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 Matthias Weisser Logo Matthias Weisser's
alternative Medizin
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8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur

Heilungsansätze bei Krebs - Irwins Prostatakrebs
Zusammenhänge bei Krebs
Prof. Pappas Krebstheorie
spezifisches Krebsprogramm
Fred's Prostatakrebs-Geschichte
Irwin's Prostata Krebsheilung
Jack's Prostata Krebsheilung
Jimmy's Leukämie-Heilung
Ruby's Lymphom-Heilung
Tom's Prostata- und Knochenkrebsheilung
Krebs: Zahnherde Parasiten Entgiftung Darm Blockaden Energie Immunsystem Körperflüssigkeiten Regeneration
Gerson Budwig Issels Fryda Moerman Breuss Hoxsey Caisse W.F.Koch Kelley Wigmore Burzynski Abrams Rife Clark Beck Fresenius
Keller Elektromedizin ECT Radionik Blitze Licht Hyperthermie Homöopathie Pflanzen Unterdrückung

Irwin's Story

Irwin who lives in Arizona, was diagnosed in with prostate cancer which had spread to his bones and various parts of his body. There was a large tumor that he could feel under the rib cage on one side.

By December 1997 his PSA was over 400. He chose not to have surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Treatment was mainly painkillers, with a hormone shot every few months to try to slow the growth until Irwin would hopefully die of other causes.

His son, who lives here in Washington State, was able to obtain a Rife/Bare unit with the plan of using it with his father when his father came for a visit. Before this took place, however, the son heard about a Seattle nutritionist we will call Dr. A.C. Volt. Dr. Volt told him about a naturopathic doctor in Idaho who does radionics testing using saliva samples and an "Abrams machine". It was decided to take a saliva sample and send it to Idaho.

Even before the test results came back, Irwin's son decided to give his father a bottle of a grape plant tincture and a bottle of capsules of an herbal combination called "Organic Minerals". The capsules were charged with a radionics activation of 05000 (50,000 ohms) and 66000 (660,000 ohms). 05000 is the standard radionics activation for tumors or growths, and 66000 is for genetic miasm. The grape tincture is for the cancer virus.

When the test results came back, the ND in Idaho included a recommendation for the activation of 80300 (803,000 ohms). This is the standard activation for tuberculosis, but it also appears to lower the PSA even when TB is not present.

In February 1998, Irwin's son told Dr. Volt that the large growth under his father's rib cage had shrunk and then vanished. In March a PSA test showed a reduction to 231. A radionics retest showed a reduction in the cancer virus to 64% of the previous level.

In May, a saliva retest showed a further reduction to less than half of the original level. Another PSA was done on May 26th and the result was 3.6! Irwin's son said that the physicians were gratifyingly "shocked".

On August 27th, Irwin's son contacted Dr. Volt again to report that the PSA was down to 2.1, and in January 1999 it was still dropping. The oncologists do not want to see Irwin again, as there is no longer any cancer detectable. They continue to express amazement.

The son never learned how to use the Rife/Bare unit, though it certainly would have been a welcome addition to the treatment. I know the people involved and can attest to the accuracy of this anecdote.

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