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Matthias Weisser's alternative Medizin |
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1 Psyche
2 Statik
3 Ernährung
4 Gifte
5 Zahnherde
6 Störfelder
7 Parasiten 8 heilende Informationen 9 Selbstheilung 10 Diagnostik 11 Zusammenhänge Literatur |
"bei jeder Bewegung, beim Herzschlag, beim Denken und bei den Heilungsvorgängen
elektrische und elektromagnetische Felder die Hauptrolle.."
Prof. Robert Becker
"der Mensch nimmt elektromagnetische Energien
aus der Umwelt auf..
und produziert sie bei seinen Lebensvorgängen selbst.. Herz-, Hirn-Strom
"Wasser: Magnetfeld verändert elektrische Leitfähigkeit,
verbessert Viskosität (Fließfähigkeit)..
Pflanzen 16% höher gewachsen.. 32% schwerer.. Wasser durch Elektroherd
nachteilig beeinflußt.."
"Linus Pauling wies magnetische Eigenschaften
des eisenhaltigen roten Blutfarbstoffs Hämoglobin nach.. 1954
Nobelpreis für Chemie.."
"Wer heilt, hat recht"
Literatur, Patente | |
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Lindemann: "A Case for Electrotherapy. Selected US Patents"
20 der wichtigsten Patente über die Nutzung von Elektrizität/Elektromagnetismus
gegen Infektionskrankheiten und Krebs.. Nahrungssterilisation, Dieselsterilisation,
Bierproduktion.. geht gut in Wasser, Milch, Bier, Benzin.. und warum
angeblich nicht in Blut? ![]() |
Sato: "Magnetoencephalography" Advances Neurology 54 1 1990 | |
Wilson, Wright, Morris et al: "Evidence for an effect of ELF electromagnetic fields on human pineal gland function" J Pineal Res 9 259-269 1990 Epiphyse.. | |
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Liboff, McLeod, Smith: "Ion cyclotron resonance effects of ELF fields in biological systems" in Wilson, Stevens, Anderson: "Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields: the question of cancer" Batelle Press, Columbus OH 251-289 1990 Zyklotronresonanz.. | |
Litovitz, Montrose, Goodman, Elson: "Amplitude windows and transiently augmented transcription from exposure to electromagnetic fields" Bioelectromagnetics 11,4 297-312 1990 | |
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Mooney: "A randomized double-blind prospective study of the efficacy of pulsed electromagnetic fields for interbody lumbar fusions" Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 15,7 708-712 7.1990 92% Erfolg mit Magnetfeld vs. 65% ohne.. | |
Sharrard: "A double-blind trial of pulsed electromagnetic fields for delayed union of tibial fractures" J Bone Joint Surg Br 72,3 347-355 5.1990 Magnetfelder erfolgreich bei verzögerter Knochenbruchheilung.. | |
Wei, Goodman, Henderson: "Changes in levels of c-myc and histone H2B following exposure of cells to low-frequency sinusoidal electromagnetic fields: evidence for a window effect" Bioelectromagnetics 11,4 269-272 1990 | |
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Itoh, Montemayor, Matsumoto, Eason, Lee, Folk: "Accelerated wound healing of pressure ulcers by pulsed high peak power electromagnetic energy (Diapulse)" Decubitus 4,1 24-25, 29-34 2.1991 gespulste starke HF-Impulse bei Druckgeschwüren.. Stadium II 3-12 Wochen ohne Heilung, Stadium III 8-168 Wochen ungeheilt durch Diapulse geheilt.. alle 22 Patienten geheilt.. Stadium II in 1-6 Wo (Mittel 2.33) geheilt, Stadium III in 1-22 Wo (Mittel 8.85) geheilt.. spart Geld.. | |
Reese, Frazier, Morris, Buschbom, Miller: "Evaluation of changes in diatom mobility after exposure to 16-Hz electromagnetic fields" Bioelectromagnetics 12,1 21-25 1991 | |
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London, Thomas, Bowman, Sobel, Cheng, Peters: "Exposure to residential electric and magnetic fields and risk of childhood leukemia" Am J Epidemiol 134,9 923-937 1.11.1991 | |
Khaili, Qassem: "Cytogenetic effects of pulsing electromagnetic field on human lymphocytes in vitro: chromosome aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges and cell kinetics" Mutat Res 247,1 141-146 3.1991 Zellschäden durch 50Hz, 1.05mT für 24h, 48h, 72h.. | |
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Randall, Randall: "The solar wind and hallucinations - A possible relation due to magnetic disturbances" Bioelectromagnetics 12,1 67-70 1991 | |
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Bakhmutskii et al: "The assessment of the efficacy of the effect of a rotational magnetic field on the course of the tumor process in patients with generalized breast cancer" Sov Med 7 25-27 1991 | |
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Barker: "An introduction to the basic principles of magnetic nerve stimulation" J Clin Neurophysiol 8,1 26-37 1.1991 Geschichte magnetischer Stimulation.. | |
