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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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1 Psyche
2 Statik
3 Ernährung
4 Gifte
5 Zahnherde
6 Störfelder
7 Parasiten 8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur |
"jede Krankheit läßt sich aufhalten.. die Regeneration
des Körpers wird den Rest übernehmen.." Baklayan "in Samenölen gespeicherte elektrische Energie.. Sonnenenergie.. diese Energie heilt den Krebs bzw. läßt ihn nicht entstehen.." Budwig "bietet man dem Körper genügend Sauerstoff und Wasser an, so kann er seine Systeme regenerieren.." Binder: 'Energie..' |
Literatur, Patente | |
Griffin, Dodd, Zhao, Pullan, Moore: "Low-level direct electrical current therapy for hepatic metastases. I. Preclinical studies on normal liver" Br J Cancer 72 31-34 1995 | |
South: "Laetrile - the answer to cancer" Vitamin B17.. | |
"Interview of Dr. John Moloney, Head, Special Viruses Cancer Program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)" 21.2.1995 Arbeit mit Krebsviren 1947.. noch keine Gewebekulturen, nur Hühner.. vgl. Rife.. Human Virus Task Force 1963.. Special Virus Leukemia Program 10 Mio$ 1964, 14 Mio$ 1965, 60 Mio$ 1977.. Special Virus Cancer Program bis 1978.. Viral Oncology Group.. Krebsviren, Leukämieviren.. Bovine Leukemia.. inclusion bodies in S-37-Sarkomzellen.. Rous Sarkom Virus, Myeloblastosis Virus, Lymphomatosis, Feline Leukemia Virus, Murine Sarcoma Virus, Moloney Leukemia Virus, Moloney Sarcoma Virus, Friend Leukemia Virus, Rauscher Virus, Polyoma Virus, Kirsten Sarcoma Virus, Mammary Tumor Virus.. John Moloney, Carl Baker, Ray Bryan, Joe Beard, Leon Dmochowski, Ben Burmester, Vince Groupe, Demi, Ludwik Gross, Dick Rauscher, Charlotte Friend, Sarah Stewart, Upton, Jarrett, Thelen, Snider, Jennifer Harvey, Howard Andervont, John Bittner.. Messung Virus-Konzentration, Arbeit mit Shimkin über gute Statistik Dosis-Antwort.. Leukämie durch Röntgenstrahlung.. | |
Breinholt, Hendricks, Pereira, Arbogast, Bailey: "Dietary chlorophyllin is a potent inhibitor of aflatoxin B1 hepatocarcinogenesis in rainbow trout" Cancer Res 55,1 57-62 1.1.1995 Chlorophyllin bindet bis zu 77% krebsauslösendes Aflatoxin.. Grafiken.. | |
Breinholt, Schimerlik, Dashwood, Bailey: "Mechanisms of chlorophyllin anticarcinogenesis against aflatoxin B1: complex formation with the carcinogen" Chem Res Toxicol 8,4 506-514 6.1995 Chlorophyllin bindet krebsauslösendes Aflatoxin.. | |
Roussel, Nouvet: "Evaluation of large-needle biopsy for the diagnosis of cancer" Acta Cytol 39,3 449-452 5.1995 Gefahr der Tumorabsiedlung viel größer bei Biopsien mit dicker Nadel.. sollte daher zur Krebsdiagnose vermieden werden.. | |
Andersen, Steven: "Implantation metastasis after laparoscopic biopsy of bladder cancer" J Urol 153,3 Pt 2 1047-1048 3.1995 Tumorauslösung in der Bauchwand durch Biopsie von Blasenkrebs.. | |
Moss: "Questioning Chemotherapy" Equinox Press 1995.. Chemotherapie hinterfragen.. wertlos bei den meisten Krebsarten.. bis auf Hodgkin, Wilmstumor.. gute Kritiken.. | |
Wertheimer, Savitz, Leeper: "Childhood cancer in relation to indicators of magnetic fields from ground current sources" Bioelectromagnetics 16,2 86-96 1995 stark erhöhtes Krebsrisiko durch Magnetfelder leitender Wasserrohre.. | |
Cantor, Stewart, Brinton, Dosemeci: "Occupational exposures and female breast cancer mortality in the United States" J Occup Environ Med 37,3 336-348 1995 | |
Frentzel-Beyme: "Umwelt und Onkologie" Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 257,1-4 228-239 9.11.1995 70% der Frauen haben keinen der anerkannten Risikofaktor.. vgl. The Israeli Breast-Cancer Anomaly.. | |
Iversen, Madsen, Corle: "Radical prostatectomy versus expectant treatment for early carcinoma of the prostate. Twenty-three year follow-up of a prospective randomized study" Scand J Urol Nephrol Suppl 172 65-72 1995 | |
Regelson: "Have we found the 'definitive cancer biomarker'? The diagnostic and therapeutic implications of human chorionic gonadotropin-beta expression as a key to malignancy" Cancer 76,8 1299-1301 15.10.1995 hCG bei Krebs.. | |
Schipper, Goh, Wang: "Shifting the cancer paradigm: Must we kill to cure?" J of Clinical Oncology 13,4 801-807 4.1995 | |
Hildenbrand, Hildenbrand, Bradford, Cavin: "Five-year survival
rates of melanoma patients treated by diet therapy after the manner
of Gerson: a retrospective review" Altern Ther Health Med 1,4 29-37
9.1995 + von 14 Melanom Stadium I,II überlebten nach Gerson 100% 5 Jahre verglichen mit 79% von 15798 konventionell + von 17 Melanom Stadium IIIA überlebten nach Gerson 82% 5 Jahre verglichen mit 39% von 103 konventionell + von 33 Melanom Stadium IIIA+IIIB überlebten nach Gerson 70% 5 Jahre verglichen mit 41% von 134 konventionell + von 18 Melanomen Stadium IVA überlebten nach Gerson 39% 5 Jahre verglichen mit 6% von 194 konventionell. Gersons 5-Jahresüberlebensraten sind erheblich größer als anderswo.. |
Studzinski, Moore: "Sunlight - can it prevent as well as cause cancer?" Cancer Res 55,18 4014-4022 15.9.1995 | |
Acevedo, Tong, Hartsock: "Human chorionic gonadotropin-beta subunit gene expression in cultured human fetal and cancer cells of different types and origins" Cancer 76,8 1467-1475 15.10.1995 | |
Mevissen: "Tierexperimentelle Studien zeigen krebspromovierende Wirkungen niederfrequenter Magnetfelder" Elektrosmog Report 1,1 5-6 1995 | |
Hardell, Holmberg, Malker, Paulsson: "Exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and the risk of malignant diseases - an evaluation of epidemiological and experimental findings" Eur J Cancer Prevention 4 Suppl 1 3-107 9.1995 | |
Baum, Mevissen, Kamino et al: "A histopathological study on alterations in DMBA-induced mammary carcinogenesis in rats with 50 Hz, 100 muT magnetic field exposure" Carcinogenesis 16 119-125 1995 | |
Feychting, Ahlbom: "Childhood leukemia and residential exposure to weak extremely low frequency magnetic fields" Environ Health Perspect 103,Suppl 2 59-62 3.1995 | |
Feychting, Schulgen, Olsen, Ahlbom: "Magnetic fields and childhood cancer - a pooled analysis of two Scandinavian studies" Eur J Cancer 31A,12 2035-2039 11.1995 | |
Infante-Rivard: "Electromagnetic field exposure during pregnancy and childhood leukaemia" Lancet 346,8968 177 15.7.1995 | |
Zahm, Hoar, Devesa: "Childhood cancer: overview of incidence trends and environmental carcinogens" Environmental Health Perspectives 103.6 177-184 9.1995 | |
Bowman, Thomas, London, Peters: "Hypothesis: the risk of childhood leukemia is related to combinations of power-frequency and static magnetic fields" Bioelectromagnetics 16,1 48-59 1995 | |
Lai, Singh: "Acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells" Bioelectromagnetics 16 207-210 1995 | |
Katase, Teshima, Hirai, Hasumi: "Natural history of cervical human papillomavirus lesions" Intervirology 38,3-4 192-194 1995 | |
Schwartz, Hill, Oeler, Becich, Bahnson: "1,25-Dihydroxy-16-ene-23-yne-vitamin D3 and prostate cancer cell proliferation in vivo" Urology 46,3 365-369 9.1995 | |
Lednicky, Garcea, Bergsagel, Butel: "Natural simian virus 40 strains are present in human choroid plexus and ependymoma tumors" Virology 212,2 710-717 1.10.1995 | |
Martini, De Mattei, Iaccherie, Lazzarin, Barbanti-Brodano, Tognon, Gerosa: "Human brain tumors and simian virus 40" J Natl Cancer Inst 87,17 1331 6.9.1995 SV40 DNA Sequenzen in 5 von 6 Choroid plexus Papillomas.. 8 von 11 Ependymomas, 3 von 7 Astrocytomas.. in keinem der 13 normalen Gehirngewebe SV40 DNA.. | |
Black et al: "Evidence that a low-fat diet reduces the occurrence of non-melanoma skin cancer" Int J Cancer 62,2 165-169 1995 | |
Gofman: "X-rays and breast cancer" JAMA 274,22 1762 13.12.1995 | |
Straume: "High-energy gamma rays in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Implications for risk and weighting factor" Health Phys. 69 954-956 1995 | |
Gofman: "Breast cancer and very-low-dose X-rays" Lancet 346,8991-8992 1701-1702 12.1995 | |
O'Donnell, Dewolf: "Bacillus Calmette-Guérin immunotherapy for superficial bladder cancer. New prospects for an old warhorse" Advances Urologic Oncology 4 189-202 1995 | |
Strigl, Leitner, Pfannhauser: "Qualitative und Quantitative Analyse der Anthocyane in Schwarzen Apfelbeeren (Aronia melanocarpa Michx. Ell.) mittels TLC, HPLC und UV/VIS-Spektrometrie" Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -Forschung 201,3 266-268 1995 | |
Daneryd, Aberg, Dallner, Ernster, Schersten, Soussi: "Coenzyms Q9 and Q10 in skeletal and cardiac muscle in tumor-bearing exercising rats" Eur J Cancer 31A 5 760-765 1995 | |
Lockwood, Moesgaard, Yamamoto, Folkers: "Progress on therapy of breast cancer with vitamin Q10 and the regression of metastases" Biochem Biophys Res Commun 212,1 172-177 6.7.1995 | |
Bagga, Ashley, Geffrey, Wang, Barnard, Korenman, Heber: "Effects of a very low fat, high fiber diet on serum hormones and menstrual function. Implications for breast cancer prevention" Cancer 76,12 2491-2496 15.12.1995 | |
Nunez, de Apodaca, Ruiz: "Ascorbic acid in the plasma and blood cells of women with breast cancer. The effect of consumption of food with an elevated content of this vitamin" Nutr Hosp 10,6 368-372 1995 | |
Riordan, Riordan, Meng, Li, Jackson: "Intravenous ascorbate as a tumor cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agent" Med Hypotheses 44,3 207-213 3.1995 | |
Jackson, Riordan, Hunninghake, Riordan: "High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C and Long-Time Survival of a Patient with Cancer of Head of the Pancreas" J Orthomol Med 10 87-88 1995 | |
Flagg, Coates, Greenberg: "Epidemiologic studies of antioxidants and cancer in humans" J Am Coll Nutr 14,5 419-427 10.1995 Carotinoide schützen vor Lungenkrebs.. Vitamin C schützt vor Gebärmutterkrebs.. | |
Sazuka, Murakami, Isemura, Satoh, Nukiwa: "Inhibitory effects of green tea infusion on in vitro invasion and in vivo metastasis of mouse lung carcinoma cells" Cancer Lett 98,1 27-31 27.11.1995 | |
Davis, Shirtliff, Scimeca, Hoskins, Warren: "In vivo reduction of bacterial populations in the urinary tract of catheterized sheep by iontophoresis" J Urol 154,5 1948-1953 11.1995 weniger Bakterien durch Iontophorese.. | |
Lai, Singh: "Artemisinin and cancer" Cancer Letters 91 41-46 1995 | |
Mayerhoff: "Krebserkrankungen im rechtsmedizinischen Sektionsgut (Hamburg 1980-1993) - Retrospektive Analyse unter forensischen, epidemiologischen und sozialmedizinischen Aspekten" Med Diss, IfR Hamburg 1995 | |
Lubennikov et al: "First experience in using a whole-body magnetic field exposure in treating cancer patients" Vopr Onkol 41,2 140-141 1995 | |
Holmberg: "Magnetic fields and cancer: animal and cellular evidence - an overview" Environ Health Perspect 103 Suppl 2 63-67 1995 | |
Löscher, Mevissen: "Linear relationship between flux density and tumor co-promoting effect of prolonged magnetic field exposure in a breast cancer model" Cancer Letters 96,2 175-180 25.9.1995 | |
Timchenko, Ianchevskaia: "The cytogenetic action of electromagnetic fields in the short-wave range" Lik Sprava 7-8 37-39 1995 russisch | |
Barton, Gebski, Manderson, Langlands: "Radiation therapy: are we getting value for money?" Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 7,5 287-292 1995 Strahlentherapie hat schlechtes Kosten/Nutzen-Verhältnis.. | |
Tsai, Wear, Shih, Lo: "Mycoplasmas and oncogenesis: persistent infection and multistage malignant transformation" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92,22 10197-10201 24.10.1995 | |
White: "Plant bacterial spores, active systemically as a separate entity, play a significant role in human illnesses such as cancer, granulomas, AIDS, and milky white abdominal ascites that currently defies recognition" Med Hypotheses 44,6 493-503 6.1995 | |
Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group: "Effects of radiotherapy and surgery in early breast cancer. An overview of the randomised trials" N Engl J Med 333,22 1444-1455 30.11.1995 Strahlentherapie hinzu zur Operation verbesserte die Rückfallquote bei Brustkrebs Faktor 3.. die 10-Jahresüberlebenszeit blieb in etwa gleich.. Strahlentherapie schädigt Herz.. 24% höhere Sterblichkeit.. | |
Conti, Maestroni: "The clinical neuroimmunotherapeutic role of melatonin in oncology" J Pineal Res 19 103-110 1995 | |
Pienta, Naik, Akhtar, Yamazaki, Replogle, Lehr, Donat, Tait, Hogan, Raz: "Inhibition of spontaneous metastasis in a rat prostate cancer model by oral administration of modified citrus pectin" J Natl Cancer Inst 87,5 348-353 1.3.1995 Metastasen hemmen durch modifiziertes Citrus-Pektin.. | |
Moore, Lai, Li, Ren, McDougall, Singh, Chou: "Oral administration of dihydroartemisinin and ferrous sulfate retarded implanted fibrosarcoma growth in the rat" Cancer Lett 98,1 83-87 27.11.1995 | |
Lai, Singh: "Selective cancer cell cytotoxicity from exposure to dihydroartemisinin and holotransferrin" Cancer Lett 91,1 41-46 4.5.1995 | |
Yuan, Wang, Ross, Henderson, Yu: "Diet and breast cancer in Shanghai and Tianjin, China" Br J Cancer 71,6 1353-1358 6.1995 mehr Ballaststoffe, weniger Fett.. | |
Lissoni, Barni, Meregalli, Fossati, Cazzaniga, Esposti, Tancini: "Modulation of cancer endocrine therapy by melatonin: a phase II study of tamoxifen plus melatonin in metastatic breast cancer patients progressing under tamoxifen alone" Br J Cancer 71,4 854-856 4.1995 | |
Lamm, Blumenstein, Crawford, Crissman, Lowe, Smith, Sarosdy, Schellhammer, Sagalowsky, Messing, Loehrer, Grossman: "Randomized intergroup comparison of bacillus calmette-guerin immunotherapy and mitomycin C chemotherapy prophylaxis in superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder a southwest oncology group study" Urol Oncol 1,3 119-126 1995 weniger Rückfälle durch BCG (37/190) im Vergleich zu Mitomycin C-Chemotherapie (61/187).. 469 Patienten, Southwest Oncology Group SWOG.. Studie vorzeitig abgebrochen.. | |
Cohen, Small, Brzezinski: "Hypotheses: melatonin/steroid combination contraceptives will prevent breast cancer" Breast Cancer Res Treat 33,3 257-264 3.1995 | |
US-Patent 5674267: gepulste Nadelpaare für die Behandlung von Gewebe. 100-1500V. 10-200us. Mir, Orlowski, Siros 4.12.1995 -> 7.10.1997 | |
Hoffer: "How to live longer and feel better - even with cancer" J Orthomol Med 11,3 147-167 1996 Vitamin C, Niacin und Q10 gg. Krebs.. >750 Krebspatienten seit 1978, gute Grafiken.. Adrenalin, Adrenochrom-System-Hypothese.. | |
Grayson: "Radiation exposure, socioeconomic status, and brain tumor risk in the US Air Force: a nested case-control study" Am J Epidemiol 143,5 480-486 1996 | |
Guenel: "Exposure to 50 Hz electric field and incidence of leukemia, brain tumors and other cancers among french electric utility workers" Am J Epidem 144,12 1107-1121 1996 | |
Kilthau: "Cancer risk in relation to radioactivity in tobacco" Radiologic Technology 67 11.1.1996 | |
Sporn: "The war on cancer" Lancet 347,9012 1377-1381 18.5.1996 Nachfolgearbeit 10 Jahre nach Bailar/Smith.. | |
Baum: "Does surgery disseminate or accelerate cancer?" Lancet 347,8996 260 27.1.1996 | |
Ernster, Barclay, Kerlikowske, Grady, Henderson: "Incidence of and treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast" JAMA 275,12 913-918 27.3.1996 | |
Klimberg, McClellan: "Claude H. Organ, Jr. Honorary Lectureship. Glutamine, cancer, and its therapy" Am J Surg 172,5 418-424 11.1996 Tumoren können an Glutamin verarmen.. Glutamin für Immunsystem.. Glutamin schützt bei Bestrahlung, Chemotherapie.. | |
Page, Jensen: "Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast" JAMA 275,12 948-949 27.3.1996 | |
Schipper, Turley, Baum: "A new biological framework for cancer research" Lancet 348,9035 1149-1151 26.10.1996 | |
Benjamin: "The efficacy of surgical treatment of breast cancer" Med Hypotheses 47 389-397 1996 | |
Bhatia, Robison, Oberlin, Greenberg, Bunin, Fossati-Bellani, Meadows: "Breast cancer and other second neoplasms after childhood Hodgkin's disease" N Engl J Med 334,12 745-751 21.3.1996 18x mehr Tumoren durch Bestrahlung als Kind.. 75x häufiger Brustkrebs im Alter von 40.. | |
Kushi, Fee, Sellers, Zheng, Folsom: "Intake of vitamins A, C, and E and postmenopausal breast cancer. The Iowa Women's Health Study" Am J Epidemiol 144,2 165-174 15.7.1996 Brustkrebsrisiko -21% durch 500mg/Tag Vitamin C.. -27% bei >10000 IU/Tag Vitamin A.. | |
Sacchini: "Report of the European School of Oncology task force on electropotentials in the clinical assessment of neoplasia" The Breast 5,4 282-286 1996 elektrische Diagnose Brustkrebs.. | |
Ronco, Halberg: "The pineal gland and cancer" Anticancer Res 16 2033-2039 1996 Epiphyse.. | |
Diamandidou, Buzdar, Smith, Frye, Witjaksono, Hortobagyi: "Treatment-related leukemia in breast cancer patients treated with fluorouracil-doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide combination adjuvant chemotherapy: the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center experience" J Clin Oncol 14,10 2722-2730 10.1996 Leukämie durch Chemo.. mehr Leukämie durch Chemo + Bestrahlung.. | |
Mevissen, Lerchl, Szamel et al: "Exposure of DMBA-treated female rats in a 50-Hz, 50 microTesla magnetic field: effects on mammary tumor growth, melatonin levels, and T lymphocyte activation" Carcinogenesis 17 903-910 1996 | |
Stevens, Davis: "The melatonin hypothesis: electric power and breast cancer" Environ Health Perspect 104 Suppl 1 135-140 1996 | |
Guénel, Nicolau, Imbernon, Chevalier, Goldberg: "Exposure to 50-Hz electric field and incidence of leukemia, brain tumors, and other cancers among French electric utility workers" Am J Epidemiol 144,12 1107-1121 15.12.1996 3x so viele Hirntumoren bei höherer Strahlung.. | |
Coogan, Clapp, Newcomb, Wenzl, Bogdan, Mittendorf, Baron, Longnecker: "Occupational exposure to 60-hertz magnetic fields and risk of breast cancer in women" Epidemiology 7,5 459-464 9.1996 Brustkrebsrisiko 1.43x so hoch.. | |
Henshaw, Ross, Fews, Preece: "Enhanced deposition of radon daughter nuclei in the vicinity of power frequency electromagnetic fields" Int J Radiat Biol 69,1 25-38 1.1996 | |
Salvatore, Weitberg, Mehta: "Nonionizing electromagnetic fields and cancer: a review" Oncology 10,4 563-570 4.1996 Diskussion 573-574, 577-578 | |
US-Patent 5718246: Zelltod durch Impulse. Vona. 3.1.1996 | |
WO-Patent 96/40153: Vitamin D4-Derivate zur Krebsbehandlung z.B. bei Brustkrebs, Darmkrebs, Hautkrebs.. ggf. Kombination mit Antiöstrogenen, Calcitonin, Biphosphate, Calcium, Cobalamin, Bor. Knutson, Bishop 6.6.1996 -> 19.12.1996 | |
Beck: "Total cancer remissions with blood electrification and silver colloid ingestion" Explore 7,3 1996 authentischer Bericht eines älteren Mannes: vom Blitz getroffen, überlebte.. 3. Satz Zähne wuchs, buschige neue dunkle Haare, stark metastasierender, inoperabler Krebs verschwand, er warf Brille und Spazierstock weg, erschien viel jünger, zum ersten Mal vollständig gesund.. | |
Milham: "Increased incidence of cancer in a cohort of office workers exposed to strong magnetic fields" Am J Ind Med 30,6 702-704 12.1996 Krebs durch Magnetfeld dreier 12kV-Trafos über 15 Jahre.. 15-faches Krebsrisiko nach 5 Jahren.. | |
Szmigielski: "Cancer morbidity in subjects occupationally exposed to high frequency (radiofrequency and microwave) electromagnetic radiation" Science of the Total Environment 180,1 9-17 2.2.1996 doppelt so hohes Krebssterblichkeitsrisiko unter Strahlungseinfluss.. | |
Lai, Singh: "Single- and double-strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells after acute exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation" Int J Radiation Biology 69,4 513-521 1996 | |
Lai, Singh: "Reply to comment on 'acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells' " Bioelectromagnetics 17 166 1996 | |
Tynes, Hannevik, Andersen, Vistnes, Haldorsen: "Incidence of breast cancer in Norwegian female radio and telegraph operators" Cancer Causes Control 7,2 197-204 3.1996 | |
Lucey, Clerici, Shearer: "Type 1 and type 2 cytokine dysregulation in human infectious, neoplastic, and inflammatory diseases" Clin Microbiol Rev 9,4 532-562 10.1996 bei Infektionen, parasitären Erkrankungen, Entzündung, Lepra, Tuberkulose, Lyme, Protozoen, Candida, Krebs, Lymphome, Sarkome, Autoimmunkrankheiten, Multiple Sklerose Fehlregulierung Cytokine Typ 1: IL-2, gamma interferon, IL-12, TNF beta.. Typ 2: IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-13.. | |
Carbone, Rizzo, Procopio et al: "SV40-like sequences in human bone tumors" Oncogene 13,3 527-535 1996 | |
Martini et al: "SV-40 early region and large T antigen in human brain tumors, peripheral blood cells, and sperm fluids from healthy individuals" Cancer Research 56,20 4820-4825 1996 | |
Pass, Kennedy, Carbone: "Evidence for and implications of SV-40 like sequences in human mesotheliomas" Important Advances in Oncology 89-108 1996 | |
Tognon et al: "Large T antigen coding sequences of two DNA tumor viruses, BK and SV-40, and nonrandom chromosome changes in two glioblastoma cell lines" Cancer Genetics and Cytogenics 90,1 17-23 1996 | |
Acevedo, Hartsock: "Metastatic phenotype correlates with high expression of membrane-associated complete beta-human chorionic gonadotropin in vivo" Cancer 78,11 2388-2399 1.12.1996 | |
Rock: "The lethal dangers of the billion dollar vaccine business" Money 148-163 12.1996 | |
Azzam: "Low dose ionizing radiation decreases the frequency of neoplastic transformation to a level below the spontaneous rate in C3h 10T1/2 cells" Radiation Research 146,4 369-373 1996 0.1cGy Bestrahlung reduziert Krebsrisiko.. | |
Bhattarcharjee: "Role of radioadaptation on radiation-induced thymic lymphoma in mice" Mutat Res 358,2 231-235 4.11.1996 5 Tage mit 1cGy/Tag -> 16% Lymphome.. später noch 2Gy dazu -> wieder 16% Lymphome.. 2Gy ohne die Vorbestrahlung -> 46% Lymphome.. | |
Nieper: "Modern medical cancer therapy following the decline of toxic chemotherapy" Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients 160 88-89 11.1996 | |
Nieper: "Suppression of cancer development by calcium colamine phosphate and by calcium-I-dl-aspartate" Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients 149 82 12.1996 | |
Cinatl Jr, Vogel, Cinatl, Weber, Rabenau, Novak, Kornhuber, Doerr: "Long-term productive human cytomegalovirus infection of a human neuroblastoma cell line" Int J Cancer 65 90-96 1996 | |
Omura, Shimotsuura, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Nomoto: "Significant mercury deposits in internal organs following the removal of dental amalgam & development of pre-cancer on the gingiva and the sides of the tongue and their represented organs as a result of inadvertent exposure to strong curing light (used to solidify synthetic dental filling material) & effective treatment: a clinical case report, along with organ representation area for each tooth" Acupunct Electrother Res 21,2 133-160 1996 | |
Newman, Hulley: "Carcinogenicity of lipid-lowering drugs" JAMA 275,1 55-60 3.1.1996 Cholesterinsenker verursachen Krebs bei Nagetieren.. | |
Doll: "Nature and nurture: possibilities for cancer control" Carcinogenesis 17 177-184 1996 Krebsursachen | |
Kearney, Giovannucci, Rimm, Ascherio, Stampfer, Colditz, Wing, Kampman,
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of colon cancer in men" Am J Epidemiol 143,9 907-917 1996 zusätzliches
Vitamin-D halbiert Darmkrebsrisiko gegenüber Nahrungs-Vitamin D..
