hagen, Lucas, Vogel, Voit: "Einfluss der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz" Umwelt-Medizin-Gesellschaft 17,4 326-332 2004 Naila-Studie.. deutlich mehr Krebstote 400m um Antennen.. Faktor 3.4.. www.naila.de.. | |
Lönn, Ahlbom, Hall, Feychting: "Mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma" Epidemiology 15 653-659 2004 erhöhtes Risiko für Tumor am Gehörnerv nach 10 Jahren Mobiltelefonie.. | |
Babincova, Sourivong, Leszczynskac, Babinec: "Effects of GSM microwaves, pulsed magnetic field, and temperature on fractal dimension of brain tumors" Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 20,5 1041-1045 6.2004 | |
Lai, Singh: "Magnetic-field-induced DNA strand breaks in brain cells of the rat" Environ Health Perspect 112,6 687-694 5.2004 | |
Wolf, Wolf: "Increased incidence of cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station" Int J Cancer Prevention 1,2 123-128 4.2004 4.15-10.5x höheres Krebsrisiko in der Nähe Mobilfunksender in Israel.. | |
Eger, Hagen, Lucas, Vogel, Voit: "Einfluss der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz" Umwelt - Medizin - Gesellschaft 17,4 326-332 2004 Naila-Studie.. 15W/Kanal.. GSM 935MHz.. 90000 Stunden.. | |
Hallberg, Johansson: "Malignant melanoma of the skin - not a sunshine story!" Med Sci Monit 10,7 CR336-340 7.2004 | |
Kundi, Mild, Hardell, Mattsson: "Mobile telephones and cancer: A review of epidemiological evidence" J Toxicology & Environmental Health 7,5 351-384 9.2004 | |
Hallberg, Johansson: "1997 - A curious year in Sweden" Eur J Cancer Prev 13,6 535-538 12.2004 | |
Diem, Schwarz, Adlkofer, Jahn, Rüdiger: "Non-thermal DNA breakage by mobile-phone radiation (1800 MHz) in human fibroblasts and in transformed GFSH-R17 rat granulosa cells in vitro" Mutat Res 583,2 178-183 6.6.2005 DNA-Schäden (auch Doppelstrangbruch) bei 1800MHz SAR 1.2 or 2 W/kg.. 5min ein/10min aus zeigt stärkeren Effekt.. kein thermischer Effekt.. | |
Markova, Hillert, Malmgren, Persson, Belyaev: "Microwaves from GSM Mobile Telephones Affect 53BP1 and gamma-H2AX Foci in Human Lymphocytes from Hypersensitive and Healthy Persons" Environ Health Perspect 113,9 1172-1177 9.2005 | |
Belyaev: "Non-thermal biological effects of microwaves" Microwave Review 11,2 13-29 11.2005 | |
Nikolova, Czyz, Rolletschek, Blyszczuk, Fuchs, Jovtchev, Schuderer, Kuster, Wobus: "Electromagnetic fields affect transcript levens of apoptosis-related genes in embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells" FASEB J 19,12 1686-1688 10.2005 | |
Sandu, Goiceanu, Ispas, Creanga, Miclaus, Creanga: "A preliminary study on ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields effect on black locust chlorophylls" Acta Biol Hung 56,1-2 109-117 2005 | |
Fejes, Závaczki, Szöllosi, Koloszár, Daru, Kovács, Pál: "Is there a relationship between cell phone use and semen quality?" Arch Androl 51,5 385-393 2005 | |
Hallberg: "Hearing problems and acoustic neuroma cancer in Sweden" Pathophysiology 12,2 143-144 9.2005 | |
Schoemaker, Swerlow, Ahlbom, Auvinen, Blaasaas, Cardis, Collatz, Christensen, Feychting, Hepworth, Johansen, Klaeboe, Lönn, McKinney, Muir: "Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries" British J Cancer 93,7 842-848 3.10.2005 | |
Hallberg: "Increasing incidence of malignant melanoma of skin can be modeled as a response to suddenly imposed environmental stress" Med Sci Monit 11,10 CR457-461 10.2005 | |