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Lerchl, Nonaka, Reiter: "Pineal gland 'magnetosensitivity' to static magnetic fields is a consequence of induced electric currents (eddy currents)" J Pineal Res 10,3 109-116 4.1991 Epiphyse.. | |
Khaili, Qassem: "Cytogenetic effects of pulsing electromagnetic field on human lymphocytes in vitro: chromosome aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges and cell kinetics" Mutat Res 247,1 141-146 3.1991 Zellschäden durch 50Hz, 1.05mT für 24h, 48h, 72h.. | |
Garcia-Sagredo, Monteagudo: "Effect of low-level pulsed electromagnetic fields on human chromosomes in vitro: analysis of chromosome aberrations" Hereditas 115,1 9-11 1991 | |
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Sandyk, Reuven: "Successful treatment of multiple sclerosis with magnetic fields" Int J Neuroscience 66 237-250 1992 | |
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Bellossi, Desplace: "Exposure of C3H/Bi female mice with mammary carcinoma to pulsed magnetic fields" Panminerva Med 35 134-137 1993 | |
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Macklis: "Magnetic healing, quackery, and the debate about the health effects of electromagnetic fields" Annals Internal Med 118,5 376-383 1.3.1993 ausführliche Geschichte der Medizin mit elektromagnetischen Feldern.. Mesmer, Abrams.. | |
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Blackman, Benane, House, Pollock: "Action of 50 Hz magnetic fields on neurite outgrowth in pheochromocytoma cells" Bioelectromagnetics 14,3 1993 | |
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Stevens, Davis: "The melatonin hypothesis: electric power and breast cancer" Environ Health Perspect 104 Suppl 1 135-140 1996 | |
Pfluger, Minder: "Effects of exposure to 16.7 Hz magnetic fields on urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate excretion of Swiss railway workers" J Pineal Res 21,2 91-100 1996 | |
Bortkiewicz, Gadzicka, Zmyslony: "Heart rate variability in workers exposed to medium-frequency electromagnetic fields" J Autonom Nerv Syst 59,3 91-97 1996 | |
Tsuchiya, Nakamura, Okuno, Ano, Shoda: "Effect of homogeneous and inhomogeneous high magnetic fields on the growth of Escherichia coli" J Ferment Bioeng 81,4 343-346 1996 | |
Mittenzwey, Süßmuth, Mei: "Effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on bacteria - the question of a co-stressing factor" Bioelectrochemistry Bioenergetics 40,1 21-27 6.1996 | |
Busch, Gopalakrishnan, Busch, Tombacz: "Magnetohydrodynamic aggregation of cholesterol and polystyrene latex suspensions" J Colloid Interface Sci 183 528-538 1996 | |
Higashitani, Oshitani, Ohmura: "Effects of magnetic field on water investigated with fluorescent probes" Colloids Surf A 109 167-173 1996 | |
Jankowski, Sucksdorff: "IAGA-Guide for magnetic measurements and observatory practice" Warschau 1996 | |
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Tynes, Hannevik, Andersen, Vistnes, Haldorsen: "Incidence of breast cancer in Norwegian female radio and telegraph operators" Cancer Causes Control 7,2 197-204 3.1996 | |
Henshaw, Ross, Fews, Preece: "Enhanced deposition of radon daughter nuclei in the vicinity of power frequency electromagnetic fields" Int J Radiat Biol 69,1 25-38 1.1996 | |
Bortkiewicz, Gadzicka, Zmyslony: "Heart rate in workers exposed to medium-frequency electromagnetic fields" J Auto Nerv Sys 59 91-97 1996 | |
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Kirillov, Suchkova, Lastushkin, Sigaev, Nekhaeva: "Magnetotherapy in the comprehensive treatment of vascular complications of diabetes mellitus" Klin Med (Mosk) 74,5 39-41 1996 74% weniger Durchblutungsstörungen in Magnetfeldgruppe im Vergleich zu 28% in Kontrollgruppe.. | |
Ruckhäberle: "Anwendung der Magnetfeldtherapie bei therapieresistenten Patientinnen mit chronisch rezidivierenden Unterbauchschmerzen" Uniklinik Leipzig 1996 | |
Graham, Cook, Riffle, Gerkovich, Cohen: "Nocturnal melatonin levels in human volunteers exposed to intermittent 60 Hz magnetic fields" Bioelectromagnetics. 17,4 263-273 1996 | |
Milham: "Increased incidence of cancer in a cohort of office workers exposed to strong magnetic fields" Am J Ind Med 30,6 702-704 12.1996 Krebs durch Magnetfeld dreier 12kV-Trafos über 15 Jahre.. 15-faches Krebsrisiko nach 5 Jahren.. | |
Jacobson: "Jacobson resonance: The quantum-mechanical basis for a novel radiological approach to treating cancer and aids" Frontier Perspectives 6,1 17-26 1996 | |
Sandyk: "Reversal of an acute parkinsonian syndrome associated with multiple sclerosis by application of weak electromagnetic fields" Int J Neurosci 86,1-2 33-45 7.1996 | |
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Linet, Hatch, Kleinerman, Robison, Kaune, Friedman, Severson, Haines,
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Kontrollen.. 24h-Messung Magnetfeld Schlafplatz durch Stromleitungen..