![]() |
"Integration of behavioral and relaxation approaches into the treatment of chronic pain and insomnia. NIH Technology Assessment Panel on Integration of Behavioral and Relaxation Approaches into the Treatment of Chronic Pain and Insomnia" JAMA 276,4 313-318 1996 Hypnose lindert Krebsschmerzen.. | |
Neumeyer: "Ergänzende Krebstherapie mit Thymuspeptiden" Erfahrungsheilkunde 45 91-99 1996 | |
Tallberg, Stenbäck, Dabek, Palkama: "Complete disappearance of human malignant histiocytoma cells following dietary biotherapy, leading to activation of inductional control mediated by mitochondria" J Aust Coll Nutr Env Med 15,2 1-10 1996 | |
White: "Cancer is a hybrid produced by a relationship between a plant bacterium and a mammalian cell: an original concept" Med Hypotheses 47,1 35-38 7.1996 | |
Chin, Kadhim, Batislam, Karlik, Garcia, Nickel, Morales: "Mycobacterium cell wall: an alternative to intravesical bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) therapy in orthotopic murine bladder cancer" J Urol 156,3 1189-1193 9.1996 Zellwandextrakt aus Mycobacterium phlei statt BCG wirkt auch gg. Blasenkrebs.. | |
Valcic, Timmerman, Alberts, Wachter, Krutzch, Wymer, Guillen: "Inhibitory effects of six green tea catechins and caffeine on the growth of four selected human tumor cell lines" Anticancer Drugs 7 461-468 1996 | |
Matsumoto, Kohri, Okushio, Hara: "Inhibitory effects of tea catechins, black tea extract and oolong tea extract on hepatocarcinogenesis in rat" Jpn J Cancer Res 87,10 1034-1038 10.1996 | |
Daviglus, Dyer, Persky et al: "Dietary beta-carotene, vitamin C, and risk of prostate cancer: results from the Western Electric Study" Epidemiology 32,5 472-477 1996 | |
Losonczy, Harris, Havlik: "Vitamin E and vitamin C supplement use and risk of all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality in older persons: the Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly" Am J Clin Nutr 64 190-196 1996 34% weniger Tote durch Vitamin E.. 47% weniger Sterblichkeit an Herzversagen.. Vitamin C verstärkt den Effekt auf -42% und -53%.. 23% weniger Krebstote durch Vitamin E, -59% durch 2x Vitamin E.. | |
Kurbacher, Wagner, Kolster, Andreotti, Krebs, Bruckner: "Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) improves the antineoplastic activity doxorubicin, cisplatin and paclitaxel in human breast carcinoma cells in vitro" Cancer Lett 103,2 183-189 1996 | |
Riordan, Jackson, Riordan: "Intravenous vitamin C in a terminal cancer patient" J Orthomol Med 11 80-82 1996 | |
Mason, Einspanier, Caleel: "Radiation-induced sarcoma of the breast" J Am Osteopath Assoc 96,6 368-370 6.1996 | |
Morgan, Day, Kaplan, McGhee, Limoli: "Genomic instability induced by ionizing radiation" Radiat Res 146,3 247-258 9.1996 | |
Mangano: "Chernobyl and hypothyroidism" Lancet 347 1482-1483 1996 | |
Helgeson, Cohen: "Social support and adjustment to cancer: Reconciling descriptive, correlational, and intervention research" Health Psychology 15 135-148 1996 | |
Dixon: "Electropotentials in the clinical assessment of breast neoplasia" Springer, Berlin 37-44 1996 | |
Capko, Zhuravkov, Davies: "Transepithelial depolarization in breast cancer" Breast Cancer Res Treat 41,3 230 1996 Umpolung bei Krebs.. | |
Munoz, Bosch: "The causal link between HPV and cervical cancer and its implications for prevention of cervical cancer" Bull Pan Am Health Organ 30 362-377 1996 Gebärmutterhalskrebs.. | |
Dorward, Singh: "Energetic characteristics of cisplatin resistant ovarian carcinoma cells" Anticancer Res 16,1 443-447 1996 Cisplatin zerstört die Funktion der Mitochondrien.. | |
Coghill, Philips, Steward: "Extra low frequency electric and magnetic fields in the bedplace of children diagnosed with leukaemia: a case-control study" Eur J Cancer Prev 5,3 153-158 6.1996 bei Leukämie 13.9V/m vs. 7.3V/m.. bei >20V/m Risiko 4.69x so hoch.. | |
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US-Patent 5786598: Sterilisierung durch gepulstes Licht. Clark, Lierman, Lander, Dunn 22.5.1996 -> 28.7.1998 | |
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Jourdan, Stubbs: "Percutaneous biopsy of operable liver lesions: is it necessary or advisable?" N Z Med J 109,1035 469-470 12.1996 Notwendigkeit von Leberbiopsien in Frage gestellt.. 2 Fälle wo unnötigerweise Leberbiopsien bei heilbar entfernbarem Leberkrebs durchgeführt wurden und dadurch der Tumor entlang des Nadelwegs unheilbar streute.. die übliche Praxis der Biopsien durch die Bauchdecke bei Leberkrebs ist weder wünschenswert noch notwendig.. | |
Sing, Kefalides, Mette, Fallahnejad: "Chest wall metastasis after percutaneous fine-needle aspiration biopsy" J Am Osteopath Assoc 96,9 546-547 9.1996 Brustwandmetastase durch Tumorstreuung entlang des Nadelwegs 4 Monate nach Biopsie eines Lungenkarzinoms.. | |
Szentgyörgyi: "Perineal prostatic cancer seeding following Urocut needle biopsy" Int Urol Nephrol 28,1 87-90 1996 Tumorstreuung entlang des Biopsienadelwegs bei Prostatakrebs.. falsch negative Gewebeprobe.. | |
Clark, Combs, Turnbull, Slate, Chalker, Chow, Davis, Glover, Graham, Gross, Krongrad, Lesher, Park, Sanders, Smith, Taylor: "Effects of selenium supplementation for cancer prevention in patients with carcinoma of the skin. A randomized controlled trial. Nutritional Prevention of Cancer Study Group" JAMA 276,24 1957-1963 25.12.1996 200ug Selen/Tag -> 50% weniger Krebssterblichkeit (29 vs. 57).. deutlich weniger Krebs (77 statt 119).. | |
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Dröge, Gross, Hack, Kinscherf, Schykowski, Bockstette, Mihm, Galter: "Role of cysteine and glutathione in HIV infection and cancer cachexia: therapeutic intervention with N-acetylcysteine" Adv Pharmacol 38 581-600 1997 | |
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Müller: "Krebs. Düstere Bilanz" Spiegel 25 16.6.1997 unbesiegter Krebs lt. Aussage Bailars.. trotz Milliarden Dollar in dem 1971 von Präsident Nixon erklärten "Krieg dem Krebs" lag die altersbereinigte Krebssterblichkeit in den USA 1994 um 6% über der von 1970.. | |
Dunn, Kari, French, Leininger, Travlos, Wilson, Barrett: "Dietary restriction reduces insulin-like growth factor I levels, which modulates apoptosis, cell proliferation, and tumor progression in p53-deficient mice" Cancer Res 57,21 4667-4672 1.11.1997 weniger Kalorien bremst Krebs.. IGF stimuliert Krebswachstum.. | |
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Harland, Liburdy: "Environmental magnetic fields inhibit the antiproliferative action of tamoxifen and melatonin in a human breast cancer cell line" Bioelectromagnetics 18,8 555-562 1997 | |
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Doll, Wakeford: "Risk of childhood cancer from fetal irradiation" Br J Radiol 70 130-139 2.1997 Risiko steigt um 40%.. | |
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die Gegend von China mit der niedrigsten Aufnahme von Mikronährstoffen
hat die höchste Krebsrate.. Vitamin E, Selen und Betacarotin senken
die Rate.. ![]() |
de Boer, Somogyi, de Ruiter, de Reijke, Kurth, Schamhart: "Role of interleukin-8 in onset of the immune response in intravesical BCG therapy for superficial bladder cancer" Urol Res 25,1 31-34 1997 Anstieg IL-8 als Hinweis auf Wirkung.. | |
Kulsh: "Targeting a key enzyme in cell growth: a novel therapy for cancer" Med Hypotheses 49 297-300 1997 | |
Li, Xin, Gu, Xu, Fan, Ni: "Effects of direct current on dog liver: possible mechanisms for tumor electrochemical treatment" Bioelectromagnetics 18,1 2-7 1997 8.5V, 30mA 69min, 124C.. pH 2.1 nahe Anode, 12.9 nahe Kathode.. Chlor wird frei an Anode, Wasserstoff an Kathode.. | |
Xin, Xue, Ge, Zhao, Shi, Zhang: "Electrochemical treatment of lung cancer" Bioelectromagnetics 18,1 8-13 1997 6-8V 40-100mA 100C/cm Durchmesser.. CR 25.6%, PR 46.4%.. | |
Xin, Xue, Zhao: "Effectiveness of electrochemical therapy in the treatment of lung cancers of middle and late stage" Chin Med J (Engl) 110,5 379-383 5.1997 6-8V 80-100mA.. nach 6 Monaten 25.6% CR, 46.4% PR.. | |
Chou: "Electrochemical treatment of tumor" Bioelectromagnetics 18 1 1997 6-8V 40-100mA.. Überlebensrate 1 Jahr 86%, 3 Jahre 59%, 5 Jahre 29%.. | |
Wainwright: "The return of the cancer germ" Soc Gen Microbial Quart 22 48-50 1997 | |
Wainwright: "Extreme pleomorphism and the bacterial life cycle - a forgotten controversy" Perspect Biol Med 40 407-414 1997 gute Übersichtsarbeit.. | |
Hisamitsu, Narita, Kasahara: "Induction of apoptosis in human leukemia cells by magnetic fields" Jpn J Physiol 47 307-310 1997 | |
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337,1 1-7 3.7.1997 638 Kinder unter 15 mit ALL-Leukämie vs. 620
Kontrollen.. 24h-Messung Magnetfeld Schlafplatz durch Stromleitungen..