Hässig et al: "Nukleärer Katarakt bei neugeborenen Kälbern welche in der Nähe von Handy-Antennen gehalten werden" 2005 Studie ab 1.2005 zu grauem Star bei Kälbern.. engl: "Nuclear cataract in calves by cellular telefone antenna in Switzerland" | |
Stever, Kuhn, Otten, Wunder, Harst: "Verhaltensänderung unter elektromagnetischer Exposition. Pilotstudie 2005" Institut für Mathematik. Arbeitsgruppe Bildungsinformatik Universität Koblenz-Landau 2005 Verhaltensänderung von Honigbienen.. | |
Stever, Kimmel, Harst, Kuhn, Otten, Wunder: "Verhaltensänderung der Honigbiene Apis mellifera unter elektromagnetischer Exposition. Folgeversuch 2006" Institut für Mathematik. Arbeitsgruppe Bildungsinformatik Universität Koblenz-Landau 2006 reduzierte Rückkehrqualität von Honigbienen.. | |
Hallberg: "A theory and model to explain the skin melanoma epidemic" Melanoma Res 16,2 115-118 4.2006 | |
Hardell, Carlberg, Mild: "Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003" Int J of Oncology 28 509-518 2006 deutlich höheres Risiko von Akustic Neuromen.. | |
Hardell, Carlberg, Mild: "Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed in 1997-2003" Int Arch Occup Environ Health 79,8 630-639 9.2006 ca. 2x so viele bösartige Hirntumore.. 2.7-3.8x mehr Astrozytome nach 10 Jahren.. | |
Schüz, Böhler, Berg, Schlehofer, Hettinger, Schläfer, Wahrendorf, Kunna-Grass, Blettner: "Cellular phones, cordless phones, and the risks of glioma and meningioma (Interphone study group, Germany)" Am J Epidemiol 163,6 512-520 2006 2.2x erhöhtes Gliom-Risiko bei mehr als 10 Jahren Handynutzung.. | |
Hallberg, Oberfeld: "Letter to the editor: will we all become electrosensitive?" Electromagn Biol Med 25,3 189-191 2006 Zunahme Elektrosensibilität.. klare Grafik.. | |
Joo, Szasz, Szendro: "Metal-framed spectacles and implants and specific absorption rate among adults and children using Mobile Phones at 900/1800/2100MHz" Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 25 1-10 2006 Absorptionsberechungen mit/ohne Brille (Metall hinter Ohr).. | |
Hallberg: "Adverse health indicators correlating with sparsely populated areas in Sweden" Eur J Cancer Prev 16,1 71-76 2.2007 | |
Lahkola, Auvinen, Raitanen, Schoemaker, Christensen, Feychting, Johansen, Klaeboe, Lönn, Swerdlow, Tynes, Salminen: "Mobile phone use and risk of glioma in 5 North European countries" Int J Cancer 120,8 1769-1775 15.4.2007 39% mehr Gliome auf der Handyseite nach 10 Jahren Nutzung.. | |
Guney, Ozguner, Oral, Karahan, Mungan: "900 MHz radiofrequency-induced histopathologic changes and oxidative stress in rat endometrium: protection by vitamins E and C" Toxicol Ind Health 23,7 411-420 8.2007 | |
Syldona: "Reducing the in-vitro electromagnetic field effect of cellular phones on human DNA and the intensity of their emitted radiation" Acupunct Electrother Res. 32,1-2 1-14 2007 +40% mehr DNA-Rückwicklung durch Handystrahlung.. Effekt 95% abgeschwächt durch Schirmung mit paramagnetischem Mineral.. | |
Hardell, Carlberg, Soderqvist, Mild, Morgan: "Long-term use of cellular phones and brain tumours: increased risk associated with use for >=10 years" Occup Environ Med 64,9 626-632 1.9.2007 | |
Hallberg: "Increasing incidence of brain tumours in sparsely populated areas" Pathophysiology 14,2 121-122 10.2007 | |
Warnke: "Bienen, Vögel und Menschen. Die Zerstörung der Natur durch Elektrosmog" Kompetenzinitiative zum Schutz von Mensch, Umwelt und Demokratie 11.2007 | |