Wire-Codes.. 7 Gruppen <0.065uT bis >0.5uT.. 24% mehr ALL bei
>0.2uT vs. <0.065uT.. Faktor 3.39 mehr ALL bei 0.4-0.5uT.. Wire-Code
ohne Einfluss.. NCI-Studie.. ![]() |
Breitenfelder: "Stellenwert der Magnetfeldtherapie des Systems Kraus-Lechner bei der aseptischen Hüftkopfnekrose" Orthopädische Praxis 33,1 23-26 1997 Erfolg durch Ausräumung Nekroseherd + Spongiosaplastik + monatelange Magnetfeldtherapie 6, 12, 22Hz 60gauss.. | |
Liang, Hannan, Chang, Schoenlein: "Enhanced potency of daunorubicin against multidrug resistant subline KB-ChR-8-5-11 by a pulsed magnetic field" Anticancer Res 17,3C 2083-2088 1997 250 Pulse/s.. keine Mäuse starben in der Gruppe Magnetfelder alleine.. | |
Farrel, Litovitz, Penafiel: "The effect of pulsed and sinusoidal magnetic fields on the morphology of developing chick embryos" Bioelectromagnetics 18 431-438 1997 | |
Grassi-Schultheiss, Heller, Dobson: "Analysis of magnetic material in the human heart, spleen and liver" Biometals 10 351-355 1997 | |
Schmidt, Mannsåker: "Mercury and creatinine in urine of employees exposed to magnetic fields. A study of a group electrolysis-operators in Norzink A/S in Odda" Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 117,2 199-202 20.1.1997 | |
Blank, Soo: "Frequency dependence of Na,K-ATPase function in magnetic fields" Bioelectrochemistry Bioenergetics 42,2 231-234 5.1997 | |
Liboff: "Electric-field ion cyclotron resonance" Bioelectromagnetics 18,1 85 1997 Zyklotronresonanz.. | |
Blank, Goodman: "Do electromagnetic fields interact directly with DNA?" Bioelectromagnetics 18,2 111-115 1997 | |
Beale: "Psychological effects of chronic exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields" Bioelectromagnetics 18,8 548-594 1997 | |
Haag, Padberg, Möller: "Transkranielle Magnetstimulation (TMS) - Ein Diagnostikum aus der Neurologie als Therapeutikum in der Psychiatrie?" Nervenarzt 68 274-278 1997 | |
Ludwig: "Magnetische Wirbelsäulen-Durchflutung" Information für die Naturheilkunde 17 9 1997 | |
Kulsh: "Targeting a key enzyme in cell growth: a novel therapy for cancer" Med Hypotheses 49 297-300 1997 | |
Li, Xin, Gu, Xu, Fan, Ni: "Effects of direct current on dog liver: possible mechanisms for tumor electrochemical treatment" Bioelectromagnetics 18,1 2-7 1997 | |
Chou et al: "Development of electrochemical treatment at the City of Hope" Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine. Bologna, Italien 8-13 6.1997 | |
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Xin, Xue, Ge, Zhao, Shi, Zhang: "Electrochemical treatment of lung cancer" Bioelectromagnetics 18,1 8-13 1997 6-8V 40-100mA 100C/cm Durchmesser.. CR 25.6%, PR 46.4%.. | |
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Videos der 1. internationalen Rife-Konferenz
10.1997 ![]() * Dr. James Bare zeigt Rife-Bare-Plasma-Gerät im Betrieb, Don Tunney mit diversen Fallstudien * Linda Townsend über Bioenergetik des Blutes, Lichtfrequenzen, Pad-Geräte Dr. Loyd erklärt Abrams Diagnosegerät, Pad-Geräte, Blutreiniger, Violet Ray * Dr. Gary Gear erklärt Körper als organischen nichtlinearen Halbleiter, der auf Plasma reagiert.. Clark-Geräte und Lichtspektrum.. Martin Stolzenbach über medizinische Frequenzen.. Jason Ringas über Rifes Mikroskop und BX-Virus * Argon Quarz Demo, Phanotron, Entgiftungsprogramm, Padgeräte, UV-C, Magnetic strobe, SuperZap, Gerson und Reinigung |
Davanipour, Sobel, Bowman, Qian, Will: "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields" Bioelectromagnetics 18,1 1997 | |
Harland, Liburdy: "Environmental magnetic fields inhibit the antiproliferative action of tamoxifen and melatonin in a human breast cancer cell line" Bioelectromagnetics 18,8 555-562 1997 | |
Beale, Booth, Pearce: "Chronic health problems in adults living near high-voltage transmission lines: Evidence for a dose-response relation with magnetic field exposure" Bioelectromagnetics 18 584-594 1997 | |
Bortkiewicz, Zmyslony, Gadzicka, Palczynski, Szmigielski: "Ambulatory ECG monitoring in workers exposed to electromagnetic fields" J Med Eng and Tech 21,2 41-46 1997 | |
Carpenter: "Possible effects of electromagnetic fields on the nervous system and development" Mental Retardation Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 3,3 270-274 1997 | |
Graham, Cook, Riffle: "Human melatonin during continuous magnetic field exposure" Bioelectromagnetics 18,2 166-171 1997 | |