Wire-Codes.. 7 Gruppen <0.065uT bis >0.5uT.. 24% mehr ALL bei
>0.2uT vs. <0.065uT.. Faktor 3.39 mehr ALL bei 0.4-0.5uT.. Wire-Code
ohne Einfluss.. NCI-Studie.. ![]() |
Dolk, Shaddick, Walls, Grundy, Thakrar, Kleinschmidt, Elliott: "Cancer incidence near radio and television transmitters in Great Britain. I. Sutton-Coldfield transmitter" Am J Epidemiology 145,1 1-9 1997 | |
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Repacholi: "Radiofrequency field exposure and cancer: what do the laboratory studies suggest?" Environ Health Perspect 105,6 1565-1568 12.1997 | |
Diamond, Cowden: "An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer" 1997.. 1100 Seiten.. Vitamin B17.. gute Kritiken.. | |
Liang, Lin-shiau, Chen, Lin: "Suppression of extracellular signals and cell proliferation through EGF receptor binding by (-)-epigallocatechin gallate in human A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells" J Cell Biochem 67,1 55-65 1.10.1997 | |
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Netke, Roomi, Tsao, Niedzwiecki: "Ascorbic acid protects guinea pigs from acute aflatoxin toxicity" Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 143,2 429-435 4.1997 Vitamin C schützt vor Giften.. | |
Maramag, Menon, Balaji, Reddy, Laxmanan: "Effect of vitamin C on prostate cancer cells in vitro: effect on cell number, viability, and DNA synthesis" Prostate 32,3 188-195 1.8.1997 | |
Riordan, Riordan, Hunninghake: "Intravenous ascorbate as a chemotherapeutic and biologic response modifying agent" Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning, Bio-Communications Research Institute 1997 | |
Maramag, Menon, Balaji et al: "Effect of vitamin C on prostate cancer cells in vitro: effect on cell number, viability, and DNA synthesis" Prostate 32,3 188-195 1997 | |
Zhang, Wakisaka, Maeda et al: "Vitamin C inhibits the growth of a bacterial risk factor for gastric carcinoma: Helicobacter pylori" Cancer 32,10 1897-1903 1997 | |
Guthrie, Gapor, Chambers, Carroll: "Inhibition of proliferation of estrogen receptor-negative MDA-MB-435 and -positive MCF-7 human breast cancer cells by palm oil tocotrienols and tamoxifen, alone and in combination" J Nutr 127,3 544S-548S 3.1997 Vitamin E gegen Brustkrebs wirksamer als Tamoxifen.. | |
Flint, Lerner: "Herbal therapies for cancer. A commonweal working paper" 10.1997 Kräuter gg. Krebs.. Aloe, Knoblauch, Mistel, Laetrile, Essiac, Hoxsey, Ginseng.. viele Literaturhinweise.. http://commonweal.org/herbs.html | |
Di Bisceglie: "Hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma" Hepatology 26,3 suppl 1 34S-38S 1997 Leberkrebs.. | |
Hanagarth, Brandner: "Successful adoptive immunotherapy of SV40 tumors in mice: Tumor enhancement suppressed by cyclophosphamide" J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 123 1 1997 | |
Linnainmaa, Hirvonen: "SV40 virus DNA sequences are not present in the tumor tissue of finnish mesothelioma patients" Proc Fourth Int Mesothelioma Conference, University of Pennsylvania 5.1997 | |
Carbone, Rizzo, Pass: "Simian virus 40, poliovaccines, and human tumors: a review of recent developments" Oncogene 15 1877-1888 1997 | |
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Kobayashi, Yamamoto, Kirschvink: "Studies of inorganic crystals in biological tissue: magnetite in human tumor" J Jap Soc Powder Powder Metallurgy 44 294-300 1997 anorganische Kristalle in Tumoren.. | |
Wrensch, Weinberg, Wiencke, Masters, Miike, Barger, Lee: "Does prior infection with varicella-zoster virus influence risk of adult glioma?" Am J Epidemiol 145,7 594-597 1997 Windpocken bedeuten später weniger Gliome.. | |
Karlsson, Ericson, Kihlström, Grane: "Tumor seeding following stereotactic biopsy of brain metastases. Report of two cases" J Neurosurg 87,2 327-330 8.1997 Tumorausbreitung entlang des Biopsie-Nadelwegs bei 2 von 22 Patienten deren Gehirnmetastasen mit Gammaknife lokal bestrahlt wurden.. Biopsierisiko nicht vernachlässigbar.. das Gammaknife konzentriert sich nur auf den Befund und belässt die Umgebung unbehandelt.. durch Biopsie gestreute Tumorzellen bleiben so übrig.. bei konventioneller Bestrahlung wären diese Zellen sterilisiert worden.. das Risiko erscheint deutlich höher als bisher angenommen.. | |
Hess: "Can Bacteria Cause Cancer? Alternative Medicine Confronts Big Science" New York University Press 1997.. exzellentes Buch.. | |
Stabiner: "To Dance with the Devil: The New War on Breast Cancer; Politics, Power, People" Delacorte Press 1997.. der neue Krieg gg. Brustkrebs.. sehr gute Kritiken.. | |
Hanagarth, Brandner: "SV40-specific tumor enhancement by adoptive transfer of lymphocytes from mice bearing large SV40 tumors" Immunobiology 199 614-615 1998 | |
Navarro, Taourel, Michel, Perney, Fabre, Blanc, Domergue: "Diaphragmatic and subcutaneous seeding of hepatocellular carcinoma following fine-needle aspiration biopsy" Liver 18,4 251-254 8.1998 Metastasen entlang des Nadelwegs bei Feinnadelbiopsie.. Biopsie vor OP bei 35-jährigem mit Leberkrebs und Hepatitis B Virus.. 4 Metastasen entlang des Nadelwegs 12 Monate später.. OP + Bestrahlung.. das Risiko der Tumorstreuung nach Feinnadelbiopsie ist nicht vernachlässigbar und wird vermutlich unterschätzt.. Tumorstreuung bedeutet weitere operative Resektion und eine höhere Sterblichkeit.. bei operablem Leberkrebs oder Lebertransplantation sollte der Tumor nicht punktiert werden.. | |
Ayar, Golla, Lee, Nath: "Needle-track metastasis after transthoracic needle biopsy" J Thorac Imaging 13,1 2-6 1.1998 Metastasen entlang dem Nadelweg nach Biopsien sind selten.. bei 68346 Biopsien wurden 8 Fälle berichtet -> 0.012%.. durchschnittlich trat das Problem nach 2.6 Monaten auf.. Tod nach 6, 9 und 14 Monaten.. | |
Vijayalaxmi, Frei, Dusch, Guel, Meltz, Jauchem: "Frequency of micronuclei in the peripheral blood and bone marrow of cancer-prone mice chronically exposed to 2450 MHz radiofrequency radiation" Radiation Research 147,4 495-500 4.1997 Erratum in Radiat Res 149,3 308 149,4 408 4.1998 | |
Strickler, Rosenberg, Devesa, Hertel, Fraumeni, Goedert: "Contamination of poliovirus vaccines with simian virus 40 (1955-1963) and subsequent cancer rates" JAMA 279,4 292-295 28.1.1998 SV40 und Krebs.. angeblich kaum Wirkung.. | |
Kim, Conover, Lotz, Cleary: "Electric field-induced changes in agonist-stimulated calcium fluxes of human HL-60 leukemia cells" Bioelectromagnetics 19,6 366-376 1998 | |
Krishna, Campbell, Vogt, Wills: "Genetic determinants of Rous sarcoma virus particle size" J Virol 72 564-577 1998 | |
Cuzick, Holland, Barth, Davies, Faupel, Fentiman, Frischbier, LaMarque, Merson, Sacchini, Vanel, Veronesi: "Electropotential measurements as a new diagnostic modality for breast cancer" Lancet 352,9125 359-363 1.8.1998 hochsignifikante elektrische Veränderungen entsprechend Tumorwachstum.. Biofeldtest.. | |
Nesaretnam, Stephen, Dils, Darbre: "Tocotrienols inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells irrespective of estrogen receptor status" Lipids 33,5 461-469 5.1998 Vitamin E gegen Brustkrebs.. | |
Albonico, Bräker, Hüsler: "Febrile infectious childhood disease in the history of cancer patients and matched controls" Med Hypotheses 51,4 315-320 10.1998 weniger Krebsrisiko bei fiebrigen Infektionen in der Kindheit.. | |
White: "Ascospore O, Oxidant, host assistance: the pathway to carcinogenesis" Med Hypotheses 50,4 339-345 4.1998 | |
Geynes, Rutqvist, Liedberg, Fornander: "Long-term cardiac morbidity and mortality in a randomized trial of pre- and postoperative radiation therapy versus surgery alone in primary breast cancer" Radiother Oncol 48,2 185-190 8.1998 Herzversagen durch Strahlentherapie.. | |
Maurer, Kölmel: "Spontaneous regression of advanced malignant melanoma" Onkologie 21,1 14-18 1998 68 Melanome.. | |
Löscher, Liburdy: "Animal and cellular studies on carcinogenic effects of low frequency (50/60-Hz) magnetic fields" Mutat Res 410,2 185-220 4.1998 | |
Chie, Li, Huang, Chang, Yen, Lin: "Oral contraceptives and breast cancer risk in Taiwan, a country of low incidence of breast cancer and low use of oral contraceptives" Int J Cancer 77,2 219-223 17.7.1998 3.4x höheres Brustkrebsrisiko für Frauen, die jünger als 25 die Pille nahmen ggü. nie die Pille.. | |
Weir, Scott: "Colonic mucosal folate concentrations and their association with colorectal cancer" Am J Clin Nutr 68,4 763-764 10.1998 Zusammenhang Darmkrebs und Mangel an Folsäure.. | |
Robertson, Wemyss-Holden, Dennison, Hall, Baxter, Maddern: "Experimental study of electrolysis-induced hepatic necrosis" Br J Surg 85,9 1212-1216 9.1998 | |
Cocco, Figgs, Dosemeci, Hayes, Linet, Hsing: "Case-control study of occupational exposures and male breast cancer" Occup Environ Med 55,9 599-604 9.1998 3.4x so oft männlicher Brustkrebs bei Hochöfen, Stahlwerken, Walzwerken.. 3.1x so oft bei Fahrzeugfertigung.. | |
Watanabe, Tada, Nagai, Sasaki, Nakao: "Helicobacter pylori infection induces gastric cancer in mongolian gerbils" Gastroenterology 115,3 642-648 9.1998 | |
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Cote, Skinner, Salem, Mertes, Stanczyk, Henderson, Pike, Ross: "The effect of finasteride on the prostate gland in men with elevated serum prostate-specific antigen levels" Br J Cancer 78,3 413-418 8.1998 bei 8 von 27 (30%) mit Finasteride behandelten Patienten trat ein Adenokarzinom auf.. nur 4% in Kontrollgruppe.. | |
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EP-Patent 948334: aktives Vitamin D2 zur Behandlung von Prostataerkrankungen ohne Gefahr von zuviel Kalzium wie bei D3. Wachstum abnormer Prostatazellen gehemmt, Zelldifferenzierung induziert/gefördert/verstärkt.. Prostatakrebssterblichkeit steigt logarithmisch mit Alter. Schwarze doppelt so oft als Weiße. Bishop, Knutson, Mazess 10.12.1997 -> 6.12.2006 | |
DE-Patent 69737066: aktives Vitamin D2 zur Behandlung von Prostataerkrankungen ohne Gefahr von zuviel Kalzium wie bei D3. Wachstum abnormer Prostatazellen gehemmt, Zelldifferenzierung induziert/gefördert/verstärkt.. Prostatakrebssterblichkeit steigt logarithmisch mit Alter. Schwarze doppelt so oft als Weiße. Bishop, Knutson, Mazess 10.12.1997 -> 6.12.2006 | |