Everaert, Bauwens: "A Possible Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation from Mobile Phone Base Stations on the Number of Breeding House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)" Electromagn Biol Med 26,1 63-72 2007 weniger Spatzen durch Mobilfunk.. | |
Balmori, Hallberg: "The urban decline of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus): a possible link with electromagnetic radiation" Electromagn Biol Med 26,2 141-151 2007 | |
Ruzicka: "Auswirkungen von GSM-Mobilfunkbasisstationen auf die Lebenszeit einer Bevölkerung" umwelt·medizin·gesellschaft 20 132-133 2.2007 10 Jahre reduzierte Lebenserwartung durch Mobilfunksender.. | |
Lahkola, Salminen, Raitanen, Heinävaara, Schoemaker, Christensen, Feychting, Johansen, Klæboe, Lönn, Swerdlow, Tynes, Auvinen: "Meningioma and mobile phone use - a collaborative case-control study in five North European countries" Int J Epidemiol 37,6 1304-1313 12.2008 kein Zusammenhang zwischen Mobilfunk und Meningiomen.. | |
Sadetzki, Chetrit, Jarus-Hakak, Cardis, Deutch, Duvdevani, Zultan, Novikov, Freedman, Wolf: "Cellular phone use and risk of benign and malignant parotid gland tumors - a nationwide case-control study" Am J Epidemiol 167,4 457-467 15.2.2008 50% höheres Krebsrisiko durch häufiges Mobiltelefonieren.. | |
Khurana: "Mobile phones and brain tumours, a public health concern" 2008 sehr interessante Belegkette.. | |
Hallberg: "A reduced repair efficiency can explain increasing melanoma rates" Eur J Cancer Prev 17,2 147-152 4.2008 | |
Mortazavi, Daiee, Yazdi, Khiabani, Kavousi, Vazirinejad, Behnejad, Ghasemi, Mood: "Mercury release from dental amalgam restorations after magnetic resonance imaging and following mobile phone use" Pak J Biol Sci 11,8 1142-1146 15.4.2008 | |
Schwarz, Kratochvil, Pilger, Kuster, Adlkofer, Rüdiger: "Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (UMTS, 1,950 MHz) induce genotoxic effects in vitro in human fibroblasts but not in lymphocytes" Int Arch Occup Environ Health 81,6 755-767 5.2008 zeitabhängige gentoxische Effekte.. | |
Eberhardt, Persson, Brun, Salford, Malmgren: "Blood-brain barrier permeability and nerve cell damage in rat brain 14 and 28 days after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones" Electromagn Biol Med 27,3 215-229 2008 | |
Khurana: "Cell phone and DNA story overlooked studies" Science 322 1325 28.11.2008 | |
Schwarz, Kratochvil, Pilger, Kuster, Adlkofer, Rüdiger: "Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (UMTS, 1,950 MHz) induce genotoxic effects in vitro in human fibroblasts but not in lymphocytes" Int Arch Occup Environ Health 81,6 755-767 5.2008 | |
Leitgeb: "Mobile phones: are children at higher risk?" Wien Med Wochenschr 158,1-2 36-41 2008 immer mehr Mobilfunknutzung bei Kindern.. Kinder empfindlicher als Erwachsene.. | |
Belyaev, Markova, Hillert, Malmgren, Persson: "Microwaves from UMTS/GSM mobile phones induce long-lasting inhibition of 53BP1/gamma-H2AX DNA repair foci in human lymphocytes" Bioelectromagnetics 30,2 129-141 2.2009 | |
Khurana, Teo, Kundi, Hardell, Carlberg: "Cell phones and brain tumors: a review including the long-term epidemiologic data" Surg Neurol 26.3.2009 nach mehr als 10 Jahren Handynutzung 2x so oft Hirntumor auf der Telefonseite.. statistisch signifikant für Gliom, Akustikusneurinom.. | |
De Iuliis, Newey, King, Aitken: "Mobile Phone Radiation Induces Reactive Oxygen Species Production and DNA Damage in Human Spermatozoa In Vitro" PLoS ONE 4,7 2009 DNA-Schäden an Spermien.. | |