Vignati, Giuliani: "Radiofrequency exposure near high-voltage lines" Environmental Health Perspectives 105 Suppl 6 1569-1573 12.1997 überlagerte RF-Frequenzen auf Netzleitungen.. | |
Pakhomov, Prol, Mathur, Akyel, Campbell: "Frequency-specific effects of millimeter wavelength electromagnetic radiation in isolated nerve" Electro Magnetobiol 16 43-57 1997 | |
McCann, Kavet, Rafferty: "Testing electromagnetic fields for potential carcinogenic activity: a critical review of animal models" Environ Health Perspect 105(Suppl 1) 81-103 2.1997 | |
Repacholi: "Radiofrequency field exposure and cancer: What do the laboratory studies suggest?" Environmental Health Perspectives 105,6 1565-1568 12.1997 | |
Verkasalo, Kaprio, Varjonen, Romanov, Heikkila, Koskenvuo: "Magnetic fields of transmission lines and depression" Am J Epidemiol 146,12 1037-1045 15.12.1997 | |
Löscher, Mevissen: "Magnetic fields and breast cancer: experimental studies on the melatonin hypothesis" In: Stevens, Wilson, Anderson: "The melatonin hypothesis: breast cancer and use of electric power" Batelle, Columbus 555-584 1997 | |
Mainguy, Crochet, Danze: "Entwicklung neoplastischer Zellkulturen unter dem Einfluss elektromagnetischer Felder" "Evolution of neoplastic cells in culture under the influence of electromagnetic fields" Erfahrungsheilkunde, Acta Medica Empirica 398-404 7.1997 Patent WO2000004951 | |
Beale, Pearce, Conroy, Henning, Murrell: "Psychological effects of chronic exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields in humans living near extra-high-voltage transmission lines" Bioelectromagnetics 18,8 584-594 1997 | |
Lai, Singh: "Melatonin and N-tert-butyl-a-phenylnitrone block 60 Hz magnetic field-induced DNA single- and double-strands breaks in rat brain cells" J Pineal Res 22 152-162 1997 | |
Lai, Singh: "Melatonin and a spin-trap compound block radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells" Bioelectromagnetics 18,6 446-454 1997 | |
Lanera, Zapotosky, Colby: "Study of magnetic fields from power-frequency current on water lines" Bioelectromagnetics 18,4 307-316 1997 | |
Krauß, Grohmann: "Messung von peripheren Kreislaufparametern mit der nichtinvasiven NIRP-Methode bei pulsierender Magnetfeldtherapie mit dem Quantronic-Resonanz-System Salut 1" Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren 38,7 491-502 1997 | |
Schoenbach, Peterkin, Alden, Beebe: "The effect of pulsed electric fields on biological cells: experiments and applications" IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 25,2 4.1997 100V/cm-100kV/cm untersucht, 60ns für Bakterien.. | |
Landry, Sadasivan, Marino, Albright: "Electromagnetic fields can affect osteogenesis by increasing the rate of differentiation" Clin Orthop 338 262-270 1997 | |
Richards et al: "Double blind study of magnetic field effects on multiple sclerosis" J Alternative and Complementary Medicine 3,1 21-29 1997 | |
Harrison, Bassett: "The results of a double-blind trial of pulsed electromagnetic frequency in the treatment of Perthes' disease" J Pediatr Orthop 17,2 264-265 1997 | |
Beale: "The effects of electromagnetic fields on mental and physical health" J Child & Family Studies 6,3 273-288 9.1997 | |
Richards, Lappin, Acosta-Urquidi, Kraft, Heide, Lawrie, Merrill, Melton, Cunningham: "Double-blind study of pulsing magnetic field effects on multiple sclerosis" J Altern Complement Med 3,1 21-29 1997 4-13Hz, 50-100mgauss -> signifikante Besserung Blasenkontrolle, Merkvermögen, Müdigkeit, Beweglichkeit, Sehvermögen.. | |
Hisamitsu, Narita, Kasahara: "Induction of apoptosis in human leukemia cells by magnetic fields" Jpn J Physiol 47 307-310 1997 | |
Gorgun: "Studies on the interaction between electromagnetic
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durch 10mT 10Hz 20min/Tag.. Rückgang Metastasen/Schmerzen.. + Frau HT, 22 glioblastoma multiforme.. OP 2001.. erneut Tumor.. Überlebenszeit 6 Monate.. 4 Monate modulierte Magnetfelder.. meiste Symptome wie Müdigkeit, Zukunftssorgen, Benommenheit, motorische Störungen, Kommunikationsstörungen, Kopfschmerzen verschwanden in Wochen.. letzte Kernspinresonanzaufnahmen zeigen keine Tumoranzeichen.. Video + Frau ST, 26 glioblastoma multiforme.. OP, Bestrahlung, Chemo.. nachdem erneutem Auftreten erneut operiert.. wächst weiter.. 3 Monate modulierte Magnetfelder bringen Erfolg.. Video + Hemangisarkom kinderkopfgroß am linken Bein.. Blutung nicht stillbar, inoperabel, Amputation bevorstehend.. 8-9 Tage modulierte Magnetfelder.. Blutung gestoppt, Tumor auf Orangengröße verkleinert, operiert.. Video |