EP-Patent 983070: Vorbeugung Ovarialkrebs durch Vitamin D-Verbindungen.. Vitamin D-Analoga/Derivate verzögern Tumorwachstum, stimulieren Differenzierung maligner Zellen in normale Zellen.. Rodriguez, Whitaker 5.6.1998 -> 8.3.2000 | |
DE-Patent 69836134: Vorbeugung Ovarialkrebs durch Vitamin D-Verbindungen.. Vitamin D-Analoga/Derivate verzögern Tumorwachstum, stimulieren Differenzierung maligner Zellen in normale Zellen.. Rodriguez, Whitaker 5.6.1998 -> 11.10.2006 | |
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Clark, Dalkin, Krongrad, Combs, Turnbull, Slate, Witherington, Herlong, Janosko, Carpenter, Borosso, Falk, Rounder: "Decreased incidence of prostate cancer with selenium supplementation: results of a double-blind cancer prevention trial" Br J Urol 81,5 730-734 5.1998 63% weniger Prostatakrebs durch Selen.. | |
Judy, Willis, Folkers: "Regression of prostate cancer and plasma specific antigens (PSA) in patients on treatment with CoQ10" 1st Conference of the International Coenzyme Q10 Association, Boston 143 1998 600mg/Tag -> Prostata kleiner bei 10 von 14 Pat.. PSA-Wert reduziert.. Lymphozyten-Zahl normalisiert.. nach 360 Behandlungstagen PSA -74%, Prostatagröße -48%.. keine Nebenwirkungen.. | |
Menon, Maramag, Malhotra, Seethalakshmi: "Effect of vitamin C on androgen independent prostate cancer cells (PC3 and Mat-Ly-Lu) in vitro: involvement of reactive oxygen species-effect on cell number, viability and DNA synthesis" Cancer Biochem Biophys 16,1-2 17-30 6.1998 | |
Gonzalez, Mora, Riordan, Riordan, Mojica: "Rethinking vitamin C and cancer: An update on nutritional oncology" Cancer Prevention Int 3 215-224 1998 | |
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durch 10mT 10Hz 20min/Tag.. Rückgang Metastasen/Schmerzen.. + Frau HT, 22 glioblastoma multiforme.. OP 2001.. erneut Tumor.. Überlebenszeit 6 Monate.. 4 Monate modulierte Magnetfelder.. meiste Symptome wie Müdigkeit, Zukunftssorgen, Benommenheit, motorische Störungen, Kommunikationsstörungen, Kopfschmerzen verschwanden in Wochen.. letzte Kernspinresonanzaufnahmen zeigen keine Tumoranzeichen.. Video + Frau ST, 26 glioblastoma multiforme.. OP, Bestrahlung, Chemo.. nachdem erneutem Auftreten erneut operiert.. wächst weiter.. 3 Monate modulierte Magnetfelder bringen Erfolg.. Video + Hemangisarkom kinderkopfgroß am linken Bein.. Blutung nicht stillbar, inoperabel, Amputation bevorstehend.. 8-9 Tage modulierte Magnetfelder.. Blutung gestoppt, Tumor auf Orangengröße verkleinert, operiert.. Video |
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Sellman: "Seeing deception is your only protection" 2000 USA hat eine der höchsten Krebsraten.. Brustkrebs angeblich nicht verhinderbar.. Tamoxifen von Zeneca gg. Brustkrebs löst nach 2-5 Jahren Brustkrebs aus.. Zeneca stellt Pestizide her, die Krebs auslösen.. Tamoxifen löst Uteruskrebs aus, Leberkrebs und Magenkrebs.. 2-3x so hohes Risiko für Uteruskrebs nach 2-3 Jahren.. vergrößertes Risiko für Schlaganfälle, Blutgerinsel, Augenschäden, Depression.. | |
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DE-Patent 60033830: Kupfer, Salicylsäure und Vitamin C gegen Krebs.. assimilierbare Kupferverbindung, Quelle von Salicylsäure/Derivat und Vitamin C.. ggf. assimilierbares Mangan, Eisen, Schwefel, Zink hinzu. Carter 2.10.2001 -> 7.3.2007 | |
EP-Patent 1259240: Nicotinamid gg. Hautkrankheiten wie Schuppenflechte, Warzen, Keratoakanthome, Seborrhoe, Ichthyose. Vitamin D3, Vitamin A, freies Ca für Wachstum/Differenzierung Hautzellen. Krebs durch fehlerhafte Regulierung Wachstum/Differenzierung. Nicotinamid induziert Differenzierung insulinbildender Zellen, erfolgreiche Behandlung/Verhinderung Diabetes. Nicotinamid als potentielles Antialterungsmittel und antineoplastisches Schutzmittel z.B. bei Plattenepithelkarzinomen, Basalzellenkarzinomen, nichtmelanomen Hautkarzinomen. Harel, Bloch 9.1.2001 -> 27.11.2002 | |
DE-Patent 60121303: Nicotinamid gg. Hautkrankheiten wie Schuppenflechte, Warzen, Keratoakanthome, Seborrhoe, Ichthyose. Vitamin D3, Vitamin A, freies Ca für Wachstum/Differenzierung Hautzellen. Krebs durch fehlerhafte Regulierung Wachstum/Differenzierung. Nicotinamid induziert Differenzierung insulinbildender Zellen, erfolgreiche Behandlung/Verhinderung Diabetes. Nicotinamid als potentielles Antialterungsmittel und antineoplastisches Schutzmittel z.B. bei Plattenepithelkarzinomen, Basalzellenkarzinomen, nichtmelanomen Hautkarzinomen. Katzrin Fa. Dermipsor 9.1.2001 -> 5.7.2006 | |
DE-Patent 10126509: elektrische Krebstherapie. Schönfeld 30.5.2001 -> 2.10.2003 ECT-Stromquellen für mehrere Nadeln.. | |
EP-Patent 1280757: positiver Effekt von Retinsäure (Vitamin A-verwandt) bei chron. Lungenerkrankung COPD, Emphysem, Kurzatmigkeit. Bildung neuer Alveolen. Retinoide gg. Schuppenflechte, Akne, Narben, Promyelozytenleukämie, Adenokarzinom, Plattenepithelkarzinom, Leberfibrose. Belloni, Jolidon, Klaus, Lapierre bei Hoffmann-La Roche 23.4.2001 -> 5.2.2003 | |
DE-Patent 60112741: positiver Effekt von Retinsäure (Vitamin A-verwandt) bei chron. Lungenerkrankung COPD, Emphysem, Kurzatmigkeit. Bildung neuer Alveolen. Retinoide gg. Schuppenflechte, Akne, Narben, Promyelozytenleukämie, Adenokarzinom, Plattenepithelkarzinom, Leberfibrose. Belloni, Jolidon, Klaus, Lapierre bei Hoffmann-La Roche 23.4.2001 -> 17.8.2005 | |
European Environment Agency EEA: "Late lessons from early warnings: the precautionary principle 1896-2000" Environmental issue report 22 2001 karzinogene Additive, BSE, Chlorfluorcarbone, DES.. viele gute Grafiken.. Präventionsgedanke vgl. John Snow 1854.. | |
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Lopez-Molina, Mongrand, Chua: "A postgermination developmental arrest checkpoint is mediated by abscisic acid and requires the ABI5 transcription factor in Arabidopsis" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98,8 4782-4787 10.4.2001 Hormon Abscisic Acid ABA verzögert Keimung.. stoppt embryonales Wachstum.. vgl. Livingston-Wheeler.. | |
Falk, Issels: "Hyperthermia in oncology" Int J Hyperthermia 17,1 1-18 2001 Krebs.. | |
Hobohm: "Fever and cancer in perspective" Cancer Immunol Immunother 50,8 391-396 10.2001 Fieber gg. Krebs.. | |
Mellemkjaer, Emborg, Gridley et al: "Anorexia nervosa and cancer risk" Cancer Causes Control 12,2 173-177 2.2001 20% weniger Krebs bei Patienten mit Ess-Störungen.. | |
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Egner, Wang, Zhu, Zhang, Wu, Zhang, Qian, Kuang, Gange, Jacobson, Helzlsouer, Bailey, Groopman, Kensler: "Chlorophyllin intervention reduces aflatoxin-DNA adducts in individuals at high risk for liver cancer" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98,25 14601-14606 4.12.2001 häufig Tod durch Leberzellkrebs durch Aflatoxin in China.. 100mg Chlorophyllin-Kupfer-Komplex reduziert Aflatoxin um 55%.. | |
Reynolds: "Salary a major factor for academic oncologists, study shows" J Natl Cancer Inst 93,7 491 2001 | |
Kim, Steinberg: "The limits of bacillus Calmette-Guerin for carcinoma in situ of the bladder" J Urol 165,3 745-756 3.2001 BCG als Goldstandard bei Blasenkrebs.. komplette und dauerhafte Heilung >70% der Patienten.. | |
Lai, Singh: "Artemisinin and cancer" Int J Oncology 18 767-772 2001 Artemisinin gg. Krebs.. | |
Efferth, Dunstan, Sauerbrey, Miyachi, Chitambar: "The anti-malarial artesunate is also active against cancer" Int J Oncology 18,4 767-773 4.2001 Malariamittel Artemisinin gg. Krebs.. | |
Jaroszeski, Coppola, Pottinger, Benson, Gilbert, Heller: "Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in a rat model using electrochemotherapy" Eur J Cancer 37,3 422-430 2.2001 mit ECT dauerhafte Rückbildungen CR 26.67-93.33%.. | |
Waxman, Anderson: "History of the development of arsenic derivatives in cancer therapy" Oncologist 6,Suppl 2 3-10 2001 Arsen seit 2400 Jahren medizinisch genutzt.. Kaliumarsenid weniger giftig als Chemo und besser gg. APL-Leukämie.. interessante Tabelle.. | |
Körblein: "Krebsrate bei Kindern im Umkreis bayerischer Kernkraftwerke" Umweltnachrichten 91 26-28 2001 | |
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Etzel: "Mycotoxins" JAMA 287,4 425-427 23.1.2002 | |
Hardell, Hallquist, Mild, Carlberg, Pahlson, Lilja: "Cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for brain tumors" Eur J Canc Prev 11,4 377-386 2002 | |
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Giovannucci: "Epidemiologic studies of folate and colorectal neoplasia: a review" J Nutr 132,8 Suppl 2350S-2355S 8.2002 weniger Darmkrebs durch mehr Folsäure.. | |
Guppy, Leedman, Zu, Russell: "Contribution by different fuels and metabolic pathways to the total ATP turnover of proliferating MCF-7 breast cancer cells" Biochem J 364 309-315 2002 Stoffwechsel von MCF-7-Krebszellen 80% oxidativ und 20% durch Zucker-Vergärung (Glycolyse).. Glucose und Glutamin erzeugen weniger als 40% des ATP.. | |
Ming et al: "Dominant role of hepatitis B virus and cofactor role of aflatoxin in hepatocarcinogenesis in Qidong, China" Hepatology 36 1214-1220 2002 | |
Turner et al: "The role of aflatoxins and hepatitis viruses in the etiopathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma: a basis for primary prevention in Guinea-Conakry, West Africa" J Gastroenterol Hepatol 17 S441-S448 2002 | |
Pahernik, Harris, Schmitt-Sody, Krasnici, Goetz, Dellian, Messmer: "Orthogonal polarisation spectral imaging as a new tool for the assessment of antivascular tumour treatment in vivo: a validation study" Br J Cancer 86 1622-1627 2002 | |
Lichtenstein, Faire, Floderus, Svartengren, Svedberg, Pedersen: "The Swedish Twin Registry: a unique resource for clinical, epidemiological and genetic studies" J Int Med 252 184-205 2002 44788 Zwillinge.. | |
Hoption Cann, van Netten, van Netten, Glover: "Spontaneous regression: a hidden treasure buried in time" Med Hypotheses 58,2 115-119 2.2002 tausende Jahre Spontanrückbildung durch Infektion.. | |
Yoo, Hata, Lee, Azuma: "Inhibitory effect of BCG cell-wall skeletons (BCG-CWS) emulsified in squalane on tumor growth and metastasis in mice" Arch Pharm Res 25,4 522-527 8.2002 BCG unterdrückt Tumorwachstum, Metastasen.. | |
Fisher, Jeong, Anderson, Bryant, Fisher, Wolmark: "Twenty-five-year follow-up of a randomized trial comparing radical mastectomy, total mastectomy, and total mastectomy followed by irradiation" N Engl J Med 347,8 567-575 22.8.2002 keine signifikanten Unterschiede ob Total-OP, Radikal-OP oder OP+Bestrahlung.. | |
