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 Matthias Weisser Logo Matthias Weisser's
alternative Medizin
Hilfe 1 Psyche 2 Statik 3 Ernährung 4 Gifte 5 Zahnherde 6 Störfelder 7 Parasiten
8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur

Jimmy Keller - wirksame ungiftige Krebstherapie - Literatur
Teil 1: Zusammenhänge
•  Symptome
•  Zusammenhänge, Diagnose
•  Therapieansätze
•  Erfolgsberichte bei Symptomen A-Z
Teil 2: Zitate aus Brown: Forbidden Medicine. Is Effective Non-toxic Cancer Treatment Being Suppressed
Teil 3: Literaturhinweise zum Anklicken
Teil 4: Literaturhinweise Wissenschaft
siehe auch: Milieu W.F. Koch Gerson Issels Fryda Kelley Moerman Hoxsey Caisse Wigmore Unterdrückung

"dies ist die Geschichte eines Mannes der sich zu viel um seine Patienten kümmerte
und zuwenig um sich selbst.. im Kampf seine Klinik offen zu halten überstand Jimmy
Überfälle, Raub, Schlägerei, Entführung und Gefängnis..
davor überlebte er einen fast tödlichen Krebs durch unkonventionelle Methoden
nachdem die konventionelle Medizin versagt hatte.." Brown: 'Forbidden Medicine' S.x

"Wer heilt, hat recht"