Carr: "Experimenting with magnetic sensors" Electronics Now 6 49-52 6.1998 | |
Carr: "Experimenting with magnetic sensors" Electronics Now 7 56-60 7.1998 | |
Robertson, Wemyss-Holden, Dennison, Hall, Baxter, Maddern: "Experimental study of electrolysis-induced hepatic necrosis" Br J Surg 85,9 1212-1216 9.1998 | |
Ikezoe, Hirota, Nakagawa, Kitazawa: "Making water levitate" Nature 393,6687 749-750 25.6.1998 Levitation durch starken Magnet.. Magneto-Archimedes levitation.. | |
Warnke: "Tendenzen und Mechanismen zur Wirkung pulsierender Magnetfelder bei Diabetes" 1998 | |
Löscher, Liburdy: "Animal and cellular studies on carcinogenic effects of low frequency (50/60-Hz) magnetic fields" Mutat Res 410,2 185-220 4.1998 | |
Otter, McLeod, Rubin: "Effects of electromagnetic fields in experimental fracture repair" Clin Orthopaedics and Rel Res 355S, S90-S104 1998 gutes Übersichtspapier zu elektromagnetischen Feldern und Frequenzen.. | |
Maisch, Rapley, Rowland, Podd: "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) - Is prolonged exposure to environmental level powerline frequency magnetic fields a co-factor to consider in treatment" ACNEM Journal 17,2 12.1998 | |
Mevissen, Haussler, Szamel, Emmendorffer, Thun-Battersby, Losch: "Complex effects of long-term 50 Hz magnetic field exposure in vivo on immune functions in female Sprague-Dawley rats depend on duration of exposure" Bioelectromagnetics 19,4 259-270 1998 | |
Jankauskiene, Paunksnis, Bluziene, Saulgozis: "The effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy" Eur J Ophthalmol 8,4 253-357 1998 | |
Lee, Berg: "Electromagnetic window effects on proliferation rate of corynebacterium glutamicum" Bioelectrochemistry Bioenergetics 45,2 261-265 5.1998 | |
Blank, Soo: "Enhancement of cytochrome oxidase activity in 60-Hz magnetic fields" Bioelectrochemistry Bioenergetics 45,2 253-259 5.1998 | |
US-Patent 5750072: oszillierendes Magnetfeld erhöht Wirksamkeit von versprühtem Sterilisiermittel wie z.B. H2O2.. Magnetfeld ändert frequenzabhängig Struktur von Bakterien/Pilzen/Viren.. Sangster, Bond 27.1.1997 -> 12.5.1998 | |
EP-Patent 995463: Magnetfeld zur Beeinflussung biologischer Abläufe. periodisches Bemer-Puls-Signal. Kafka 21.10.1998 -> 16.8.2001 | |
Patiakina, Antonian, Zagorskaia: "Treatment of subjective noise in the ear by impulse low-frequency electromagnetic field" Vestn Otoronolarigol 7, 59-60 1998 | |
Harris, Basten, Gebski, Noonan, Finnie, Bath, Bangay, Repacholi: "A test of lymphoma induction by long-term exposure of E mu-Pim1 transgenic mice to 50 Hz magnetic fields" Radiat Res 149,3 300-307 3.1998 | |
Blackman, Blanchard, Benane, House, Elder: "Double blind test of magnetic field effects on neurite outgrowth" Bioelectromagnetics 19,4 204-209 1998 | |
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Heermeier, Spanner, Träger, Gradinger, Strauss, Kraus, Schmidt: "Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) on collagen type I mRNA expression and extracellular matrix synthesis of human osteoblastic cells" Bioelectromagnetics 19,4 222-231 1998 | |
Braune, Wrocklage, Raczek, Gailus, Lücking: "Resting blood pressure increase during exposure to a radio-frequency electromagnetic field" Lancet 351,9119 1857-1858 20.6.1998 | |
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Wood, Armstrong, Sait, Devine, Martin: "Changes in human plasma melatonin profiles in response to 50 Hz magnetic field exposure" J Pineal Res 25,2 116-127 1998 | |
Lacy-Hulbert, Metcalfe, Hesketh: "Biological responses to electromagnetic fields" FASEB J 12,6 395-420 4.1998 ausführlicher Übersichtsartikel mit vielen Quellenangaben.. | |
Nicholas, Lackland, Butler, Mohr, Dunbar, Kaune, Grosche, Hoel: "Cosmic radiation and magnetic field exposure in airline flight crews" American J Industrial Medicine 34,6 574-580 1998 17mGauss im Cockpit, <3 in Economy, 6 in 1. Klasse.. kosmische Strahlung auf Knochenmark/Skelettgewebe 0.3-5.7 uSievert/h.. | |
Bonhomme-Faivre, Auclair, Marion, Bezie, Fredj, Hommeau: "Study of human neurovegetative and hematologic effects of environmental low-frequency (50-Hz) electromagnetic fields produced by transformers" Arch Environ Health 53,2 87-92 1998 | |