Brenner, Sawant, Hande, Miller, Elliston, Fu, Randers-Pehrson, Marino: "Routine screening mammography: how important is the radiation-risk side of the benefit-risk equation?" Int J Radiat Biol 78,12 1065-1067 12.2002 2x höheres Risiko durch Niedrigenergie-Röntgenstrahlen.. | |
Ruiz-Gómez, de la Peña, Prieto-Barcia, Pastor, Gil, Martínez-Morillo: "Influence of 1 and 25 Hz, 1.5 mT magnetic fields on antitumor drug potency in a human adenocarcinoma cell line" Bioelectromagnetics 23,8 578-585 12.2002 | |
Nangia-Makker, Hogan, Honjo, Baccarini, Tait, Bresalier, Raz: "Inhibition of human cancer cell growth and metastasis in nude mice by oral intake of modified citrus pectin" J Natl Cancer Inst 94,24 1854-1862 18.12.2002 Hemmung Krebswachstum durch modifiziertes Zitrus-Pektin.. | |
Wong, Pagano, Schiller, Tevethia, Raab-Traub, Gruber: "New associations of human papillomavirus, simian virus 40, and Epstein-Barr virus with human cancer" J Natl Cancer Inst 94,24 18.12.2002 | |
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Shivapurkar, Harada, Reddy, Scheuermann, Xu, McKenna, Milchgrub, Kroft, Feng, Gazdar: "Presence of simian virus 40 DNA sequences in human lymphomas" Lancet 359,9309 851-852 9.3.2002 SV40 in 43% der non-Hodgkin Lymphome und 9% der Hodgkin Lymphome.. | |
Gazdar, Carbone: "Molecular pathogenesis of malignant mesothelioma and its relationship to simian virus 40" Clin Lung Cancer 5,3 177-181 11.2003 | |
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Mayer, Oberbauer: "Mitochondrial regulation of apoptosis" News in Physiological Sciences 18,3 89-94 6.2003 | |
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Gillespie: "Anemia in cancer: therapeutic implications and interventions" Cancer Nurs 26,2 119-128 4.2003 Anämie: je weniger Hämoglobin um so schlechter die Aussichten.. Grafiken.. | |
Sun, Gong, Kojima, Wang, Ravinsky, Zhang, Minuk: "Increasing cell membrane potential and GABAergic activity inhibits malignant hepatocyte growth" Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 285 G12-G19 7.2003 bösartige Zellen sind depolarisiert ggü gutartigen Zellen.. | |
Chlebowski, Hendrix, Langer, Stefanick, Gass, Lane, Rodabough, Gilligan, Cyr, Thomson, Khandekar, Petrovitch, McTiernan: "Influence of estrogen plus progestin on breast cancer and mammography in healthy postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial" JAMA 289,24 3243-3253 25.6.2003 durch Hormone Östrogen und Progestin 24% mehr Tumore als in Kontrollgruppe.. nach 1 Jahr fast doppelt so viele abnorme Mammogramme.. | |
Kwon, Hong, Hahn, Kim: "Apoptosis induction of Persicae Semen extract in human promyelocytic leukemia (HL-60) cells" Arch Pharm Res 26,2 157-161 2.2003 Amygdalin, Vitamin B17.. | |
Fukuda, Ito, Mukainaka, Tokuda, Nishino, Yoshida: "Anti-tumor promoting effect of glycosides from Prunus persica seeds" Biol Pharm Bull 26,2 271-273 2.2003 Amygdalin, Vitamin B17.. Grafiken.. | |
Stadtmauer: "High dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation for metastatic breast cancer: Is there a place?" Breast Cancer Res Treatment 81,S1 111-115 3.2003 7 Studien zeigen keine Anzeichen, daß Hochdosischemo mit Stammzelltransplantation einen Vorteil bringt ggü. normaler Chemo.. | |
Drisko, Chapman, Hunter: "The use of antioxidants with first-line chemotherapy in two cases of ovarian cancer" J Am Coll Nutr 22,2 118-123 4.2003 Antioxidantien könnten Chemo wirksamer machen.. 2 Patienten: orales Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Betacarotin, Q10, Multivitamin/Mineral Komplex.. 60g Ascorbinsäure i.V. 2x pro Wochen.. 3.5 Jahre ohne Rückfall durch Vitamin C i.V. laut CT.. | |
Grange, Stanford, Stanford, Kölmel: "Vaccination strategies to reduce the risk of leukaemia and melanoma" J R Soc Med 96,8 389-392 8.2003 | |
Krone, Kölmel, Grange, Mastrangelo, Henz, Botev, Niin, Seebacher, Lambert, Shafir, Kokoschka, Kleeberg, Gefeller, Pfahlberg: "Impact of vaccinations and infectious diseases on the risk of melanoma - evaluation of an EORTC case-control study" Eur J Cancer 39,16 2372-2378 11.2003 | |
Lee, Kang, Shim, Choe, Hong, Choi: "Effect of diet and Helicobacter pylori infection to the risk of early gastric cancer" J Epidemiol 13,3 162-168 5.2003 | |
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Charlier, Albert, Herman, Hamoir, Gaspard, Meurisse, Plomteux: "Breast cancer and serum organochlorine residues" Occup Environ Med 60,5 348-351 5.2003 mehr DDT-Produkte und hexachlorobenzene HCB bei Brustkrebspatienten.. | |
Watanabe, Matsuyama, Matsuda, Ohmi, Tei, Yoshihiro, Ohmoto, Naito: "Urinary interleukin-2 may predict clinical outcome of intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin immunotherapy for carcinoma in situ of the bladder" Cancer Immunol Immunother 52,8 481-486 8.2003 mehr IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha im Urin bei Erfolg mit BCG.. | |
Samanta, Harkins, Klemm, Britt, Cobbs: "High prevalence of human cytomegalovirus in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and prostatic carcinoma" J Urol 170 998-1002 2003 | |
Al Hajj, Wicha, Benito-Hernandez, Morrison, Clarke: "Prospective identification of tumorigenic breast cancer cells" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100,7 3983-3988 2003 | |
Brenner et al: "Cancer risks attributable to low doses of ionizing radiation: Assessing what we really know" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100 13761-13766 2003 | |
Tallberg: "Entwicklung einer kombinierten biologisch-immunologischen Krebstherapie. Eine Übersicht zur Bio-Immuntherapie" Deutsche Z Onkologie 35 78-99 2003 Metallsalze und Aminosäuren gg. Leukämie bei Ratten.. | |
Guess, Scholz, Strum et al: "Modified citrus pectin (MCP) increases the prostate-specific antigen doubling time in men with prostate cancer: a phase II pilot study" Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 6,4 301-304 2003 | |
Bennett, Klich: "Mycotoxins" Clin Microbiol Rev 16,3 497-516 7.2003 Pilze als Krebsauslöser.. | |
Benjamin: "Evaluating cancer therapies and developing a cancer
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Aggarwal, Kumar, Bharti: "Anticancer potential of curcumin: preclinical and clinical studies" Anticancer Res 23,1A 363-398 2003 | |
Connelly, Satia-Abouta, Martin, Keku, Woosley, Lund, Sandler: "Vitamin C intake and apoptosis in normal rectal epithelium" Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 12,6 559-565 6.2003 | |
Roomi, Ivanov, Netke, Rath, Niedzwiecki: "Inhibitory effect of a natural anti-cancer formula - a specific formulation of nutrients containing lysine, proline, ascorbic acid and epigallocatechin gallate on the matrix metalloproteinases activities and invasion of human fibrosarcoma HT-1080 cells" FASEB J 8452 2003 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs.. | |
Maeda-Yamamoto, Suzuki, Sawai, Miyase, Sano, Hashimoto-Ohta, Isemura: "Association of suppression of extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation by epigallocatechin gallate with the reduction of matrix metalloproteinase activities in human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells" J Agric Food Chem 51,7 1858-1863 26.3.2003 | |
Hofmann, Sonenshein: "Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3 gallate induces apoptosis of proliferating vascular smooth muscle cells via activation of p53" FASEB J 17,6 702-704 4.2003 | |
Ahn, Huh, Bae, Lee, Lee, Namkoong, Kim, Sin: "A major constituent of green tea, EGCG, inhibits the growth of a human cervical cancer cell line, CaSki cells, through apoptosis, G(1) arrest, and regulation of gene expression" DNA Cell Biol 22,3 217-224 3.2003 | |
Tsuchiya, Sawada, Yoshioka, Ohashi, Matsuo, Harimaya, Tsukada, Saiki: "Increased surgical stress promotes tumor metastasis" Surgery 133,5 547-555 5.2003 operativer Stress löst Metastasen aus.. | |
Kemberling, Hampton, Keck, Gomez, Selman: "Inhibition of bladder tumor growth by the green tea derivative epigallocatechin-3-gallate" J Urol 170,3 773-776 9.2003 | |
Adhami, Ahmad, Mukhtar: "Molecular targets for green tea in prostate cancer prevention" J Nutr 133,7 2417S-2424S 7.2003 | |
Guzman: "Cannabinoids: potential anticancer agents" Nat Rev Cancer 3,10 745-755 10.2003 | |
Zhang et al: "Intratumoral T cells, recurrence, and survival in epithelial ovarian cancer" N Engl J Med 348,3 203-213 16.1.2003 intratumorale T-Zellen bedeuten besseres Überleben bei fortgeschrittenem Eierstockkrebs.. gute Grafiken.. | |
US Congress: "108th U.S. Congress House of Representatives Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness. First Session: The SV40 Virus: Has Tainted Polio Vaccine Caused an Increase in Cancer?" 10.9.2003 Serial No. 108-85 | |
US Congress: "The SV-40 virus: Has tainted polio vaccine caused an increase in cancer. Hearing before the Subcommittee on human rights and wellness of the Committee on Government Reform. House of Representatives. One hundred eight Congress. First session" 10.9.2003 Serial No. 108-85 | |
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US Congress: "Preventing another SV40 tragedy: Are today's vaccine safety protocols effective? Hearing before the Subcommittee on human rights and wellness of the Committee on Government Reform. House of Representatives. One hundred eigth Congress. First session" 13.11.2003 Serial No. 108-127 | |
Riordan, Hunninghake, Riordan, Jackson, Meng, Taylor et al: "Intravenous ascorbic acid: protocol for its application and use" Puerto Rico Health Sciences J 22,3 287-290 9.2003 | |
Naidu, Karl, Naidu, Coppola: "Antiproliferative and proapoptotic effect of ascorbyl stearate in human pancreatic cancer cells: association with decreased expression of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor" Dig Dis Sci 48,1 230-237 2003 | |
Netke, Roomi, Ivanov, Niedzwiecki, Rath: "Eine spezifische Kombination aus Ascorbinsäure, Lysin, Prolin und Epigallocatechin-Gallat hemmt die Ausbreitung und die Invasion der extrazellulären Matrix verschiedener Krebszelllinien beim Menschen" Emerging Drugs II 37-50 2003 Lysin, Prolin, Vitamin C, Grüntee-Extrakt gg. Krebs.. | |