Literatur, Patente
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  Howard Beard: "The effect of parenteral injection of synthetic amino acids upon the appearance, growth and disappearance of the Emge sarcoma in rats" Arch Biochem 1 177-186 1942 vgl. Tallberg..
  Howard Beard: "Effect of subcutaneous injection of individual amino acids upon the appearance, growth and disappearance of the Emge sarcoma in rats" Exp Med Surg 1 123-135 1943 vgl. Tallberg..
  Beard, Givens: "Further observations upon the effect of subcutaneous injection of amino acids and creatine upon the appearance, growth and regression of the Emge sarcoma in rats" Exp Med Surg 2 125-128 1944
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  "The treatment of cancer with arginase: a report by the cancer commission of the Caifornian Medical Association" California Med 79 248 9.1953
  Levy, Montanez, Feaver, Murphy, Dunn: "Effect of arginine on tumor growth in rats" Cancer Res 14,3 198-200 1954
  Broome: "Evidence that the L-asparaginase activity of guinea pig serum is responsible for its antilymphoma effects" Nature 191 1114-1115 9.9.1961 gg. Lymphome..
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  Morrison, Murata, Quilligan, Schjeide, Freeman: "Prevention of atherosclerosis in sub-human primates by chondroitin sulfate A" Circ Res 19 358-363 8.1966 Prävention Arteriosklerose durch Chondroitin-Sulfat..
  Weisburger, Yamamoto, Glass, Frankel: "Prevention by arginine glutamate of the carcinogenicity of acetamide in rats" Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 14,1 163-175 1.1969
  Nakanishi: "Studies on tumor growth inhibition of arginine imbalanced diet" Osaka Univ Med J 21 193-204 1969
  Kojima, Shimada, Asano: "Effects of oral administration of arginine on the tumor bearing mice" Jikken Dobutsu 22,3 237-242 7.1973 Grafik..
  Houston: "Sickle cell anemia and dietary precursors of cyanate" Am J Clin Nutr 26,11 1261-1264 1973 Vitamin B17 bei Sichelzellanämie.. Thiocyanat.. Folsäure..
  Takeda, Tominaga, Tei, Kitamura, Taga, Murase, Taguchi, Miwatani: "Inhibitory effect of l-arginine on growth of rat mammary tumors induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene" Cancer Res 35 2390-2393 9.1975 Tiere mit 5% Arginin in der Nahrung weniger und gutartigere Tumoren.. Grafiken..
  Takamura: "Inhibitory effect of arginine-supplemented diets on growth of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma" Kansai Ika Daigaku Zasshi 29,3 519 1977
  Critselis, Rettura, Barbul, Seifter: "Arginine inhibits a viral tumor" Fed Proc 36,3 1163 1977 Arginin stimuliert Thymusdrüse -> weniger Tumorwachstum.. stark verbesserte Wundheilung..
  Critselis, Rettura, Levenson, Seifter: "L-arginine increases resistance to tumors" Current Chemother 2 1122-1124 1978
  Pryme: "The effects of orally administered L-arginine HCl on the development of myeloma tumours in BABL/c mice following the injection of single cell suspensions, cell aggregates or tumor fragments; and on the growth of two ascites tumour cell lines" Cancer Lett 5,1 19-23 7.1978 Arginin zum Trinkwasser verhindert Tumorwachstum unter der Haut..
  Seifter, Rettura, Barbul, Levenson: "Arginine: an essential amino acid for injured rats" Surgery 84,2 224-230 8.1978 Arginin für Kollagensynthese bei Wundheilung..
  Milner, Stepanovich: "Inhibitory effect of dietary arginine on growth of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in mice" J Nutr 109,3 489-494 3.1979 5% Arginin hinzu -> weniger Tumoren, langsamer wachsend, doppelt solange überleben im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Mäusen.. Grafik..
  Schaur, Semmelrock, Schreibmayer, Tillian, Schauenstein: "Tumor host relations V. Nitrogen metabolism in Yoshida sarcoma-bearing rats. Reduction of growth rate and increase of survival time by administration of physiological doses of branched-chain amino acids" J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 97,3 285-293 1980 32% mehr Überlebenszeit durch Leucin, Isoleucin, Valin (Leu-Ile-Val).. 33% weniger Tumorgröße nach 3 Wochen..
  Cho-Chung, Clair, Bodwin, Hill: "Arrest of mammary tumor growth in vivo by L-arginine: stimulation of NAD-dependent activation of adenylate cyclase" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 95,3 1306-1313 14.8.1980
  Cho-Chung, Clair, Bodwin, Berghoffer: "Growth arrest and morphological change of human breast cancer cells by dibutyryl cyclic AMP and L-arginine" Science 214,4516 77-79 2.10.1981 L-Arginin hemmt Brustkrebs-Zelllinie MCF-7..
  Barbul, Sisto, Wasserkrug, Efron: "Arginine stimulates lymphocyte immune response in healthy human beings" Surgery 90,2 244-251 8.1981 Arginin stimuliert Lymphozyten Immunantwort bei 21 Gesunden..
  Burns, Milner: "Effect of arginine, ornithine and lysine on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene mammary tumors" Fed Proc 40 948 1981