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Michaelis, Shuz, Meinert et al: "Combined risk estimates for two German population-based case-control studies on residential magnetic fields and childhood acute leukemia" Epidemiology 9 92-94 1998 Krebs in Sachsen vs. Berlin.. 2.3x mehr Leukämie bei 0.2uT im Mittel.. | |
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Sastre, Cook, Graham: "Nocturnal exposure to intermittent 60 Hz magnetic fields alters human cardiac rhythm" Bioelectromagnetics 19 98-106 1998 | |
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Löschinger, Thumm, Hämmerle, Rodemann: "Induction of intracellular calcium oscillations in human skin fibroblast populations by sinusoidal extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (20Hz, 8mT) is dependent on the differentiation state of the single cell" Radiation Res 151 195-200 1999 3Hz, 6.5mT und 60Hz, 22mT ändern Kalziumeinstrom abhängig von Differenzierung, Pulsform.. 20Hz, 8mT -> Effekt in 40min.. | |
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Prof. Pappas Theorie zu Krebs-Heilung durch Impulse ![]() |
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Linovitz, Pathria, Bernhardt, Green, Law, McGuire, Montesano, Rechtine, Salib, Ryaby, Faden, Ponder, Muenz, Magee, Garfin: "Combined magnetic fields accelerate and increase spine fusion: a double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled study" Spine 27,13 1383-1389 1.7.2002 Wirbelsäulenheilung durch Magnetfeld bei 64% in 9 Monaten vs. 43% Plazebo.. | |
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Nindl, Hughes, Johnson, Spandau, Vesper, Balcavage: "Effect of ultraviolet B radiation and 100 Hz electromagnetic fields on proliferation and DNA synthesis of Jurkat cells" Bioelectromagnetics 23,6 455-463 9.2002 Kombination UVB und 100Hz, 1mT reduziert DNA-Synthese -34% im Vergleich zu UVB allein.. | |
Padberg, Zwanzger, Keck, Kathmann, Mikhaiel, Ella, Rupprecht, Thoma, Hampel, Toschi, Möller: "Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in major depression: Relation between efficacy and stimulation intensity" Neuropsychopharmacology 27 638-645 2002 | |
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Quittan, Wiesinger, Fialka-Moser: "Klinische Wirksamkeiten der Magnetfeldtherapie" Acta Medica Austriaca 27,3 62-68 2002 | |
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Robison, Pendleton, Monson, Murray, O'Neill: "Decreased DNA repair rates and protection from heat induced apoptosis mediated by electromagnetic field exposure" Bioelectromagnetics 23,2 106-112 2.2002 Magnetfeld schützt vor Apoptose 12-48h nach Anwendung.. reduzierte DNA-Reparatur in 2 Zelllinien.. | |
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Stever, Kuhn: "Elektromagnetische Exposition als Einflussfaktor für Lernprozesse - ein Entwicklungsmodell der Bildungsinformatik mit Bienen als Bioindikator" Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft 44,4 179-183 2003 | |
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Hermelink: "Veränderung der Stimmungslage und der Befindlichkeit durch niederfrequente repetitive transkranielle Magnetstimulation: Untersuchungen zur Hemisphärenlateralisation bei gesunden Probanden am präfrontalen Kortex" Dissertation LMU München 2003 | |
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Pazur: "Characterisation of weak magnetic field effects in an aqueous glutamic acid solution by nonlinear dielectric spectroscopy and voltammetry" Biomagnetic Res Technology 2 8 2004 | |
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2004: FDA-Zulassung pulsierende Magnetfelder zur Heilung Gebärmutterriss.. Cervical fusion patients at high risk of non-fusion (Cervical Stim).. | |
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Mitsutake, Otsuka, Oinuma, Ferguson, Cornélissen, Wanliss, Halberg: "Does exposure to an artificial ULF magnetic field affect blood pressure, heart rate variability and mood?" Biomed Pharmacother 58,Suppl 1 S20-S27 10.2004 Versuche in abgeschirmtem Raum.. Wirkung geomagnetischer Pulsationen.. 50nT 0.0016Hz.. kein Effekt? | |
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Rihova: "The effect of pulsed electromagnetic field (BEMER 3000) on the growth of experimental mouse T cell lymphoma EL4" Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2004 | |