Siniak, Turusov, Grigor'ev, Zaridze, Gaidadymov, Gus'kova, Antoshina, Gor'kova, Trukhanova: "Consideration of the deuterium-free water supply to an expedition to Mars" Aviakosm Ekolog Med 37,6 60-63 2003 russ. Artikel über deuteriumreduziertes Wasser gg. Krebs.. | |
Kant, Chauhan, Sharma, Chakarvarti: "Hormesis in humans exposed to low-level ionising radiation" Int J Low Radiation 1,1 76-87 2003 weniger Krebs durch mehr schwache Strahlung.. | |
Mitchel, Jackson, Morrison, Carlisle: "Low doses of radiation increase the latency of spontaneous lymphomas and spinal osteosarcomas in cancer-prone, radiation-sensitive Trp53 heterozygous mice" Radiat Res 159,3 320-327 3.2003 kleine Strahlendosen 10mGy verzögern Lymphombildung.. | |
Little: "Risks associated with ionizing radiation" Br Med Bull 68,1 259-275 2003 Krebsrisiko durch Strahlung.. | |
Sun, Gong, Kojima, Wang, Ravinsky, Zhang, Minuk: "Increasing cell membrane potential and GABAergic activity inhibits malignant hepatocyte growth" Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 285 G12-G19 2003 | |
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Grant, de Gruijl: "Health Benefits of solar UV-B radiation through the production of vitamin D. Comment and Response" Photochemical Photobiological Sciences 2 1-4 2003 | |
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Jacobs, Martinez, Alberts: "Research and public health implications of the intricate relationship between calcium and vitamin D in the prevention of colorectal neoplasia" J National Cancer Institute 95 1736-1737 2003 | |
Grant, Garland: "Vitamin D as a risk reduction factor for colorectal cancer" Am Fam Physician 67,3 465 1.2.2003 | |
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Hocking, Gordon: "Decreased survival for childhood leukemia in proximity to television towers" Arch Environ Health 58,9 560-564 9.2003 | |
Beebe, Fox, Rec, Willis, Schoenbach: "Nanosecond, high-intensity pulsed electric fields induce apoptosis in human cells" FASEB J 17 1493-1495 2003 | |
Shupak, Prato, Thomas: "Therapeutic uses of pulsed magnetic-field exposure, a review" Radio Science Bulletin 307 9-32 12.2003 sehr gute Übersichtsarbeit.. | |
Tynes, Klaeboe, Haldorsen: "Residential and occupational exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields and malignant melanoma: a population based study" Occup Environ Med 60,5 343-347 2003 | |
Isler, Erdem: "The effect of electromagnetic fields on oxidative DNA damage" J Cell & Molecular Biology 2,1 35-38 2003 | |
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Neveu, Blanco: "Emerging opportunity: Cancer electromagnetic frequency therapy" Explore 12,4 2003 | |
Ivancsits, Diem, Jahn, Rudiger: "Age-related effects on induction of DNA strand breaks by intermittent exposure to electromagnetic fields" Mech Ageing Dev 124,7 847-850 2003 | |
Ivancsits, Diem, Jahn, Rudiger: "Intermittent extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA damage in a dose-dependent way" Int Arch Occup Environ Health 76,6 431-436 2003 | |
Zhu, Hunter, Payne-Wilks, Roland, Forbes: "Use of electric bedding devices and risk of breast cancer in African-American women" Am J Epidemiol 158,8 798-806 2003 erhöhtes Brustkrebsrisiko durch elektr. Heizdecken/Wasserbetten.. Risiko steigt mit Nutzungsdauer.. | |
Hardell, Mild, Carlberg: "Further aspects on cellular and cordless telephones and brain tumours" Int J Oncology 22,2 399-407 2.2003 deutlich erhöhtes Astrozytomrisiko auf der Kopfseite des Telefons.. | |
Burzynski, Lewy, Weaver, Axler, Janicki, Jurida, Paszkowiak, Szymkowski, Khan, Bestak: "Phase II study of antineoplaston A10 and AS2-1 in patients with recurrent diffuse intrinsic brain stem glioma: a preliminary report" Drugs R D 4,2 91-101 2003 | |
Shelley, Court, Kynaston, Wilt, Coles, Mason: "Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin versus mitomycin C for Ta and T1 bladder cancer" Cochrane Database Syst Rev 3 CD003231 2003 Mitomycin C und BCG ähnlich wirksam.. deutlich weniger Rückfälle durch BCG.. | |
Hora, Maydew, Lansky, Dwivedi: "Chemopreventive effects of pomegranate seed oil on skin tumor development in CD1 mice" J Med Food 6,3 157-61 2003 Mäuse mit Granatapfelöl vorbehandelt bekommen weniger Hautkrebs.. | |
Dwivedi, Muller, Goetz-Parten, Kasperson, Mistry: "Chemopreventive effects of dietary mustard oil on colon tumor development" Cancer Lett 196,1 29-34 30.6.2003 Ratten mit Maisöl (90% Tumorauftreten, 1.7 Tumoren/Tier), Ratten mit Fischöl (75% Tumorauftreten, 0.8 Tumoren/Tier) und Ratten mit Senföl (50% Tumorauftreten, 0.4 Tumoren/Tier).. Senföl verhindert wirksamer Darmkrebs als Fischöl.. | |
Morre, Morre, Sun, Cooper, Chang, Janle: "Tea catechin synergies in inhibition of cancer cell proliferation and of a cancer specific cell surface oxidase (ECTO-NOX)" Pharmacol Toxicol 92,5 234-241 5.2003 | |
Hsu, Lewis, Singh, Schoenlein, Osaki, Athar, Porter, Schuster: "Green tea polyphenol targets the mitochondria in tumor cells inducing caspase 3-dependent apoptosis" Anticancer Res 23,2B 1533-1539 2003 | |
Jakab, Shoenfeld et al: "A medical nutriment has supportive value in the treatment of colorectal cancer" Br J Cancer 89,3 465-469 4.8.2003 fermentierter Weizengrasextrakt MSC verlängert Überleben bei Darmkrebs.. gute Grafiken.. | |
Sauter, Blum: "Regression of lung lesions in Hodgkin's disease by antibiotics: case report and hypothesis on the etiology of Hodgkin's disease" Am J Clin Oncol 26,1 92-94 2.2003 Entstehung Hodgkin ähnlich Crown Gall-Tumoren bei Pflanzen.. natürlicher Austausch von genetischem Material von oncogenen Plasmiden in Pflanzenzellen löst bösartige Tumoren aus.. | |
Sansom: "Cancer germ bacteria isolated" Lancet Oncology 4,2 66 2.2003 Literatur beschreibt Krebsauslöser als Gram-positiv, non-acid fast, facultativ anaerob: Charakteristik von B licheniformis.. | |
Wainwright, Al Talih: "Is this the historical 'cancer germ'?" Med Hypotheses 60,2 290-292 2003 pleomorphes Bakterium aus Brustkrebs ähnlich anderen Krebsbakterien, Glover-Organismus, historischem Krebskeim.. Ableger von Bacillus licheniformis.. | |
US-Patent 20050049207: Behandlung und Vermeidung von Krebs durch Ernährung und Antipilzmittel. Kaufmann 29.9.2003 | |
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Neveu, Blanco: "Emerging opportunity: Cancer electromagnetic frequency therapy (Technical review and research proposal)" National Foundation for Alternative Medicine, Washington, DC 2003 | |
Guess, Scholz, Strum, Lam, Johnson, Jennrich: "Modified citrus pectin (MCP) increases the prostate-specific antigen doubling time in men with prostate cancer: a phase II pilot study" Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 6,4 301-304 2003 modifiziertes Zitrus-Pektin MCP gegen Prostatakrebs.. | |
Tagliabue, Agresti, Carcangiu, Ghirelli, Morelli, Campiglio, Martel, Giovanazzi, Greco, Balsari, Ménard: "Role of HER2 in wound-induced breast carcinoma proliferation" Lancet 362,9383 527-533 16.8.2003 Klinische und experimentelle Daten zeigen, daß die operative Entfernung von Primärtumoren metastasierendes Wachstum fördert.. | |
Baines: "Mammography screening: Are women really giving informed consent?" J Natl Cancer Inst 95,20 1508-1511 15.10.2003 | |
Franco, Schlecht, Saslow: "The epidemiology of cervical cancer" Cancer J. 9 348-359 2003 Human papilloma virus | |
Clifford, Smith, Aguado, Franceschi: "Comparison of HPV type distribution in high-grade cervical lesions and cervical cancer: a meta-analysis" Br J Cancer 89 101-105 2003 | |
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Thomas-Tikhonenko, Hunter: "Infection and cancer: the common vein" Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 14,1 67-77 2.2003 Krebs durch Infektion.. Krebs-Impfstoffe.. | |
Hoption Cann, van Netten, van Netten: "Dr William Coley and tumour regression: a place in history or in the future" Postgrad Med J 79,938 672-680 12.2003 Fieber wichtig für Tumorrückbildung.. bakterieller Impfstoff vor 1900.. Sarkom nach Verletzung.. viele Literaturhinweise.. | |
Ishii, Kawakami, Gursel, Conover, Joshi, Klinman, Puri: "Antitumor Therapy with Bacterial DNA and Toxin: Complete Regression of Established Tumor Induced by Liposomal CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides plus Interleukin-13 Cytotoxin" Clinical Cancer Research 9 6516-6522 15.12.2003 | |
Pathak, Multani, Banerji, Banerji: "Ruta 6 selectively induces cell death in brain cancer cells but proliferation in normal peripheral blood lymphocytes: A novel treatment for human brain cancer" Int J Oncol 23,4 975-982 10.2003 Ruta 6 aus Ruta graveolens und Kalziumphosphat Ca3(PO4)2 bildet Hirntumore bei 6 von 7 Gliompatienten zurück.. in vitro Laborstudie.. | |
McGrath: "An earlier age of breast cancer diagnosis related to more frequent use of antiperspirants/deodorants and underarm shaving" Eur J Cancer Prev 12,6 479-485 12.2003 | |
Spiegel, Giese-Davis: "Depression and cancer: mechanisms and disease progression" Biol Psychiatry 54 3 269-282 2003 | |
Sephton, Spiegel: "Circadian disruption in cancer: a neuroendocrine-immune pathway from stress to disease?" Brain Behav Immun 17 5 321-328 2003 | |
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Riboli, Norat: "Epidemiologic evidence of the protective effect of fruit and vegetables on cancer risk" Am J Clin Nutr 78,3 559S-569S 9.2003 Nutzen von Obst/Gemüse.. gute Grafiken.. | |
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US-Patent 6787105: gezielte Reduzierung bestimmter Mikroorganismen durch gepulste Niederspannung. Spannung/Pulsfrequenz/Wellenform auf Erreger abgestimmt.. 60-180 Pulse/s.. 6-15kV.. überraschend wirksam.. Robbins 18.12.2001 -> 7.9.2004 | |
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Rastogi, Hildesheim, Sinha: "Opportunities for cancer epidemiology in developing countries" Nat Rev Cancer 4 909-917 2004 Verteilung Krebsarten auf Länder, potentielle Krebsauslöser Helicobacter pylori, Aflatoxin, HPV | |
Wu, Zhou, Wu: "Apoptosis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells induced by artesunate" Vascul Pharmacol 41 205-212 2004 Artemisinin gg. Krebs.. | |