Hallberg, Johansson: "Apparent decreases in Swedish public health indicators after 1997 - Are they due to improved diagnostics or to environmental factors?" Pathophysiology 16,1 43-46 6.2009 | |
Hardell, Carlberg, Hansson Mild: "Epidemiological evidence for an association between use of wireless phones and tumor diseases" Pathophysiology 16,2-3 113-122 8.2009 | |
Xu, Zhong, Zhang, Zhou, Zhang, Wang, Wang, Li, Chen, Chen, He, Zhang, Yu: "Exposure to 1800 MHz radiofrequency radiation induces oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA in primary cultured neurons" Brain Res 29.10.2009 | |
Franzellitti, Valbonesi, Ciancaglini, Biondi, Contin, Bersani, Fabbri: "Transient DNA damage induced by high-frequency electromagnetic fields (GSM 1.8GHz) in the human trophoblast HTR-8/SVneo cell line evaluated with the alkaline comet assay" Mutat Res 12.10.2009 modulierte HF ähnlich GSM kann DNA schädigen.. | |
Desai, Kesari, Agarwal: "Pathophysiology of cell phone radiation: oxidative stress and carcinogenesis with focus on male reproductive system" Reprod Biol Endocrinol 7 114 22.10.2009 Plasmamembran als Ziel der Strahlung.. | |
Atasoy, Sevim, Kaya, Yilmaz, Durmus, Sonmez, Omay, Ozdemir, Ovali: "The effects of electromagnetic fields on peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro" Bratisl Lek Listy 110,9 526-529 2009 elektromagnetische Signale beeinflussen periphere Blutzellen durch Veränderung der Adhäsion.. | |
Hässig, Jud, Nägeli, Kupper, Spiess: "Prevalence of nuclear cataract in Swiss veal calves and its possible association with mobile telephone antenna base stations" Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 151,10 471-478 10.2009 grauer Star durch Mobilfunkantennen denkbar.. | |
Myung, Ju, McDonnell, Lee, Kazinets, Cheng, Moskowitz: "Mobile phone use and risk of tumors: a meta-analysis" J Clin Oncol J Clin Oncol 27,33 5565-5572 20.11.2009 Ergebnis von 23 Studien mit 37916 Fällen.. nach 10 Jahren Tumorrisiko + 18%.. | |
Schöpfer: "Mobilfunk: Späte Lehren aus frühen Warnungen?" Natur und Recht 32,1 27-34 1.2010 Verflechtungen zwischen Staat, Industrie und Wissenschaft als Umweltbedrohung.. | |
Havas, Marrongelle, Pollner, Kelley, Rees, Tully: "Provocation study using heart rate variability shows microwave radiation from DECT phone affects autonomic nervous system" Eur J Oncol Library 5 273-300 2010 Mikrowellenstrahlung beeinflusst autonomes Nervensystem.. sofortige dramatische Veränderungen von Herzschlag und Herzratenvariabilität.. | |
Balmori: "Mobile phone mast effects on common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles: the city turned into a laboratory" Electromagn Biol Med 29,1-2 31-35 6.2010 bei 1.8-3.5V/m schlecht koordinierte Bewegungen, asynchrones Wachstum und 90% statt 4% Sterblichkeit.. | |
Sato, Akiba, Kubo, Yamaguchi: "A case-case study of mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan" Bioelectromagnetics 28.10.2010 2.74x so hohes Risiko bei >20 min/Tag 1 Jahr vor Diagnose und 3.08 5 Jahre vor Diagnose.. | |
Hallberg: "Is increased mortality from Alzheimer's disease in Sweden a reflection of better diagnostics?" Curr Alzheimer Res 6,6 471-475 12.2009 | |
Tillmann, Ernst, Streckert, Zhou, Taugner, Hansen, Dasenbrock: "Indication of cocarcinogenic potential of chronic UMTS-modulated radiofrequency exposure in an ethylnitrosourea mouse model" Int J Radiat Biol 86,7 529-541 7.2010 mehr Lungenkrebs bei 4.8W/m2.. | |