US-Patent 6787105: gezielte Reduzierung bestimmter Mikroorganismen durch gepulste Niederspannung. Spannung/Pulsfrequenz/Wellenform auf Erreger abgestimmt.. 60-180 Pulse/s.. 6-15kV.. überraschend wirksam.. Robbins 18.12.2001 -> 7.9.2004 | |
Cohen, Kaplan, Kotler, Kouperman, Moisa, Grisaru: "Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in posttraumatic stress disorder: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study" Am J Psychiatry 161,3 515-524 3.2004 Behandlung mit 10Hz zeigt Effekt.. | |
Marino, Nilsen, Chesson, Frilot: "Effect of low-frequency magnetic fields on brain electrical activity in human subjects" Clin Neurophysiol 115 1195-1201 2004 | |
Veliks, Ceihnere, Svikis, Aivars: "Static magnetic field influence on rat brain function detected by heart rate monitoring" Bioelectromagnetics 25,3 211-215 4.2004 Magnet auf Gehirn beeinflusst Herzrate, Rhythmus bei Ratten.. Herz wird langsamer, Arrythmie verschwindet.. | |
Carbon, Wübbeler, Mackert, Mackert, Ramsbacher, Trahms, Curio: "Non-invasive magnetic detection of human injury currents" Clin Neurophysiol 115,5 1027-1032 5.2004 Verletzungsstrom nichtinvasiv gemessen.. 49-Kanal-Magnetometer.. | |
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Sakurai, Satake, Sumi, Inoue, Miyakoshi: "An extremely low frequency magnetic field attenuates insulin secretion from the insulinoma cell line, RIN-m" Bioelectromagnetics 25,3 160-166 4.2004 5mT 60Hz reduzieren Insulinfreisetzung.. | |
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2006: FDA-Zulassung pulsierende Magnetfelder zur Behandlung Depression und Ängste.. | |
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Berg: "Elektromagnetische Wellen in der adjuvanten Krebstherapie" EHK 57 176-180 2008 guter Übersichtsartikel zu Magnetfeldern und Krebs.. | |
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Novikov, Novikov, Fesenko: "Effect of weak combined static and extremely low-frequency alternating magnetic fields on tumor growth in mice inoculated with the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma" Bioelectromagnetics 30,5 343-351 7.2009 Magnetfeld unterdrückt Tumoren: 1Hz, 4.4Hz, 16.5Hz oder Summe der Frequenzen.. 300,100,150-300nT.. Kombination mit statischem Magnetfeld 42mT.. unterdrückt Ehrlich-Ascites-Ca EAC in Mäusen.. | |
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Gmitrov: "Static magnetic field blood pressure buffering, baroreflex vs. vascular blood pressure control mechanism" Int J Radiat Biol 86,2 89-101 2.2010 Blutdruckerhöhung durch Magnet nicht so stark gesenkt wie durch Medikament.. | |
McLeod, Sandvik: "A biofilm growth protocol and the design of a magnetic field exposure setup to be used in the study of magnetic fields as a means of controlling bacterial biofilms" Bioelectromagnetics 31,1 56-63 1.2010 | |
Berg, Günther, Hilger, Radeva, Traitcheva, Wollweber: "Bioelectromagnetic field effects on cancer cells and mice tumors" Electromagnetic Biol Med 29,4 132-143 12.2010 ELF-Felder (mT) wirksam auf Krebszellen, bei Mäusen.. Apoptose, verhinderte Angiogenese, gestörtes Krebszellwachstum, Nekrose nichtinvasiv.. Lymphozyten kaum beeinflusst.. MX-1-Tumoren bei Mäusen gehemmt durch 15-20mT, 50Hz.. Kombination mit Hyperthermie.. Entwicklung Spulen 45-60cm Durchmesser.. >20mT im Innern.. | |
Emara, Moustafa, Elnahas, Elganzoury, Abdo, Mohamed, Eletribi: "Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation at 1Hz and 5Hz produces sustained improvement in motor function and disability after ischaemic stroke" Eur J Neurol 17,9 1203-1209 9.2010 | |
2011: FDA-Zulassung pulsierende Magnetfelder zur Behandlung Hirntumoren (Novocure's Optune).. | |
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Schmaus, Bagrets, Nahas, Yamada, Bork, Bowen, Beaurepaire, Evers, Wulfhekel: "Giant magnetoresistance through a single molecule" Nat Nanotechnol 6,3 185-189 3.2011 kleinste Magnetfeldsensoren für Leseköpfe von Festplatten.. 60% Widerstandsänderung bei nicht-magnetischem Wasserstoff-Phthalocyanin-Molekül.. | |
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Schofield, Connors, Russell: "NetPICOmag: A low-cost networked magnetometer and its applications" Earth Planets Space 64 279-297 2012 robustes Magnetometer.. | |
Tao, Huang: "Reducing blood viscosity with magnetic fields" Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 84,1 Pt 1 011905 7.2011 Verbesserung Blutviskosität 20-30% durch 1.3T 1min.. | |