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Lönn, Ahlbom, Hall, Feychting: "Mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma" Epidemiology 15 653-659 2004 erhöhtes Risiko für Tumor am Gehörnerv nach 10 Jahren Mobiltelefonie.. | |
Wolf, Wolf: "Increased incidence of cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station" Int J Cancer Prevention 1,2 123-128 4.2004 4.15-10.5x höheres Krebsrisiko in der Nähe Mobilfunksender in Israel.. | |
Kundi, Mild, Hardell, Mattsson: "Mobile telephones and cancer - a review of epidemiological evidence" J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev 7,5 351-384 9.2004 | |
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Hughes, Schnaper, Berry, Cirrincione, McCormick et al: "Lumpectomy plus tamoxifen with or without irradiation in women 70 years of age or older with early breast cancer" N Engl J Med 351,10 971-977 2.9.2004 Bestrahlung zeigt wenig Nutzen.. | |
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Kirson, Gurvich, Schneiderman, Dekel, Itzhaki, Wasserman, Schatzberger, Palti: "Disruption of cancer cell replication by alternating electric fields" Cancer Res 64,9 3288-3295 1.5.2004 100-300kHz..reduziert Tumorwachstum.. nichtthermischer Effekt.. Experimente an Zell-Linien, C57B/J6-, BALB/c-Mäusen -> Zerstörung Tumorzellen in 3-6 Tagen.. | |
Pallares, Rosch: "Magneto-metabolic therapy for advanced malignancy and cardiomyopathy" in Rosch, Markov: "Bioelectromagnetic Medicine" Marcel Dekker NY 593-612 2004 3 Jahre Überlebenszeit Pankreastumor durch 15mT 60Hz täglich.. | |
Rihova: "The effect of pulsed electromagnetic field (BEMER 3000) on the growth of experimental mouse T cell lymphoma EL4" Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2004 | |
Dang-Tan, Mahmud, Puntoni, Franco: "Polio vaccines, Simian Virus 40, and human cancer: the epidemiologic evidence for a causal association" Oncogene 23,38 6535-6540 2004 30% der Polio-Impfstoffe 1960 mit SV40 verunreinigt.. | |
Broxmeyer: "Is cancer just an incurable infectious disease?" Med Hypotheses 63,6 986-996 2004 | |
Hubalek, Ramoni, Mueller-Holzner, Marth: "Malignant mixed mesodermal tumor after tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer" Gynecol Oncol 95,1 264-266 10.2004 Tumor nach Tamoxifen-Behandlung.. | |
Brenner: "Radiation risks potentially associated with low-dose CT screening of adult smokers for lung cancer" Radiology 231,2 440-445 5.2004 | |
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Brenner, Elliston: "Estimated radiation risks potentially associated with full-body CT screening" Radiology 232,3 735-738 2004 | |
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Loeve, Boer, Zauber, Van Ballegooijen, Van Oortmarssen, Winawer, Habbema: "National Polyp Study data: evidence for regression of adenomas" Int J Cancer 111,4 633-639 10.9.2004 hohe Rückbildungsrate bei Adenomen.. | |
Moscicki, Shiboski, Hills et al: "Regression of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in young women" Lancet 364,9446 1678-1683 6.11.2004 91% Rückbildung innerhalb 3 Jahren.. negativer HPV-Status bedeutete Rückbildung.. | |
Li, Stampfer, Giovannucci, Morris, Willett, Gaziano, Ma: "A prospective study of plasma selenium levels and prostate cancer risk" J Natl Cancer Inst 96,9 696-703 5.5.2004 586 Männer mit Prostatakrebs vs. 577 Männer in Kontrollgruppe.. bei höchsten Selenwerten im Blut Rezidivrisiko -48% im Vergleich zu niedrigen Selenwerten.. | |
Kline, Sanders: "Vitamin E and breast cancer" J Nutr 134,12 Suppl 3458S-3462S 12.2004 | |
Prasad: "Multiple dietary antioxidants enhance the efficacy of standard and experimental cancer therapies and decrease their toxicity" Integr Cancer Ther 3,4 310-322 12.2004 Antioxidantien wie Vitamin C, Vitamin E (alpha-Tocopheryl Succinat), natürliches Betacarotin für bessere Antikrebswirkung, weniger Giftigkeit.. | |
Jörg Blech: "Giftkur ohne Nutzen" Spiegel 41 4.10.2004 fehlender Fortschritt beim Überleben von metastasierten Karzinomen in Darm, Brust, Lunge und Prostata seit 25 Jahren.. | |
Grant: "Solar UV-B radiation is linked to the geographic variation of mortality from systemic lupus erythematosus in the USA" Lupus 13,4 281-282 2004 | |
Grant: "Geographic variation of prostate cancer mortality rates in the United States: Implications for prostate cancer risk related to vitamin D" Int J Cancer 111,3 470-471 1.9.2004 | |
Grant, Garland: "A critical review of studies on vitamin D in relation to colorectal cancer" Nutr Cancer 48,2 115-123 2004 | |
Levine, Pogo, Klouj, Coronel, Woodson, Melana, Mourali, Holland: "Increasing evidence for a human breast carcinoma virus with geographic differences" Cancer 101,4 721-726 15.8.2004 MMTV-Virus.. | |
Metcalfe, Bridgewater, Mullin, Maddern: "Useless and dangerous - fine needle aspiration of hepatic colorectal metastases" BMJ 328 507-508 28.2.2004 erhöhtes Risiko für Metastasen durch Nadelbiopsien.. | |
Hansen, Ye, Grube, Giuliano: "Manipulation of the primary breast tumor and the incidence of sentinel node metastases from invasive breast cancer" Arch Surg 139,6 634-639 6.2004 Diskussion 639-640 1.5x so viele Metastasen durch Nadelbiopsien.. | |
van Noord: "Breast cancer and the brain: a neurodevelopmental hypothesis to explain the opposing effects of caloric deprivation during the Dutch famine of 1944-1945 on breast cancer and its risk factors" J Nutr 134,12 Suppl 3399S-3406S 12.2004 weniger Krebs durch Hunger.. | |
Michels, Ekbom: "Caloric restriction and incidence of breast cancer" JAMA 291,10 1226-1230 10.3.2004 weniger Krebs durch weniger Kalorien.. 53% weniger Brustkrebs bei Ess-Störungen.. | |
Reiche, Nunes, Morimoto: "Stress, depression, the immune system, and cancer" Lancet Oncol 5,10 617-625 10.2004 chronischer Stress daueraktiviert das Hypothalamus-Hypohyse-Nebennieren-System -> Depression, reduzieres Immunsystem -> Krebsentstehung, -wachstum einiger Krebstypen.. | |
Cantwell: "Acid-fast bacteria in-vivo in prostate cancer and the connection between prostate cancer, other cancers, and the Kaposi's sarcoma virus" JOIMR 2,3 1 28.5.2004 | |
Blaheta, Beecken, Engl, Jonas, Oppermann, Hundemer, Doerr, Scholz, Cinatl: "Human cytomegalovirus infection of tumor cells downregulates NCAM (CD56): A novel mechanism for virus-induced tumor invasiveness" Neoplasia 6,4 323-331 7.2004 | |
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Münger, Baldwin, Edwards, Hayakawa, Nguyen, Owens, Grace, Huh: "Mechanisms of human papillomavirus-induced oncogenesis" J Virol 78,21 11451-11460 11.2004 | |
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Cassileth, Deng: "Complementary and alternative therapies for cancer" Oncologist 9,1 80-89 2.2004 grosse Literaturliste.. | |
Berkman, Melchior, Chastang, Niedhammer, Leclerc, Goldberg: "Social integration and mortality: a prospective study of french employees of Electricity of France-Gas of France. The GAZEL Cohort" Am J Epidemiol 159,2 167-174 2004 isolierte Männer sterben 3.6x so oft an Krebs, 3.5x so oft an Unfällen/Selbstmorden.. | |
Agarwal, Bettegowda, Cheong, Geschwind, Drake, Hipkiss, Tatsumi, Dang, Diaz Jr., Pomper, Abusedera, Wahl, Kinzler, Zhou, Huso, Vogelstein: "Bacteriolytic therapy can generate a potent immune response against experimental tumors" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101 15172-15177 2004 | |
Weischer, Blum, Eberhard, Röcken, Berneburg: "No evidence for increased skin cancer risk in psoriasis patients treated with broadband or narrowband UVB phototherapy: a first retrospective study" Acta Derm Venereol 84,5 370-374 2004 kein Hinweis auf Hautkrebs durch Schmalband-UVB.. | |
Eger, Hagen, Lucas, Vogel, Voit: "Einfluss der räumlichen Nähe von Mobilfunksendeanlagen auf die Krebsinzidenz" Umwelt - Medizin - Gesellschaft 17,4 326-332 2004 Naila-Studie.. 15W/Kanal.. GSM 935MHz.. 90000 Stunden.. | |
Donaldson: "Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet" Nutr J 3 19 2004 Antikrebs-Ernährung: -60% Brustkrebs, -71% Darmkrebs.. nicht zu viele Kalorien.. 10x Gemüse/Tag.. 4x Obst/Tag.. ballaststoffreich.. kein raffinierter Zucker, Weißmehl.. kein rotes Fleisch.. Omega-3 und -6 ausgeglichen.. Flaxsamen, Selen, B12, Folsäure, Vitamin C, E, Chlorophyll, Enzyme.. Verweis auf 200 Krebsstudien von Block et al zu Schutz durch Obst/Gemüse.. | |
Shelley, Wilt, Court, Coles, Kynaston, Mason: "Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin is superior to mitomycin C in reducing tumour recurrence in high-risk superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized trials" BJU Int 93,4 485-490 3.2004 Mitomycin C und BCG ähnlich wirksam.. deutlich weniger Rückfälle durch BCG.. | |
Fischer, Gustafsson, Mossberg, Gronli, Mork, Bjerkvig, Svanborg: "Human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells (HAMLET) kills human glioblastoma cells in brain xenografts by an apoptosis-like mechanism and prolongs survival" Cancer Res 64,6 2105-2112 15.3.2004 Muttermilch gg. Krebs.. gute Bilder.. | |
Habu, Shiomi, Tamori, Takeda, Tanaka, Kubo, Nishiguchi: "Role of vitamin K2 in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in women with viral cirrhosis of the liver" JAMA 292,3 358-361 21.7.2004 Vitamin K2 gg. Krebs.. | |
Willis, Church, Guest, Cook, McCarthy, Bransbury, Church, Church: "Olfactory detection of human bladder cancer by dogs: proof of principle study" BMJ 329,7468 712 25.9.2004 Hunde als Krebsdiagnose.. | |
Welsh: "Olfactory detection of human bladder cancer by dogs: another cancer detected by pet scan" BMJ 329,7477 1286-1287 27.11.2004 Hunde als Krebsdiagnose.. | |
Leahy: "Olfactory detection of human bladder cancer by dogs: cause or association?" BMJ 329,7477 1286 27.11.2004 Hunde als Krebsdiagnose.. | |
Mycielska, Djamgoz: "Cellular mechanisms of direct-current electric field effects: galvanotaxis and metastatic disease" J Cell Sci 117,Pt 9 1631-1639 1.4.2004 Zellwanderung und Metastasierung durch E-Felder dcEF.. Galvanotaxis.. Ca-Ionenfluss.. | |
Vaupel, Harrison: "Tumor hypoxia: causative factors, compensatory mechanisms, and cellular response" Oncologist 9,Suppl 5 4-9 2004 Sauerstoff.. | |
Cairns, Hill: "Acute hypoxia enhances spontaneous lymph node metastasis in an orthotopic murine model of human cervical carcinoma" Cancer Res 64,6 2054-2061 15.3.2004 Sauerstoff.. | |
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