Volkow, Tomasi, Wang, Vaska, Fowler, Telang, Alexoff, Logan, Wong: "Effects of cell phone radiofrequency signal exposure on brain glucose metabolism" JAMA 305,8 808-813 2011 | |
Prochnow, Gebing, Ladage, Krause-Finkeldey, El Ouardi, Bitz, Streckert, Hansen, Dermietzel: "Electromagnetic field effect or simply stress? Effects of UMTS exposure on hippocampal longterm plasticity in the context of procedure related hormone release" PLoS One 6,5 5.5.2011 | |
Blank, Goodman: "DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields" Intl J Radiat Biol 87,4 409-415 4.2011 DNA als fraktale Antenne.. | |
Schick: "Untersuchung der Strahlungswirkung elektronischer Geräte auf die Entwicklung von Mehlkäfern" Facharbeit LK Biologie Gymnasium Remigianum 2011 Mehlkäfer durch WLAN geschädigt.. mehr Aggressivität.. | |
Logan, Hallberg: "Skin cancer epidemic in a wireless world" Pathophysiology 18,2 167-169 4.2011 | |
Hallberg, Johansson: "Increasing rates of head melanoma in Nordic countries" Pathophysiology 18,4 313-315 9.2011 | |
Dode, Leão, Tejo, Gomes, Dode, Dode, Moreira, Condessa, Albinatti, Caiaffa: "Mortality by neoplasia and cellular telephone base stations in the Belo Horizonte municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil" Sci Total Environ 409,19 3649-3665 1.9.2011 Krebstote durch Mobilfunk proportional zur Strahlungsstärke.. in 100m Abstand +35% Krebstote.. +6% bei 600m Abstand.. | |
Gandhi, Morgan, de Salles, Han, Herberman, Davis: "Exposure Limits: The underestimation of absorbed cell phone radiation, especially in children" Electromagn Biol Med Oct 14.10.2011 absorbierte Strahlung insbesondere bei Kindern unterschätzt.. | |
Buchner, Eger: "Veränderung klinisch bedeutsamer Neurotransmitter unter dem Einfluss modulierter hochfrequenter Felder - Eine Langzeiterhebung unter lebensnahen Bedingungen" Umwelt - Medizin - Gesellschaft 24,1 44-57 2011 Rimbach-Studie.. Einfluss auf Adrenalin, Noradrenalin, Dopamin.. Modification of clinically important neurotransmitters under the influence of modulated high-frequency fields - A long-term study under true-to-life conditions | |
Favre: "Mobile phone-induced honeybee worker piping" Apidologie 42,3 270-279 2011 Bienen fühlen sich durch Mobilfunk gestört und senden Pieps-Signal.. Wirkung nach 25-40 Minuten.. | |
Schweinberger: "Hohe Wellen gegen Tetra. Funktechnologie mit Mängeln - Gesundheitsbelastung befürchtet" BLW 20 52-53 20.5.2011 Missbildungen durch gepulste Funkstrahlen.. starker Anstieg von Anomalien, Missbildungen bei Schweinen ab Inbetriebnahme 2009.. | |
Genuis, Lipp: "Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: Fact or fiction?" Sci Total Environ 414 103-112 1.1.2012 Elektromagnetische Hypersensibilität: Tatsache oder Einbildung? | |
Avendaño, Mata, Sanchez Sarmiento, Doncel: "Use of laptop computers connected to internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation" Fertil Steril 97,1 39-45 1.2012 | |
Hässig, Jud, Spiess: "Vermehrtes Auftreten von nukleärem Katarakt beim Kalb nach Erstellung einer Mobilfunkbasisstation" Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd 154,2 82-86 2.2012 grauer Star durch Mobilfunkantennen denkbar.. engl: "Increased occurrence of nuclear cataract in the calf after erection of a mobile phone base station" | |
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