Fisher, Rand: "Optically-induced charge separation and terahertz emission in unbiased dielectrics" J Appl Phys 109 064903 2011 Licht hat elektrische und magnetische Komponenten.. kann deutliche magnetische Felder erzeugen.. Solarzellen trennen Ladungen in symmetrischen Kristallen unter Lichteinfluss.. | |
Dotta, Buckner, Lafrenie, Persinger: "Photon emissions from human brain and cell culture exposed to distally rotating magnetic fields shared by separate light-stimulated brains and cells" Brain Res 1388 77-88 4.5.2011 | |
Hecht: "Das geomagnetische Feld als biologischer Regulator und dessen Sensibilität gegenüber elektromagnetischen Frequenzen" J Prev Medicine 7 28-34 7.2011 viele wichtige Literaturhinweise.. | |
Walzl, Medinger: "Schlafstörungen - das Risiko für Mitarbeiter und Unternehmer. Stabilisierte Magnetfelder als Ausweg?" J Prev Medicine 7 18-26 7.2011 | |
Sanchez, Navau, Prat, Chen: "Antimagnets: Controlling magnetic fields with superconductor-metamaterial hybrids" New J Phys 13,9 2011 Antimagneten.. | |
Eder, Cadiou, Muhamad, McNaughton, Kirschvink, Winklhofer: "Magnetic characterization of isolated candidate vertebrate magnetoreceptor cells" Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 9.7.2012 Magnetsinn bei Tieren durch Magnetit-Kristalle.. | |
Cho, Nam, Chu, Lee, Bang, Kim, Kim, Lee, Kim, Sul, Kim, Chung, Jeong: "Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields modulate nitric oxide signaling in rat brain" Bioelectromagnetics 33,7 568-574 10.2012 Magnetfeld erhöht NO im Gehirn vermutlich durch NOS.. | |
Vincenzi, Targa, Corciulo, Gessi, Merighi, Setti, Cadossi, Borea, Varani: "The anti-tumor effect of A3 adenosine receptors is potentiated by pulsed electromagnetic fields in cultured neural cancer cells" PLoS One 7,6 e39317 2012 gepulstes Magnetfeld vergrößert Antitumorwirkung.. | |
Fu: "The effects of magnetic fields on plant growth and health" Young Scientists J 11 38-42 2012 Pflanzenwachstum.. | |
Nelson, Zvirbulis, Pilla: "Non-invasive electromagnetic
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Parmar, Kulshreshtha, Singh: "The role of magnetic field intensity in blood flow through overlapping stenosed artery: A Herschel-Bulkley fluid model" Advances Applied Science Research 4,6 318-328 2013 mathematische Berechung Strömungsprofile im Blutgefäß und Beeinflussung durch Magnetfeld.. | |
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Fox, Buckner, Liu, Chakravarty, Lozano, Pascual-Leone: "Resting-state networks link invasive and noninvasive brain stimulation across diverse psychiatric and neurological diseases" PNAS 111,41 E4367-E4375 14.10.2014 Gehirnstimulation durch Ströme (deep brain stimulation DBS, transcranial direct current stimulation tDCS), pulsierende Magnetfelder (transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS).. 1-2mA Ströme.. 120-160Hz bei DBS.. Zittern, Parkinson.. 200 Literaturhinweise.. | |
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Mortazavi, Haghani, Rastegarian, Zarei, Mortazavi: "Increased release of mercury from dental amalgam fillings due to maternal exposure to electromagnetic fields as a possible mechanism for the high rates of autism in the offspring: Introducing a hypothesis" J Biomed Phys Eng 6,1 41-46 1.3.2016 mehr Quecksilber aus Amalgam durch elektromagnetische Felder als möglicher Faktor bei Autismus.. | |
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Wang, Hilburn, Wu, Mizuhara, Cousté, Abrahams, Bernstein, Matani, Shimojo, Kirschvink: "Transduction of the geomagnetic field as evidenced from alpha-band activity in the human brain" eNeuro 6,2 26.4.2019 Geomagnetfeld im EEG.. | |
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Pophof, Henschenmacher, Kattnig, Kuhne, Vian, Ziegelberger: "Biological effects of electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields from 0 to 100 MHz on fauna and flora: Workshop report" Health Physics 124,1 39-52 1.2023 EMF-Felder, Magnetfelder, induktive Energieübertragung, Streufelder, induzierte E-Felder, Induktionsheizung in Implantaten, Magnetsinn bei Vögeln, Insekten, Bienen, Meerestieren, Magnetit, Radikalpaarmechanismus.. | |
Gao et al: "Ricca's factors as mobile proteinaceous effectors of electrical signaling" Cell 186,7 1337-1351 30.3.2023 Verletzung an Blättern löst elektrische Signale aus die entfernte unbeschädigte Blätter erreichen.. Verletzungsstrom.. |
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