  Burns, Milner: "Effects of arginine on the carcinogenicity of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) and 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)" Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res 23 69 1982
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  Tachibana, Mukai, Hiraoka, Moriguchi, Takama, Kishino: "Evaluation of the effect of arginine-enriched amino acid solution on tumor growth" J Parenter Enteral Nutr 9,4 428-434 1985
  Barbul: "Arginine: biochemistry, physiology, and therapeutic implications" J Parenter Enteral Nutr 10,2 227-238 3.1986
  Reynolds, Daly, Zhang, Evantash, Shou, Sigal, Ziegler: "Immunomodulatory mechanisms of arginine" Surgery 104,2 142-151 8.1988 Arginin bei Mäusen verbessert T-Lymphozyten, NK-Zellaktivität, Immunsystem..
  Reynolds, Thom, Zhang, Ziegler, Naji, Daly: "Arginine, protein malnutrition, and cancer" J Surg Res 45,6 513-522 12.1988 bei Mäusen mit Neuroblastoma verzögert Arginin Tumorwachstum..
  Daly, Reynolds, Thom, Kinsley, Dietrick-Gallagher, Shou, Ruggieri: "Immune and metabolic effects of arginine in the surgical patient" Ann Surg 208,4 512-523 10.1988 Arginin nützlich für Immunsystem bei Krebspatienten..
  Blumer, Cranton: "Ninety percent reduction in cancer mortality after chelation therapy with EDTA" J Adv Med 2,1-2 183-187 1989
  Barbul, Lazarou, Efron, Wasserkrug, Efron: "Arginine enhances wound healing and lymphocyte immune responses in humans" Surgery 108,2 331-336 8.1990 Arginin verbessert Wundheilung und Immunantwort beim Menschen..
  Reynolds, Daly, Shou, Sigal, Ziegler, Naji: "Immunologic effects of arginine supplementation in tumor-bearing and non-tumor-bearing hosts" Ann Surg 211,2 202-210 2.1990 Arginin bei Krebsmäusen -> verbesserte T-Zellfunktion, verzögertes Tumorwachstum, verlängerte Überlebenszeit.. Grafiken..
  Park, Hayes, Eremin, Sewell, Park, Garlick: "Stimulation of lymphocyte natural cytotoxicity by L-arginine" Lancet 337,8742 645-646 16.3.1991
  Yeatman, Risley, Brunson: "Depletion of dietary arginine inhibits growth of metastatic tumor" Arch Surg 126,11 1376-1382 1991 weniger Arginin -> weniger Metastasen..
  "Breast scans boost risk of cancer death" Sunday Times London 2.6.1991 Mammografien erhöhen das Risiko an Krebs zu sterben.. Anthony Miller, Cornelia Baines, Universität Toronto..
  Ciotti: "Faith, Hope & Fraud : Desperate Cancer Victims Say Jimmy Keller Is a Miracle Worker. The Government Says He's a Con Man" Los Angeles Times 15.12.1991
  Merz: "Autor of Canadian Breast Cancer Study retracts warnings" J Natl Cancer Inst 84,11 832-833 3.6.1992 Mammografie erhöht Risiko an Krebs zu sterben.. 52% mehr Brustkrebssterblichkeit in der Altersgruppe 40-49 Jahre.. Anthony Miller, Cornelia Baines, Universität Toronto.. Krebszellen durch Platten in den Blutstrom gepresst..
  Miller, Baines, To, Wall: "Canadian National Breast Screening Study: 1. Breast cancer detection and death rates among women aged 40 to 49 years" CMAJ 147,10 1459-1476 15.11.1992 36% mehr Brustkrebssterblichkeit in der Altersgruppe 40-49 Jahre durch Mammographie..
  Fabris, Mocchegiani: "Arginine-containing compounds and thymic endocrine activity" Thymus 19,Suppl 1 S21-30 1992 Arginin verbessert Immunfunktion - auch bei Alter, Trauma, Stress, Krebs..
  Kirk, Hurson, Regan, Holt, Wasserkrug, Barbul: "Arginine stimulates wound healing and immune function in elderly human beings" Surgery 114,2 155-159 8.1993 Arginin verbessert Wundheilung und Immunantwort beim Menschen..
  Brittenden, Park, Heys, Ross, Ashby, Ah-See, Eremin: "L-arginine stimulates host defenses in patients with breast cancer" Surgery 115,2 205-212 2.1994 Arginin 30g/Tag verbessert Immunantwort.. auch bei Brustkrebs..
  Brittenden, Heys, Ross, Park, Eremin: "Nutritional pharmacology: effects of L-arginine on host defences, response to trauma and tumour growth" Clin Sci (Lond) 86,2 123-132 2.1994 Arginin verbessert Immunantwort.. Trauma, Krebs..
  Brittenden, Heys, Eremin: "L-arginine and malignant disease: a potential therapeutic role?" Eur J Surg Oncol 20,2 189-192 4.1994 Arginin wirkt günstig auf NO, Wundheilung, Immunabwehr.. auch Krebs..
  US-Patent 5576351: Arginin als Immunstimulator. Yoshimura, Barbul, Tao, Storm, Kelley, Reis 16.11.1994 -> 19.11.1996
  Tallberg: "Entwicklung einer kombinierten biologisch-immunologischen Krebstherapie. Eine Übersicht zur Bio-Immuntherapie" Deutsche Z Onkologie 35 78-99 2003 Metallsalze und Aminosäuren gg. Leukämie bei Ratten..
  Ma, Wang, Gao, Ma, Song: "l-arginine reduces cell proliferation and ornithine decarboxylase activity in patients with colorectal adenoma and adenocarcinoma" Clin Cancer Res 13,24 7407-7412 15.12.2007
  Tallberg, Atroshi: "Prostate cancer, the long search for etiologic and therapeutic factors: dietary supplementation avoiding invasive treatment" in Spiess: "From bench to bedside" 2011

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